Venue: Parkside Suite, Parkside, Market Street, Bromsgrove, B61 8DA
Contact: Pauline Ross
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman Minutes: RESOLVED that Councillor H.J. Jones be elected as Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing municipal year. |
Election of Vice-Chairman Minutes: RESOLVED that Councillor M. Marshall be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing municipal year.
To receive apologies for absence and notification of substitutes Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors S. J. Baxter and B. McEldowney; with Councillor C. Hotham in attendance as the substitute Member for Councillor B. McEldowney. |
Declarations of Interest To invite Councillors to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Disclosable Interests they may have in items on the agenda, and to confirm the nature of those interests. Minutes: Councillor C. Hotham declared an Other Disclosable Interest in relation to Agenda Item No.7 – Planning Application 23/00429/FUL, 32 Lickey Square, Lickey, Birmingham, B45 8HB; in that he had been in contact with one of the main objectors. Councillor C. Hotham left the meeting room prior to the consideration of this item.
Updates to planning applications reported at the meeting PDF 9 KB Minutes: The Chairman announced that one Committee Update had been circulated to all Planning Committee Members and asked all Members whether they had received and read the Committee Update.
All Members agreed that they had received and read the Committee Update. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Officers drew Members’ attention to the Committee Update, which detailed an additional representation that had been received in objection to the application.
A copy of the Committee Update was provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Officers further informed the Committee that the Application had been brought to the Planning Committee for consideration at the request of former District Councillor for the Lickey Hills Ward, former Councillor J. King.
Officers presented the report and the presentation slides, as detailed on pages 18 to 26 of the main agenda report.
The application was a mixed use application for the stationing of caravans for residential use and the keeping of horses, with dayrooms and existing stable ancillary to that use.
Officers drew Members’ attention to the supporting information regarding the occupiers of the proposed pitches and their personal circumstances, under ‘Best Interest of Children and Personal Circumstances’; which further referenced Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, as detailed on pages 13 and 14 of the main agenda report.
Officers further reiterated that, on Planning Balance, the proposal represented inappropriate development in the Green Belt by definition; it would harm the openness of the Green Belt and conflict with the purposes of including land within it. Paragraph 148 of the NPPF stated that substantial weight should be given to any harm to the Green Belt. In addition, the proposal would harm the character and appearance of the area. This harm was afforded significant weight.
Officers referred to the two reasons for refusal, as detailed on page 15 of the main agenda report.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor B. Kumar, Ward Member, addressed the Committee in objection to the application.
The Committee then considered the Application, which Officers had recommended to be refused.
On being put to the vote it was
Resolved that Planning Permission be refused, for the two reasons as detailed on page 15 of the main agenda report. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Officers informed the Committee that the Application was validated on 6th April 2023; and that the former District Councillor for the Lickey Hills Ward, former Councillor J. King had called the application in, to be determined by Planning Committee Members. The current Ward Member, Councillor B. Kumar had also requested that the application be determined by Planning Committee Members.
Officers presented the report and the presentation slides, as detailed on pages 42 to 59 of the main agenda report.
Officers highlighted that planning permission was granted for a two-storey dwelling at this site under reference 21/00312/FUL on 06.07.2021. Following this, planning permission was granted for a part two storey, part three storey dwelling at the site under reference 22/00978/FUL on 08.02.2023.
The elevations of the dwelling as approved under reference 22/00978/FUL were included within the presentation pack of the officer’s report.
The principle of the development which included its means of access from Lickey Square had been established and it was only necessary to compare the respective detailed changes between the proposal and the extant approvals in terms of its siting and appearance in considering whether the current application was acceptable or not.
The overall height of the dwelling would not exceed that of the development granted under reference 22/00978/FUL.
In this context, the proposed development would deliver acceptable design and would not harm the overall character and appearance of the surrounding area. It would comply with Policy BDP19 of the Bromsgrove District Plan (adopted January 2017).
As detailed on page 33 of the main agenda pack, to minimise the impact the development would have upon the occupiers of number 16 The Badgers having had regard to the perception of overlooking / loss of privacy raised during the consideration of earlier applications, the proposed dwelling had been rotated clockwise via its south-west corner by approximately 18 degrees such that the rear elevation would face more towards the south-west, looking less directly towards the side garden serving number 16 The Badgers.
Officers further informed the Committee that the Council could not currently demonstrate a five-year housing land supply (3.23 years at the time of writing). The presumption in favour of sustainable development therefore applied in accordance with Paragraph 11(d) of the Framework. In this case, Paragraph 11 (d) ii commented that planning permission should be granted unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies of the Framework as a whole. Significant weight should be attributed to the positive contribution the proposal would make towards addressing this current significant housing shortfall.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. P. Ollis addressed the Committee in objection to the application.
Mr. D. Jones, the Applicant’s Agent addressed the Committee in support of the Application.
The Committee then considered the Application, which Officers had recommended that planning permission be granted.
Members raised a number of questions and concerns with regard to the following:
· The Ecology Report being out of date. · The ground level ... view the full minutes text for item 7/23 |
Additional documents: Minutes: Officers presented their report and in doing so drew Members’ attention to Presentation Slides, as detailed on pages 72 to 80 of the main agenda report.
The application was for the erection of an industrial unit with storage and offices; and the formation of a new car park and land scaping.
Officers referred to the Principle of the Development. Policy BDP14 sets out that designated employment areas ‘are expected to make a significant contribution towards creating jobs across Bromsgrove and meeting the employment targets’ identified in Policy BDP3.
Bromsgrove Enterprise Park was an existing commercial park situated on land designated for employment purposes and as such the principle of commercialdevelopment on this site was acceptable.
Officers highlighted that no objections had been received from Worcestershire County Council, Highways.
Officers responded to questions from Members with regard to the height of the proposed unit compared to the adjacent building; and in doing so stated that the proposed unit would be 2 metres lower in height.
Members raised further questions and queried the Highways information on the visibility splays of approx. 90m in each direction to be achieved and appropriately conditioned, as detailed on page 63 of the main agenda report. Members further queried the amount of car parking spaces to be provided.
In response the Highways Officer, Worcestershire County Council, stated that with regard to the visibility spays, the centre of access was 2.4m back from the carriageway to 43m along the nearside kerb edge in each direction; so up to 90m could be achieved. Highways had originally requested amended drawings from the applicant, which were received. The approved drawings could have a Condition included.
The Highways Officer drew Members’ attention to Condition 5, as detailed on page 65 of the main agenda report which stated:
“The Development hereby approved shall not be brought into use until the accessible car parking spaces as shown on Drawing No. 22 24 04 A Proposed Parking Plan have been provided onsite and thereafter shall be kept available for disabled users as approved”.
Members highlighted that the Council had recently declared a climate emergency and therefore, Members asked if the number of electric charging points could be increased from the minimum of 3, as requested by WCC Highways.
Officers explained that the Committee could not request that the applicant increased this amount, as they were meeting the criteria requested of them. Conditions had to be reasonable and proportionate. Members further questioned a delivery and servicing plan, as they had some concerns that vehicles accessing the site during construction might park on the highway if there was not enough room for them on the site. Members also questioned if there was any enforcement that could be included in the Conditions, for any vehicles found to be using residential areas in order to access the site.
Members further questioned as to why a sustainable travel plan was not included in the Conditions, as there would be a number of employees on the site and ... view the full minutes text for item 8/23 |
Minutes: Officers informed the Committee that the application was being reported to the Committee as the applicant was Bromsgrove District Council.
The Chairman announced that Officers would be providing a Joint Presentation on Planning Applications 23/00130/LBC (and 23/00435/FUL). The presentation slides were detailed on pages 90 to 92 of the main agenda report.
This Listed Buildings Consent application sought the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, at Parkside, Market Street, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 8DA. The Building was Grade II Listed and was used as shared office space for a number of occupiers.
Officers informed the Committee that the Conservation Officer had no objections to the application, and that their comments were detailed on page 81 of the main agenda report.
Members then considered the Application, which officers had recommended be granted.
RESOLVED that Listed Building Consent be granted, subject to the Conditions, as detailed on page 83 of the main agenda report. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Officers informed the Committee that the application was being reported to the Committee as the applicant was Bromsgrove District Council.
The Chairman announced that Officers would be providing a Joint Presentation on Planning Applications 23/00435/FUL (and 23/00130/LBC). The presentation slides were detailed on pages 90 to 92 of the main agenda report.
The application sought full planning permission for the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, at Parkside, Market Street, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 8DA. The Building was Grade II Listed and was used as shared office space for a number of occupiers.
Officers informed the Committee that the Conservation Officer had no objections to the application, and that their comments were detailed on page 85 of the main agenda report.
Members then considered the Application, which officers had recommended be approved.
Officers responded to questions from Members with regard to the placing of the Invertors and the expiry of the consultation period being 16th June 2023.
RESOLVED that delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure to determine the full planning application following:
(a) the expiry of the consultation period on 16 June 2023 and in the event that representations were received, that delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure, in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning Committee, to assess whether new material considerations had been raised, and to issue a decision after the expiry of the statutory publicity period accordingly.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The public minutes and confidential minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 3rd April 2023, were received.
The Chairman highlighted that due to the local elections, that the Committee Members present at the meeting held on 3rd April 2023, we no longer elected Members. However, she was happy to propose that both sets of minutes be approved as a correct record.
Councillor C. Hotham asked for it to be noted that he had attended the meeting as an observer.
Having been proposed and seconded it was
RESOLVED that, subject to the amendment, as detailed in the preamble above that the public minutes and confidential minutes of Planning Committee meeting held on 3rd April 2023, be approved as a correct record.