Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Recommendations from the Cabinet'
- Councillor H. J. Jones - Other disclosable - Councillor H. Jones declared an other interest in agenda item no. 14i, minute number 54\23, Recommendations from Cabinet, Equal Opportunities Annual Report, in relation to the Small Grants Scheme, as she was a leader of a scout group which had been awarded a grant.
- Councillor K. J. May - Other disclosable - The following Councillors declared an other interest in agenda item 14iii, minute number 54/23, Upgrading of Sewage Treatment Plants, as local members:
Councillors K. May, S.T. Nock and P. Whittaker – Frankley Green
Councillors K. Taylor and S. Webb (as County Councillors) – Dodford and Tutnall.
- Councillor K. Taylor - Other disclosable - The following Councillors declared an other interest in agenda item 14iii, minute number 54/23, Upgrading of Sewage Treatment Plants, as local members:
Councillors K. May, S.T. Nock and P. Whittaker – Frankley Green
Councillors K. Taylor and S. Webb (as County Councillors) – Dodford and Tutnall.
- Councillor P. J. Whittaker - Other disclosable - Councillor H. Jones declared an other interest in agenda item no. 14i, minute number 54\23, Recommendations from Cabinet, Equal Opportunities Annual Report, in relation to the Small Grants Scheme, as she was a leader of a scout group which had been awarded a grant.
The following Councillors declared an other interest in agenda item 14iii, minute number 54/23, Upgrading of Sewage Treatment Plants, as local members:
Councillors K. May, S.T. Nock and P. Whittaker – Frankley Green
Councillors K. Taylor and S. Webb (as County Councillors) – Dodford and Tutnall.
- Councillor P. J. Whittaker - Other disclosable - With reference to Upgrading of Sewage Plants, Councillor Whittaker reported that there was a plant at Tutnall in his ward. (N.B. interest minuted as Frankley in error)
- Councillor S. A. Webb - Other disclosable - The following Councillors declared an other interest in agenda item 14iii, minute number 54/23, Upgrading of Sewage Treatment Plants, as local members:
Councillors K. May, S.T. Nock and P. Whittaker – Frankley Green
Councillors K. Taylor and S. Webb (as County Councillors) – Dodford and Tutnall.
- Councillor S.T. Nock - Other disclosable - Councillor H. Jones declared an other interest in agenda item no. 14i, minute number 54\23, Recommendations from Cabinet, Equal Opportunities Annual Report, in relation to the Small Grants Scheme, as she was a leader of a scout group which had been awarded a grant.
The following Councillors declared an other interest in agenda item 14iii, minute number 54/23, Upgrading of Sewage Treatment Plants, as local members:
Councillors K. May, S.T. Nock and P. Whittaker – Frankley Green
Councillors K. Taylor and S. Webb (as County Councillors) – Dodford and Tutnall.