Agenda item

23/00273/FUL - Erection of industrial unit with storage and offices. Formation of new car park and landscaping, George Road, Bromsgrove Enterprise Park, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire B60 3AL, Mr. R. Jones


Officers presented their report and in doing so drew Members attention to Presentation Slides, as detailed on pages 72 to 80 of the main agenda report.


The application was for the erection of an industrial unit with storage and offices; and the formation of a new car park and land scaping.


Officers referred to the Principle of the Development.  Policy BDP14 sets out that designated employment areas ‘are expected to make a significant contribution towards creating jobs across Bromsgrove and meeting the employment targets’ identified in Policy BDP3. 


Bromsgrove Enterprise Park was an existing commercial park situated on land designated for employment purposes and as such the principle of commercialdevelopment on this site was acceptable.


Officers highlighted that no objections had been received from Worcestershire County Council, Highways.


Officers responded to questions from Members with regard to the height of the proposed unit compared to the adjacent building; and in doing so stated that the proposed unit would be 2 metres lower in height.


Members raised further questions and queried the Highways information on the visibility splays of approx. 90m in each direction to be achieved and appropriately conditioned, as detailed on page 63 of the main agenda report.  Members further queried the amount of car parking spaces to be provided.


In response the Highways Officer, Worcestershire County Council, stated that with regard to the visibility spays, the centre of access was 2.4m back from the carriageway to 43m along the nearside kerb edge in each direction; so up to 90m could be achieved. Highways had originally requested amended drawings from the applicant, which were received.  The approved drawings could have a Condition included.  


The Highways Officer drew Members’ attention to Condition 5, as detailed on page 65 of the main agenda report which stated:


“The Development hereby approved shall not be brought into use until the

accessible car parking spaces as shown on Drawing No. 22 24 04 A Proposed

Parking Plan have been provided onsite and thereafter shall be kept available

for disabled users as approved”.


Members highlighted that the Council had recently declared a climate

emergency and therefore, Members asked if the number of electric charging

points could be increased from the minimum of 3, as requested by WCC



Officers explained that the Committee could not request that the applicant

increased this amount, as they were meeting the criteria requested of them. 

Conditions had to be reasonable and proportionate.

Members further questioned a delivery and servicing plan, as they had some

concerns that vehicles accessing the site during construction might park on the

highway if there was not enough room for them on the site.  Members also

questioned if there was any enforcement that could be included in the

Conditions, for any vehicles found to be using residential areas in order

to access the site. 


Members further questioned as to why a sustainable travel plan was not

included in the Conditions, as there would be a number of employees on the

site and they were of the opinion that all new developments, such as this

application should have a sustainable travel plan. Therefore, Members

requested that an additional Condition for a sustainable travel plan be included.


The Highway Officer stated that the application was sent to the Travel Plan

Officer but no response was received.


In response officers referred Members to Condition 11, Construction

Environmental Management Plan, as detailed on page 66 of the main agenda

report.  Officers explained that with regard to enforcement of any vehicles

accessing the site via residential areas, this would be a matter for the police,

the local authority would not be able to enforce.


Following on from a strong debate and to address the concerns raised by the

Committee. Members agreed that three additional Conditions be included, as



1.    Details of a construction traffic routeing plan.

2.    Details of a Travel plan.

3.    Details of a Service Delivery Plan.


RESOLVEDthat Planning Permission be granted, subject to the Conditions as detailed on page 65 to 69 of the main agenda report; and to include the three additional Conditions as detailed in the preamble above.  (Officers to determine the detailed wording).





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