Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday 4th September 2013 6.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Rosemary Cole  Sheena Jones

No. Item


apologies for absence


No apologies for absence were received.


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.


minutes pdf icon PDF 109 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 3rd July 2013 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Overview and Scrutiny Board pdf icon PDF 55 KB

(a)       To receive and note the minutes

(b)       To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes



The minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 15th July 2013 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes be noted.


Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee pdf icon PDF 64 KB

(a)       To receive and note the minutes

(b)       To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes



The minutes of the meeting of the Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee held on 27th June 2013 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes be noted.



Shared Services Board pdf icon PDF 131 KB

(a)       To receive and note the minutes

(b)       To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes



The minutes of the meeting of the Shared Services Board held on 4th July 2013 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes be noted.



Bromsgrove District Plan 2011-2030 pdf icon PDF 225 KB

Please note that, for the paper copies of the agenda, due to their size the appendices have been printed separately.


Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report in relation to the Bromsgrove District Plan 2011-2030. It was noted that the report outlined the work undertaken on the Plan to date, provided a summary of the Plan policies and was seeking approval for the further stages of the Plan production culminating in an Examination in Public during the middle of 2014.


In addition it was noted that the report also included officer responses, which Members were requested to endorse, on the recently completed Housing Growth Consultation. The results of the consultation had been incorporated wherever possible into policy RCBD1 Redditch Cross Boundary Development.


It was reported that an updated Appendix A relating to the Redditch housing growth consultation had been produced and circulated which included further comments provided by Worcestershire County Council Highways. The Strategic Planning Officer outlined the processes which had been followed by officers in both Redditch and Bromsgrove in the evaluation and assessment of sites to accommodate the required levels of cross boundary growth.  


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and the Strategic Planning Manager reminded the Cabinet of the various stages through which the Plan had progressed over a number of years. These were detailed in sections 3.10 to 3.21 of the report. The changes required by central government through the introduction and then the abolition of the Regional Spatial Strategy and also the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework  had obviously had an impact upon the production of the Plan and associated documents. 


Representations would be invited by this Council on the soundness of the Plan and it was important that respondents were aware of how to make any representations and to provide some detail as to why they felt the Plan may be sound or unsound. Guidance notes would be produced and a number of “drop in” sessions would be undertaken in order to make available to respondents information and assistance on the submission of effective representations during the six week representation period.


The Strategic Planning Manager reminded Members that following the representation period the Inspector appointed would be considering whether the plan published at this stage had been produced in accordance with the tests of soundness as set out in section 3.5 of the report.


Attention was also drawn to an amendment required to the plan in relation to policy BDP5B table 3 where the number of houses already with permission should read 283. In addition it was reported there was an outstanding objection to the deletion of policy RUB5 in the current local plan from a Member. It was intended this would be clarified prior to the Council meeting on 25th September 2013.  



(a)       that the officer responses to consultation held on Redditch Housing Growth set out in updated Appendix A be endorsed;

(b)       that the Proposed Submission Bromsgrove District Plan 2011-2030 (Appendix B), Policies Map (Appendix C) and Sustainability Appraisal (Appendix D) be approved for representations to be made by all interested parties during the representation period commencing 30th September 2013  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27.


Changes to the Scheme of Fees and Charges for Non-Statutory Planning Advice pdf icon PDF 151 KB


The Cabinet considered a report in relation to a proposed revision to the Scheme of Fees and Charges made in respect of non-statutory planning advice.


Members noted that the on–going transformation work within the Planning Team had suggested that the changes to the Scheme of Fees and Charges proposed would assist with providing good quality customer services and improving the efficiency and flexibility of the working practices of staff within the office.


 It was noted that it was intended to remove charges for permitted development applications and to retain charges for pre application advice only in respect of new residential development or conversion to new residential development. The charges would therefore no longer apply to applications relating to employment or leisure. Whilst this would result in a loss of income of approximately £12,000 it was felt that much of this would be met from savings realised from the costs provision of the service


It was reported that the fees had not been increased in April 2013 in view of the likely changes and it was therefore proposed that that the changes be introduced from 1st October 2013 and that the fees be increased by 5 per cent in April 2014.



(a)       that the Fees and Charges  Scheme and Schedule as contained in Appendix 1 to come into effect from 1st October 2013 until 31st March 2014 be approved; and

(b)       that the Fees and Charges Schedule  as contained in Appendix 2 to come into effect as from 1st April 2014 be approved.    


Report of the Youth Provision Task Group pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:


The Leader invited the Chairman of the Task Group Councillor J. M. L. A. Griffiths to introduce the report of the Task Group on Youth Provision.


Councillor Griffiths explained the work the Task Group had undertaken in highlighting the provision for young people and thanked the Members of the Task Group and officers for their work.


The Cabinet then considered the recommendations of the Task Group in detail and sought clarification on some issues from Councillor Griffiths.


The Leader thanked Councillor Griffiths and the other Members of the Task Group for their work which had resulted in some good recommendations.


Recommendation 1


That Worcestershire County Council ensures that regular meetings between the commissioner and local providers of Positive Activities (within the Bromsgrove District) take place to ensure there is no overlap of services and to enable best practices to be shared.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


Councillor M. J. A. Webb indicated he was happy to attend a future meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board when the Cabinet response was discussed by the Board. There was concern that Positive Activities would suffer as a result of County Council budget cuts. The Leader indicated he had been discussing this with the Leader of the County Council in order to understand the extent of potential cuts so that alternative budget provision could be considered by this Council.  


Recommendation 2


That Bromsgrove District Council writes to Worcestershire County Council highlighting its concerns in respect of the limited life span and uncertainty over the provision of a building for the youth services provided by EPIC in the Rubery Ward.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


Members were concerned that little progress appeared to have been made by the County Council in identifying alternative accommodation. Whilst there was Youth provision at Longbridge and cross boundary working should help to alleviate the situation it was important there was provision within this District.


Recommendation 3


That Worcestershire County Council ensure that the activities, which should focus on the Town Centre and provided by the £15,000 from Sandwell Leisure Trust, are commissioned through the Positive Activities process to ensure that no further delays occur.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


The Cabinet queried however whether the County Council had in fact provided the £15,000 funding rather than Sandwell Leisure Trust and also what the situation would be if the money was not spent within the year i.e. would it be carried over to the following year.


Recommendation 4


That Bromsgrove District Councillors familiarise themselves with all facilities for young people within their Ward and build relationships with local providers where appropriate. 


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


The Cabinet felt however that it was for Group Leaders to deal with this recommendation rather than the Leader.


Recommendation 5


That through the Local Strategic Partnership’s Balanced Communities Group a process is found whereby all providers of youth activities throughout Bromsgrove District are given an opportunity to support each other and share ideas and best practice.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


Recommendation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Review of Service Provision - Bromsgrove Customer Service Centre pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report on a review of service provision at the Customer Services Centre.


Members noted that there had been a reduction in demand at the Customer Service Centre over the past few years. Data had been collected throughout 2012/2013 and this had shown that the average number of customers on a Saturday morning was 62 compared to 465 on a week day.


The report outlined the changes in the way customer demand was dealt with including the unavailability of a variety service experts on a Saturday morning, which often meant that customer enquiries could not be dealt with at that time.


It was intended that the staffing resources be realigned to the weekdays when they were most needed and when a higher level of service could be provided. It was also intended to inform customers of the proposed change and to allow sufficient time for this the change would not be introduced until January 2014.


RESOLVED that the opening hours of the Customer Service Centre be amended to Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm.  




Annual Local Strategic Partnership Report pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the Bromsgrove Partnership’s Annual Report which provided an overview of the work of the Local Strategic Partnership during 2012/2013.


Members felt the report was clear and comprehensive. It was suggested that in future years the names of the representatives of partner organisations be included at the front of the report.


RESOLVED that the Bromsgrove Partnership’s Annual Report 2012/2013 be approved.  


Annual Governance Statement - 2012/2013 pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the Annual Governance Statement for inclusion in the Statement of Accounts 2012/2013.


RESOLVED that the Annual Governance Statement be included in the Statement of Accounts 2012/2013.



Capital Programme - Bromsgrove Town Centre, Public Realm Improvements pdf icon PDF 108 KB


This item was deferred as additional information was required from Worcestershire County Council.



Finance Monitoring Report - Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report on the Council’s financial position for the period April to June 2013.


Members considered the revenue and capital spending for each department. It was noted that there was a need to maintain savings and that Portfolio Holders would be working closely with Heads of Service to deliver the levels of savings identified during the budget process.


The Executive Director (Finance and Resources) reminded the Cabinet that the details of savings contained in Appendix 2 to the report were indicative of the possible savings which could be made.


The Cabinet also considered the proposed amendments to the Capital Programme 2013/14 to 2015/16.  


RESOLVED  that the current financial position in respect of revenue and capital as detailed in the report be noted and that officers be requested to consider actions to enable the predicted overspend to be mitigated as far as possible.



(a)       that the amendments to the Capital Programme as set out in Appendix 3 to the report be approved as follows:


2013/2014 – reduction of £115,000

2014/2015 – increase of £276,000

2015/2016 – increase of £1,000,008


(b)       that £28,000 be utilised from earmarked reserves in respect of Civil Parking Enforcement set up costs.



Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership - Supervisory Board pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report on the current position regarding the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). The report detailed the need to agree a format of governance necessary to ensure the appropriate legal mandate is in place for decisions made by the LEP in relation to the expenditure of any funds devolved to the LEP under a Single Local Growth Fund.


It was noted that in order to satisfy the Government’s requirement for LEPs to be able to demonstrate arrangements were in place for delivering their Strategic Economic Plan, work had been undertaken over the past few months to develop proposals for the establishment of a Supervisory Board as a Joint Committee. Each Local Authority within the LEP would need to delegate functions to the Board.


The Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services reported that further discussions at officer level were to take place in respect of detailed arrangements for the Board.



(a)       that the creation of a Joint Committee to act as a Supervisory Board for the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 be approved, with voting representatives appointed by each constituent Local Authority and non-voting business representatives and that the Terms of Reference set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved;

(b)       that functions relating to the bidding for and approval of schemes and expenditure of funds devolved under the Single Local Growth Fund be delegated to the Joint Committee;

(c)        that the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services be authorised to agree and enter into all necessary legal documents to effect the above decisions and to update the Council Constitution accordingly;



(a)       that the Leader of the Council be appointed on  an Ex Officio basis as the representative of Bromsgrove District Council on the Joint Committee;

(b)       that the Deputy Leader of the Council be appointed as the substitute Bromsgrove District Council Representative on the Joint Committee;

(c)        that the need to create a Joint Scrutiny Committee to review or scrutinise decisions made or other action taken in connection with the discharge of any functions which are the responsibility of the Supervisory Board be noted; and

(d)       that authority be delegated to the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services in consultation with group leaders to agree the Terms of Reference and the Council’s representative for the Scrutiny Committee and to make the necessary consequential changes to the Council Constitution.            


Operating Arrangements for the Local Transport Board pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report on the proposed establishment of a Joint Committee to act as the Local Transport Board for the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).


Members noted that the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP had proposed the establishment of a Joint Committee to act as the Local Transport Board for the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP. This would then be able to receive major scheme funding from the Department for Transport from 2015.


Whilst the proposal to appoint Councillor J. P. Campion of Wyre Forest District Council as the North Worcestershire (Bromsgrove District Council, Redditch Borough Council and Wyre Forest District Council) representative with Councillor P. Mould of Redditch Borough Council as the substitute Member, was noted, it was reported that each individual Council would have the ability to submit Business Cases on its own behalf. 



(a)       that the creation of a Joint Committee to act as the Local Transport Board for the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP  in accordance with Section 102 of the Local Government Act be approved;

(b)       that functions relating to the approval of Local Transport Schemes in the area of the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP be delegated to the Joint Committee together with the bidding for and the expenditure of funds devolved to the Joint Committee under the Local Major Transport Scheme capital funding;

(c)        that the Terms of Reference of the Local Transport Board as set out in Appendix 3 to the report and the Local Transport Board Assurance Framework as set out in Appendix 4 to the report be approved;

 (d)      that authority be delegated to the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services to agree and enter into all necessary legal documents to effect the above decisions and to update the Council Constitution accordingly.



(a)       that Councillor J. P. Campion (Wyre Forest DC)  be appointed to the Local Transport Board as a representative of Bromsgrove DC, Redditch BC and Wyre Forest DC, with Councillor P. Mould (Redditch BC) as the substitute Member.



Asset of Community Value Register - The Dodford Inn

Further to consideration of this item at the last meeting of the Cabinet (minute no. 20/13 of 3rd July) to receive an update on the application for the Dodford Inn to be registered as an Asset of Community Value.



Consideration of this item was deferred as further information was awaited from Dodford with Grafton Parish Council.