Agenda item

Summary of Applications


Application 1 - Day Trip to the Black Country Museum (The Challenge Stroke Group)


Mr Tony Maslen explained that the Group had been formed in 1986 and was a registered charity.  It had originally been based at the old Community Centre in Rubery, but now met at the Longbridge Methodist Church, although it still had a lot of members from the Ruibery area.  Meetings were held every Thursday for 2 to 3 hours and the members were collected by a specially adapted minibus.  Funding was achieved through raffles and collections at local supermarkets.  They did occasionally have short trips to a local café and had held an annual visit to Gloucester with a trip down the river on a specially adapted boat.  This would be an opportunity for them to enjoy a day trip to somewhere of local interest, which they would not otherwise be able to do.  As only a contribution to the trip was being asked for Members asked where the remainder of funds would come from and Mr Maslen confirmed this would be from the Group’s own funds.


Application 2 – Community Fun Day (Rubery Festival)


Mr Tony Maslen advised that the previous year the Fun Day had been attended by 2,000 local residents, but that it was difficult to find funds to make it a bigger attraction.  It was an opportunity for local charities and groups to show case their work and raise funds, with a minimal outlay for a stall.  It was a family event with lots on show for the residents to see.  Members asked whether sponsorship had been sought and Mr Maslen explained that in the past Rover at Longbridge had supported them, but currently many of the local traders were struggling and sponsorship had only been received in the form of raffle prizes from local shops.


Application 3 – Rubery’s Got Talent Intergenerational Event (Rubery Festival Committee)


Mr Tony Maslen explained that this event had been held for the last couple of years and was split into 3 age range categories.  There had been some success with participants appearing on TV and a number of acts being able to make a living and being well known in the local area.  The funds would go towards the overheads, such as hire of sound systems etc.  The event took place prior to the Fun Day, with the winner being able to perform at the main event.  Members raised concerns that the Constitution of the Festival Committee referred to only one event taking place and suggested that this should be updated in line with current arrangements.


Application 4 – Volunteer Event (Rubery Festival Committee)


Mr Tony Maslen explained that this was an event for local volunteers as a thank you for all their hard work.  It was anticipated that it would include a wide variety of volunteers ranging from local charities to residents who simply did shopping for elderly neighbours for example.  A free venue had been sourced and the funds would go towards a small buffet and entertainment for the evening event.  Mr Maslen confirmed to Members that the event would be for volunteers based in Rubery.


Application 5 – Stackable Tables and trolley (Tardebigge Community Hall)


Councillor Peter Whittaker explained that the Community Hall had been built with a Lottery grant a number of years ago and whilst the tables had been useable they were very heavy and difficult for hirers of the Hall to move around.  The Hall was well used by the school during term time and other local groups on a regular basis.  Members discussed any funds form balances which could be used and whether there was other maintenance work which needed to be carried out.


Application 6 – Wiggin Memorial Park (Alvechurch Parish Council)


In the absence of a representative from the Parish Council attending to present the application, Members considered the information provided. 


Application 7 – 2 x Defibrillators (Councillor Shirley Webb)


Councillor Shirley Webb attended together with Rob Underwood from the Charlotte and Craig Saving Hearts Foundation to explain the role of the charity and the importance of the availability of defibrillators.  Councillor Webb wished to have 2 defibrillators located in Catshill and after making enquiries with various sources she had contacted Mr Underwood who had provided the necessary cost details and explained that the Foundation was able to source the best price and installation cost and provide training in the use of the defibrillators.  The Parish Council had been approached and they had agreed to cover any ongoing maintenance costs.  Councillor Baxter questioned the costs as she had been made aware of a donation to the West Midlands Ambulance Service which had been made specifically for defibrillators.  Mr Underwood explained that he had been aware of this; however when he had made enquiries he had been informed that the funding was specifically for very rural areas only and the areas he had highlighted did not fall within that category.  Members felt this was a very worthy cause and were keen to ensure that 2 were sufficient for the area to be covered.


Application 8 – Arundel Road Public Open Space and Oakalls Play Area (Councillor Caroline Spencer)


Councillor Caroline Spencer gave background information to the scheme she was proposing and confirmed that she had contacted Council officers and received details of the cost of the work.  They were areas which had been brought to Councillor Spencer’s attention by local residents on a number of occasions and would have a positive impact on both areas, particularly for those with wheelchairs and buggies.  The improvements which were proposed would ensure the best possible outcome at a minimal cost and would be low maintenance.  Members raised concerns around the information provided; as it was believed it should be the responsibility of the Council to maintain the open spaces and therefore was not something which should fall within the scope of the Panel.


Application 9 – Resurfacing entrance to the Community Hall (Tutnall & Cobley Parish Council)


Councillor Peter Whittaker explained that the Community had been built in about 2004 and gave details in respect of the entrance road, which currently needed a lot of maintenance and therefore not cost effect.  It was planned that this would be replaced with a much more substantial surface in order to reduce the need for ongoing maintenance work.  It was confirmed that this work was carried out by volunteers.  Members queried what funds were available in the Parish Council’s accounts and whether this was allocated to other projects.  Councillor Whittaker confirmed that there was a commitment for general maintenance work, but this did not include the replacement of the road surface.  If the funds were not forthcoming then the Parish Council would have to consider whether it was appropriate to increase the Parish Precept to cover the cost.


Application 10 – Replacement Fencing (Finstall Village Hall Committee)


Councillor Peter Whittaker explained that the Village Hall had been gifted to Finstall by Miss Albright in the 1930s and was now run by the Committee.  The outside space was used every day by the Pre-School nursery and the replacement of fencing would be a great asset to all the users.  The fence was some 40 metres in length and would be of low maintenance and hard wearing. 


Application 11 – Replacement Roof (Bromsgrove Rugby Football Club)


In the absence of a representative from the Rugby Club attending to present the application, Members considered the detailed information provided.


Application 12 – Mini Tennis Facility (Bromsgrove Tennis Club)


James Griffiths, Head Coach and Joseph Finn from the Tennis Club provided details of the application for Members consideration.  This was for a mini tennis zone, which was a new concept and would be an opportunity for tennis to reach a wider audience in Bromsgrove.  Detailed information was provided in respect of the membership of the club and the work carried out with local schools.  The new project would allow them to extend the offer of support to many more local clubs and groups, for example scouts and guides.  A link with the Stroke Clinic was also being established and there would be additional free places available through a LTA scheme for 24 children.  Members asked whether any Section 106 monies had been made available and it was explained that the Tennis, Cricket and Hockey Clubs were all on the same site, but the Tennis Club had been unable to access any Section 106 monies.  The LTA had been approached for funding, but it was difficult as each year they had specific areas which they focused on and these improvements did not currently fall within the LTA’s priorities.


Application 13 – Replacement Cooker (First Catshill Brownies)


Lorna Meer, Leader and Councillor Helen Jones attended to present the application on behalf of the First Catshill Brownies.  It was explained that this Group were the only one in this part of Bromsgrove and therefore had a wide catchment area and the membership had increased from 12 to 32 in the last few years.  One of the activities which they were keen to promote was cooking, which was proving difficult with such a large number of girls and a small outdated cooker.  The Methodist Church Hall provide use of the Hall free of charge (the Brownies do make a small annual donation) and the Brownies had asked if they could replace the cooker to enable them to add to the variety of activities provided.  If for any reason in the future the Brownies no longer use the Hall the cooker will be donated to it.


Application 14 – District Activity Day 2017 (Bromsgrove District Scout Council)


Ms. Val Leddington and Councillor Malcolm Glass attended to present this application.  Ms Leddington explained the activities which it was hoped would be included and the aim of the Scout movement and the importance of its work.  It would encourage leadership skills in the older members and team building.  Bromsgrove was a large scouting district, involving over 750 young people.  If the bid was not successful then they would need to consider whether to make a charge for the Activity Day, which could be restrictive for some young people.


Application 15 – Twin Bay Cricket Practice Facility (Five Ways Old Edwardians Cricket Club)


Jon Tovey from the Cricket Club attended and provided additional information in respect of the new facility and how the funding would achieved and the importance of the grant from the NHB Scheme.  Details were also provided of the membership growth of the club over recent years, which had led to the need for the new facilities to be considered.  Fund raising events had taken place to contribute towards the project and a loan secured from the ECB.  However, there was a match funding threshold which needed to be reached in order to trigger, funding from other sources.  Members questioned what percentage of users were from the Bromsgrove District area and it was estimated at between 30-40%, it was also questioned as to whether the loan mentioned was manageable and Mr Tovey explained that the Club had been careful not to over stretch its finances and was happy that it could meet the payments required.


Application 16 – Refurbishment of Toilet Facilities (Kings Norton RFC)


Mr Mark Pearson, President, attended to present the application on behalf of the Rugby Club.  It was explained that the facilities had been built in 1973 by local people.  The changing facilities were in need of refurbishment, and the priority was the facilities for the ladies and the provision of baby changing facilities, which had been highlighted at a recent bonfire event held at the Club.  Different streams of funding were being investigated and an application to the RFU would be made in due course.  There had been an increased take up of female participants, in excess of that anticipated.  Members questioned the number of members which were from the Bromsgrove district, which was believed to be 200 junior players and 130 from the adult section.


Application 17 – Enhancement of Junior practice facilities (Bromsgrove Cricket Club)


Mr Nick Husbands, Chairman of Bromsgrove Cricket Club explained the application was for the expansion of the junior cricket facility, which has been driven by the success of the national team.  It was also highlighted that girls cricket had significantly increased following taster sessions which the club had organised introducing 30 girls to cricket.  Mr Husbands thanked the Panel for the grant received in the previous year and the third ground which this had provided would be ready for the next season.  The lynch pin to the success of the new scheme would be additional coaches, currently numbered 15 which needed to increase to 20 in order to reduce the waiting list.    Members discussed the number of members at the Club together with its catchment area and other funding available.  The Panel were advised that whilst the ECB had been approached for funding it was difficult as they tended to give smaller grants up to £5,000 around specific things such as covers, though the club had received some funding last year, it was not necessarily for what they would like to achieve.  Members were also interested in outreach work and taking cricket to the areas of highest need.  Mr Husbands informed Members they had close links with both North and South Bromsgrove High Schools and that there had been a street cricket project in Worcestershire, which could be brought to specific areas of the district to encourage yong people to participate.


Application 18 – Extension of Camping Provision (1st Bromsgrove Otters Scout Group)


In the absence of a representative from the Parish Council attending to present the application, Members considered the information provided.


Application 19 – New benches on Stocken Footpath (Cofton Hackett Parish Council)


In the absence of a representative from the Parish Council attending to present the application, Members considered the information provided within the application.


Application 20 – Purchase of Composting Toilet (Avoncroft Museum of Historic Buildings)


Hamish from the Development Team at the Museum attended to present the application.  He explained that it was the 50th Anniversary of the museum and gave background information in respect of its ongoing work.  Details of the number of visitors were provided with an estimate of 40% of those being local and 5,000 of them being from school visits.  An audience survey had been carried out this year which had highlighted the need for toilet facilities at the far end of the site.  Hence the application for funds towards this facility which would enhance the customer experience.  As the museum was a charitable organisation it relied a lot on fund raising and grant applications and had found from experience that it was actually easier to source funding for larger projects that small projects such as this. 


Application 21 – Clubhouse Enhancement (Hagley Cricket Club)


Mark Baker, Chairman of the Cricket Club attended to put forward the application.  Mr Baker explained the work which had already been undertaken in respect of the grant which had been given by the Panel in the previous year.  He also confirmed that the Club had been established since the 1960s and was in the grounds of Hagley Hall.  Members questioned whether funding had been sought from other areas and Mr Baker explained that Sports England had closed their bids for this year, but there may be an opportunity to put in an application for funding in the future.  It was also noted, that whilst an update on the work had been given, no new application had been completed and it was therefore difficult to ascertain what was being covered by this application.  Members also asked what support had been received from the Parish Council and whether there was a lease with Hagley Hall for the Club.



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