Agenda item

Report of the Youth Provision Task Group


The Leader invited the Chairman of the Task Group Councillor J. M. L. A. Griffiths to introduce the report of the Task Group on Youth Provision.


Councillor Griffiths explained the work the Task Group had undertaken in highlighting the provision for young people and thanked the Members of the Task Group and officers for their work.


The Cabinet then considered the recommendations of the Task Group in detail and sought clarification on some issues from Councillor Griffiths.


The Leader thanked Councillor Griffiths and the other Members of the Task Group for their work which had resulted in some good recommendations.


Recommendation 1


That Worcestershire County Council ensures that regular meetings between the commissioner and local providers of Positive Activities (within the Bromsgrove District) take place to ensure there is no overlap of services and to enable best practices to be shared.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


Councillor M. J. A. Webb indicated he was happy to attend a future meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board when the Cabinet response was discussed by the Board. There was concern that Positive Activities would suffer as a result of County Council budget cuts. The Leader indicated he had been discussing this with the Leader of the County Council in order to understand the extent of potential cuts so that alternative budget provision could be considered by this Council.  


Recommendation 2


That Bromsgrove District Council writes to Worcestershire County Council highlighting its concerns in respect of the limited life span and uncertainty over the provision of a building for the youth services provided by EPIC in the Rubery Ward.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


Members were concerned that little progress appeared to have been made by the County Council in identifying alternative accommodation. Whilst there was Youth provision at Longbridge and cross boundary working should help to alleviate the situation it was important there was provision within this District.


Recommendation 3


That Worcestershire County Council ensure that the activities, which should focus on the Town Centre and provided by the £15,000 from Sandwell Leisure Trust, are commissioned through the Positive Activities process to ensure that no further delays occur.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


The Cabinet queried however whether the County Council had in fact provided the £15,000 funding rather than Sandwell Leisure Trust and also what the situation would be if the money was not spent within the year i.e. would it be carried over to the following year.


Recommendation 4


That Bromsgrove District Councillors familiarise themselves with all facilities for young people within their Ward and build relationships with local providers where appropriate. 


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


The Cabinet felt however that it was for Group Leaders to deal with this recommendation rather than the Leader.


Recommendation 5


That through the Local Strategic Partnership’s Balanced Communities Group a process is found whereby all providers of youth activities throughout Bromsgrove District are given an opportunity to support each other and share ideas and best practice.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


Recommendation 6


That the Chairman of the Task Group (supported by Democratic Services Officers) gives a presentation of the Task Group’s findings to the County Association of Local Councils in order to encourage Parish Councils to support local Youth Groups.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed   


Recommendation 7

That Bromsgrove District Council launches a Twitter campaign to promote activities for young people across the District.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


The Cabinet did request however that it be confirmed that there would be no cost implications in respect of this recommendation.


Recommendation 8


That Bromsgrove District Council uses active young people to help with and schedule the Twitter campaign including creating the # tag.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


The Cabinet did request however that it be confirmed that there would be no cost implications in respect of this recommendation.


Recommendation 9


That via Twitter, Bromsgrove District Council carries out a consultation on youth activities in the District including which activities young people would like to see more/less of.


Cabinet Response


This was agreed.


The Cabinet did request however that it be confirmed that there would be no cost implications in respect of this recommendation.


Recommendation 10


That the Overview and Scrutiny Board includes within its Work Programme an investigation into the provision of services available to disaffected young people and those not in education, employment or training within the District.


Cabinet Response


The Cabinet supported this proposal.


It was also felt Councillor M. A. Sherrey was the most appropriate Portfolio Holder in respect of this recommendation.  



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