Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions
Contact: Rosemary Cole
No. | Item |
apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs. M. Bunker, Mrs. M. A. Sherrey JP and E. C. Tibby. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Local Development Framework Working Party held on 21st January 2010 were submitted.
RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record. |
Revised Local Development Scheme PDF 76 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Party considered a report on the proposed revisions to the Local Development Scheme (LDS). It was noted that the LDS was the Project Plan for the production of documents to be prepared as part of the Local Development Framework and was required to be published following the approval of the Government Office West Midlands .
The report in particular referred to proposed changes to the timetable for plan production within the LDS in relation to the Core Strategy, Town Centre Area Action Plan and the implementation of the Longbridge Area Action Plan. The timetable required updating due to the delays caused across the region by the revision of the Regional Spatial Strategy. The revised LDS also made reference to the joint working arrangements with Redditch BC on cross boundary growth.
RECOMMENDED that the revised Local Development Scheme, including the revised timetable for plan production, be submitted to the Government Office West Midlands for approval. |
Core Strategy Update PDF 122 KB Minutes: The Working Party considered a report which gave an update on issues relating to the preparation of the Draft Core Strategy, joint working with Redditch Borough Council and progress on consultations relating to Redditch growth.
In particular officers referred to over 300 responses which had been received (by both Councils) following the programme of consultation events. There had also been a generally positive meeting with the Planning Inspectorate to review work undertaken to date in relation to the preparation of the two Core Strategies and advice had been received on how to further progress this.
Members referred to the successful operation of the Joint Planning Advisory Panel and expressed the hope that the current Chairman of the Panel would continue to fulfil this role. The Executive Director (Planning, Regeneration, Regulatory and Housing) undertook to follow up this matter.
The Strategic Planning Manager referred to the possibility of arranging a further workshop, involving Members, in relation to work being undertaken by the Advisory Team for Large Applications and to proposed dates for “drop in” sessions for informal discussions with Members. These proposals were welcomed by the Working Party.
RESOLVED: (a) that the progress made in relation to the preparation of the Core Strategy be noted; (b) that the progress made on joint working with Redditch Borough Council and the initial findings from the joint Redditch Growth consultation be noted. |
Affordable Housing SPD PDF 97 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to a report on the position following the consultations undertaken on the draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which had been discussed on a number of occasions by the Working Party.
The Strategic Planning Manager outlined the nature and substance of the responses received and reported on the meeting which had subsequently taken place with the Government Office West Midlands (GOWM) in order to discuss the proposed SPD in more detail.
Members were informed that the recommendation of the GOWM was that the SPD should not be progressed further in its current form. The main reason for this view was that the SPD would be creating new policy which should be done by way of a Development Plan Document such as the Core Strategy. The policies in the Local Plan which the SPD was intended to supplement were outdated and could not realistically be used as a basis for the SPD. It was reported therefore that if the Council was to adopt the Affordable Housing SPD at this stage it was very likely it would be challenged by applicants at appeal with significant cost implications.
The GOWM had however suggested that the evidence gathered to date in relation to the SPD could be utilised as Interim Planning Guidance on Affordable Housing. Whilst this would contain limited weight, it would provide clarity and a basis for negotiations with applicants.
The Chairman also referred to a proposed SPD in relation to Hot Food Takeaways which was to be the subject of a report to the Cabinet on 28th April 2010.
RESOLVED that in accordance with the advice of the GOWM, the proposed Affordable Housing SPD be not progressed in its current form, but that the evidence gathered in support of the SPD be utilised by officers as a basis for negotiations with residential developers.
Managing Housing Supply SPG10 PDF 88 KB Minutes: The Working Party considered a report on housing supply issues within the District following the publication of the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) Panel Report and the subsequent implications for SPG 10.
It was reported that following the recommendations of the RSS Panel Report, the Council was required to plan for the delivery of 4,000 homes through the Core Strategy. It was also reported that the Council at present only had a 2.15 years supply of land for housing and therefore was not in a position to refuse small scale non strategic windfall development on the grounds of housing over supply. This situation had been confirmed at a recent planning appeal. Following discussion it was
RECOMMENDED that the housing moratorium be lifted and that SPG 10 Managing Housing Supply be revoked.
Hewell Grange Conservation Area PDF 75 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Working Party considered a report on the possible designation, under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, of a new Hewell Grange Conservation Area to comprise the Hewell Estate including HMP Hewell and Tardebigge village.
The Conservation Officer gave a presentation explaining the background to the proposal and an indication of the historic and architectural interest of the buildings and land proposed to be included within the Conservation Area. It was noted that a public consultation would be required on the proposed Conservation Area designation and on the Draft Character Appraisal which had been prepared.
During the discussion on this item Members requested officers to also consider ways in which legal requirements relating to existing Conservation Areas could be publicised, in particular the responsibilities of the owners of properties within those areas.
RESOLVED that a formal public consultation exercise be undertaken in respect of the proposed designation of Hewell Grange Conservation Area and the accompanying Draft Character Appraisal. |