Councillor M. Marshall - Information - With reference to the Question about biodiversity, Councillor Marshall is a member of Worcestershire Wildlife Trust.
Councillor M. Marshall - Other disclosable - Councillor M. Marshall declared that he would be addressing the Committee as Ward Councillor in relation to Agenda Item No.7 – 23/01400/FUL - Land Rear Of 17-19 Willow Gardens and Agenda Item No.8 - 23/01401/FUL - Land Rear Of 8 - 14 (Evens) Willow Gardens. Councillor C. Marshall retired from to the public gallery during the Officers presentations and left the meeting room prior to the consideration of this item after making his representations during the public speaking.
Councillor M. Marshall - Other disclosable - Councillor M. Marshall declared that he would be addressing the Committee as Ward Councillor in relation to Agenda Item No.7 – 23/01400/FUL - Land Rear Of 17-19 Willow Gardens and Agenda Item No.8 - 23/01401/FUL - Land Rear Of 8 - 14 (Evens) Willow Gardens. Councillor C. Marshall retired from to the public gallery during the Officers presentations and left the meeting room prior to the consideration of this item after making his representations during the public speaking.
Councillor M. Marshall - Other disclosable - Councillors S. J. Baxter, D. J. Forsythe, B. Kumar, B. M. McEldowney, M. Marshall, S. T. Nock and P. J. Whittaker declared an other registerable interest in respect of Minute Item No. 52/24 concerning the first Motion on Notice for consideration at the meeting in that they were in receipt of the State Pension and therefore had previously received or were now eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment. They all indicated that they wished to remain present during consideration of this item and they therefore took part in the debate and voted thereon.