Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Motions on Notice'
- Councillor A. Bailes - Other disclosable - Councillor A. Bailes declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that he was in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or was now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. He advised Council that he intended to remain present at the meeting to observe the debate, although he took no part in that debate, and he was present for the vote thereon.
- Councillor B. Kumar - Other disclosable - Councillors S. J. Baxter, D. J. Forsythe, B. Kumar, B. M. McEldowney, M. Marshall, S. T. Nock and P. J. Whittaker declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that they were in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or were now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. They all indicated that they wished to remain present during consideration of this item and they therefore took part in the debate and voted thereon.
- Councillor B. M. McEldowney - Other disclosable - Councillors S. J. Baxter, D. J. Forsythe, B. Kumar, B. M. McEldowney, M. Marshall, S. T. Nock and P. J. Whittaker declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that they were in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or were now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. They all indicated that they wished to remain present during consideration of this item and they therefore took part in the debate and voted thereon.
- Councillor D. J. A. Forsythe - Other disclosable - Councillors S. J. Baxter, D. J. Forsythe, B. Kumar, B. M. McEldowney, M. Marshall, S. T. Nock and P. J. Whittaker declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that they were in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or were now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. They all indicated that they wished to remain present during consideration of this item and they therefore took part in the debate and voted thereon.
- Councillor E. M. S. Gray - Other disclosable - Councillors R. A. Bailes, E. M. S. Gray, B. Kumar, and S. R. Peters declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that they were in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or were now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. They all left the room during consideration of this Motion and took no part in the debate nor vote thereon.
- Councillor M. Marshall - Other disclosable - Councillors S. J. Baxter, D. J. Forsythe, B. Kumar, B. M. McEldowney, M. Marshall, S. T. Nock and P. J. Whittaker declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that they were in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or were now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. They all indicated that they wished to remain present during consideration of this item and they therefore took part in the debate and voted thereon.
- Councillor P. J. Whittaker - Other disclosable - Councillors S. J. Baxter, D. J. Forsythe, B. Kumar, B. M. McEldowney, M. Marshall, S. T. Nock and P. J. Whittaker declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that they were in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or were now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. They all indicated that they wished to remain present during consideration of this item and they therefore took part in the debate and voted thereon.
- Councillor R. A. Bailes - Other disclosable - Councillors R. A. Bailes, E. M. S. Gray, B. Kumar, and S. R. Peters declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that they were in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or were now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. They all left the room during consideration of this Motion and took no part in the debate nor vote thereon.
- Councillor S. J. Baxter - Other disclosable - Councillors S. J. Baxter, D. J. Forsythe, B. Kumar, B. M. McEldowney, M. Marshall, S. T. Nock and P. J. Whittaker declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that they were in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or were now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. They all indicated that they wished to remain present during consideration of this item and they therefore took part in the debate and voted thereon.
- Councillor S. R. Peters - Other disclosable - Councillors R. A. Bailes, E. M. S. Gray, B. Kumar, and S. R. Peters declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that they were in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or were now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. They all left the room during consideration of this Motion and took no part in the debate nor vote thereon.
- Councillor S.T. Nock - Other disclosable - Councillors S. J. Baxter, D. J. Forsythe, B. Kumar, B. M. McEldowney, M. Marshall, S. T. Nock and P. J. Whittaker declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that they were in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or were now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. They all indicated that they wished to remain present during consideration of this item and they therefore took part in the debate and voted thereon.