Agenda and minutes

NHB Community Grants Panel (replaced by the Community Grants Panel March 2021) - Wednesday 16th November 2016 4.30 p.m.

Venue: Parkside Committee - Parkside. View directions

Contact: Amanda Scarce, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item




Councillor Baxter welcomed those members of the public present and explained the format and purpose of the meeting, highlighting that each applicant had been given a five minute time slot in which to present their application and respond to questions from Members.


Apologies for absence and named substitutes


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Denaro and Mallett with Councillors Thomas and Bloore acting as substitutes respectively.



Declarations of interest


Councillor Bloore declared an other disclosable interest in that the applicant for applications 1, 2, 3 and 4 was known to him.



Background Information pdf icon PDF 66 KB


Councillor Baxter gave a brief overview of the New Homes Bonus Community Grants Scheme and explained the purpose of the meeting was to give each applicant, from this second round of applications, a five minute time slot in which to present their application and respond to questions from Members.


It was confirmed that a decision would not be given this evening, but applicants would be advised of the Panel’s decision and its recommendations which would be considered at the Cabinet meeting to be held on 7th December 2016, with formal confirmation of the outcome of the bids being given within 5 working days of that meeting.


Presentation Timetable pdf icon PDF 134 KB


The timetable highlighted when each application would be considered.



Summary of Applications pdf icon PDF 166 KB

Additional documents:


Application 1 - Day Trip to the Black Country Museum (The Challenge Stroke Group)


Mr Tony Maslen explained that the Group had been formed in 1986 and was a registered charity.  It had originally been based at the old Community Centre in Rubery, but now met at the Longbridge Methodist Church, although it still had a lot of members from the Ruibery area.  Meetings were held every Thursday for 2 to 3 hours and the members were collected by a specially adapted minibus.  Funding was achieved through raffles and collections at local supermarkets.  They did occasionally have short trips to a local café and had held an annual visit to Gloucester with a trip down the river on a specially adapted boat.  This would be an opportunity for them to enjoy a day trip to somewhere of local interest, which they would not otherwise be able to do.  As only a contribution to the trip was being asked for Members asked where the remainder of funds would come from and Mr Maslen confirmed this would be from the Group’s own funds.


Application 2 – Community Fun Day (Rubery Festival)


Mr Tony Maslen advised that the previous year the Fun Day had been attended by 2,000 local residents, but that it was difficult to find funds to make it a bigger attraction.  It was an opportunity for local charities and groups to show case their work and raise funds, with a minimal outlay for a stall.  It was a family event with lots on show for the residents to see.  Members asked whether sponsorship had been sought and Mr Maslen explained that in the past Rover at Longbridge had supported them, but currently many of the local traders were struggling and sponsorship had only been received in the form of raffle prizes from local shops.


Application 3 – Rubery’s Got Talent Intergenerational Event (Rubery Festival Committee)


Mr Tony Maslen explained that this event had been held for the last couple of years and was split into 3 age range categories.  There had been some success with participants appearing on TV and a number of acts being able to make a living and being well known in the local area.  The funds would go towards the overheads, such as hire of sound systems etc.  The event took place prior to the Fun Day, with the winner being able to perform at the main event.  Members raised concerns that the Constitution of the Festival Committee referred to only one event taking place and suggested that this should be updated in line with current arrangements.


Application 4 – Volunteer Event (Rubery Festival Committee)


Mr Tony Maslen explained that this was an event for local volunteers as a thank you for all their hard work.  It was anticipated that it would include a wide variety of volunteers ranging from local charities to residents who simply did shopping for elderly neighbours for example.  A free venue had been sourced and the funds  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18/16


Further consideration of the Hagley Pavilion Application pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Following consideration of the first round of applications, Cabinet requested that the Panel re-consider the award made to this application.




Councillor Steve Colella attended the meeting on behalf of the Parish Council and thanked the Panel for the opportunity to further put the case for this project.  As the presentation for this in the first round had concentrated on the football aspect of the use of the Pavilion, Councillor Colella gave a detailed account of the buildings community use and the Parish Council’s involvement. It was highlighted that it wold be used as an opportunity for the Council’s Sports Development and Health and Wellbeing Teams to provide a much needed service outside of Bromsgrove, not just for Hagley but the outlying communities.  The Parish Council already supported a number of services including the library and community bus service.  The project was both viable and sustainable for future generations in the area.


Following Councillor Colella’s presentation Members raised a number of points:


·         The current condition of the changing rooms and the potential to loose members of the football club if the facilities were not improved.

·         Where the remainder of the funds would come from – Councillor Colella explained that the process which the Parish Council had followed in order to obtain funding from the Football Federation and that the work needed to begin as soon as possible to secure that funding.

·         Where the Pavilion sat in the Parish Council’s priorities – Councillor Colella explained that almost 2 years ago a strategic plan had been put together with the aim of supporting community cohesion and assets.  The priorities of that Plan were boundary changes, neighbourhood plan and the Pavilion.  These were not ranked in any particular order but the Parish Council had been in discussions with the Football Federation and Worcestershire FA for over 2 years.




Confirmation of amendments made to allocation of funds for Round 1 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Members to confirm the allocation of funds in Round 1 as detailed on the attached schedule.




Members agreed the small changes which had taken place in the allocation of the funds following the first round of bids being agreed.



Outstanding Bids from 2015/16

Members to give further consideration to any outstanding bids from the 2015/16 scheme, which were agreed at Cabinet on 2nd November 2015.



Following discussion Members agreed that the offer of a grant for 2015/16 of £15,000 for Hagley Tennis Club would be withdrawn, as from the information provided to Members it was clear that they had not fulfilled any of the criteria set down in the offer. Members further agreed that the funds should be returned to the 2015/16 carried forward figure, which would give a total grant sum now remaining of £27,324.