Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions
Contact: Pauline Ross Karen Firth
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors P. Grove, Malvern Hills District Council, F. Lankester, Worcester City Council and M. Hart, Wyre Forest District Council.
The Chairman read out the citation that provided details of an award recently presented to Worcestershire Regulatory Services, Noise Nuisance Team. The Team were highly commended along with Gloucestershire City Council. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were received. |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee held on 29th September 2011 were submitted.
RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record. |
Worcestershire Regulatory Services Purposes and Outcome Measures Verbal Update from the Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services following the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Away Day 24th November 2011. To include the proposed 3 Purposes and Outcome Measures for consideration by Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee Members. Minutes: The Chairman expressed thanks on behalf of Joint Committee Members to Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) officers for their time and commitment to the WRS Services Away Day, which had been well attended by Members of the Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee. The Chairman requested that Members captured the information and questions raised during the Away Day in order to provide feedback and an update on WRS to each member authority.
The Head of WRS provided Members with a brief summary from the Away Day Workshop and the potential outcome measures for WRS in delivering what the customer wanted. Joint Committee Members who had attended the WRS Away Day had been given the opportunity to discuss the ‘Purpose’ and suggested ‘Measures’. Members had agreed that there should be a move to outcome based measures rather than performance indicators purely based on volumetrics. It was agreed that these measures would evolve as the transformation work developed further.
Members had agreed that the suggested outcome measures presented were on the right tracks but further work was required for Licensing as the service moved forward on measures for environmental issues such as air quality and contaminated land and that any future special projects work be included. Members had also requested that further detail be made available on some of the outcome measures so as to show trends.
RESOLVED that the Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services be tasked to present a report to the next meeting of the Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee proposing a suite of outcome measures that could be used to measure the performance of Worcestershire Regulatory Services. |
Appointment of ICT Project Manager Minutes: The Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) provided the Committee with a verbal update. Members were informed that the position of ICT Project Manager had been advertised via the local government frameworks following advice provided by Bromsgrove District Council’s Procurement Team.
Approximately 14 businesses had been invited to tender for the ICT Project Manager position with only one response received, that was way over budget. Therefore phase two had been initiated with recruitment agencies and local companies contacted and provided with details of the job description and person specification. This process would close on 2nd December 2011 with interviews taking place around 12th December 2011. The Head of WRS and representatives from the Management Board would sit on the interview panel. The implications in the delay in appointing an ICT Project Manager were that WRS had hoped to have someone in place fairly quickly in order for a project plan to be completed in December and submitted to the February meeting of the Joint Committee via the Management Board. The Head of WRS reassured the Committee that they would still receive a project plan in February.
The Head of WRS responded to questions from Members with regard to the possibility of ‘buying in’ an ICT Project Manager from a member authority, salary details and advertising. |
Worcestershire Regulatory Services Risk Register Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) informed the Committee that the Management Board had recommended that WRS formulated a risk register that provided a summary of risks and mitigating actions, details of which would be provided to the Management Board quarterly and Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee annually.
Officers had agreed that the risk register would be circulated to each member authority to ensure the overall WRS risks were incorporated into each member authorities risk registers as deemed appropriate.
The Committee considered the report which detailed the identified risks and a summary of the mitigating activities to September 2011.
RESOLVED that the current Worcestershire Regulatory Shared Services risk register, be noted. |
Worcestershire Regulatory Services Financial Monitoring April - September 2011/2012 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report which provided details of the financial position for the period April 2011 to September 2011 for both revenue and capital expenditure.
The Executive Director Finance and Corporate Resources, Bromsgrove District Council introduced the report and in doing so informed the Committee of the significant underspend due to the savings arising from two Grade B posts remaining vacant.
The Executive Director Finance and Corporate Resources, Bromsgrove District Council responded to Members questions with regard to the residual underspend. The Committee was informed that the Legal Agreement stated that any underspend would be rolled forward and ring fenced for any future projects within the service. The final accounts would be brought back to the Joint Committee for approval, Members could then make the decision if a partner percentage share of the residual underspend should be allocated to each member authority.
RESOLVED that the report be noted. |
Worcestershire Regulatory Services Budget 2012 / 2013 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report which detailed the Worcestershire Regulatory Services draft budget for 2012/2013.
The Executive Director Finance and Corporate Resources, Bromsgrove District Council introduced the report and in doing so informed the Committee of the original business case savings of £357,000 to be delivered during 2012/2013. This would be allocated across the participating authorities as detailed in the report.
RESOLVED: (a) that the Worcestershire Regulatory Services budget for 2012/2013 be approved, and (b) that authority be delegated to the Head of Service and S.151 officers for each individual Member Authority to agree the revisions in relation to Land Drainage. |
Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee - Proposed Meeting Dates 2012 / 2013 Thursday 23rd February 2012 Thursday 28th June 2012 – Annual Meeting Thursday 29th September 2012 Thursday 22nd November 2012 – Budget Meeting Thursday 21st February 2013
Minutes: The Committee considered the proposed meeting dates scheduled for 2012/2013.
RESOLVED that the Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee meeting dates and time for 2012/2013 be approved as follows:
§ Thursday 23rd February 2012, 4:00pm § Thursday 28th June 2012, 4:00pm – Annual Meeting § Thursday 27th September 2012, 4:00pm § Thursday 22nd November 2012, 4:00pm – Budget Meeting § Thursday 21st February 2013, 4:00pm |