Agenda and minutes

Performance Management Board - Tuesday 18th December 2007 6.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Andy Jessop  Debbie Parker-Jones

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor R. Smith (Portfolio Holder – observer).


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Mrs. M. Bunker declared a personal interest in Agenda items 4 and 5 – BDHT Performance Report and BDC Housing Strategy Action Plan as a representative of the Council on the BDHT Board. Councillor S. R. Colella declared a personal interest in the same items as his wife was employed by a company which had undertaken work for BDHT.    


Minutes pdf icon PDF 89 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Performance Management Board held on 20th November 2007 were submitted.


RESOLVED  that the minutes be approved as a correct record.


BDHT Performance Report pdf icon PDF 480 KB


The Chairman welcomed Mr. M. Brown and Ms. C. Garner from Bromsgrove District Housing Trust to the meeting. As part of the Trust’s Annual Monitoring Report a brief presentation took place which set out some of the achievements and future priorities for the Trust. It was felt by both the Trust and the Council that the working relationship had improved significantly and that partnership working was the way forward to maximise the benefit to customers of each organisation. Following discussion it was


RESOLVED  that the contents of the report be noted.



BDC Housing Strategy Action Plan - Progress Report pdf icon PDF 146 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report setting out progress achieved against targets contained in the action plan which accompanies the Housing Strategy 2006-2011. Members were reminded that there was also a separate action plan which monitored progress made against the weaknesses identified by the Audit Commission in their last inspection. A re-inspection of Strategic Housing was due to take place in February 2008. It was noted that a half term review of the Housing Strategy would be undertaken during 2008 to include consultation with stakeholders on progress, outcomes and new actions which had been developed with a view to these being formally incorporated into the existing action plan.  


Members raised issues on the four key priorities within the Strategy and in particular focussed on the area of affordable housing provision and the challenge of meeting targets in view of current planning policies and the prevailing market forces. Further member training was to take place to assist with the understanding of affordable housing issues and the role of Strategic Housing.


RESOLVED  that the contents of the report be noted.



(a)       that the Cabinet be requested to instruct the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing to work with the Strategic Housing Manager to develop and bring forward to Cabinet a report on the introduction of an Enforcement Policy and fee structure in relation to Houses in Multiple Occupation and other regulatory issues;

(b)       that with regard to the action involving research into the health needs of homeless people and their ability to access health services, a further request be made to the Primary Care Trust for a representative of the Trust to become a member of the Homelessness Strategy Steering Group and the issue also be referred to the Health and Wellbeing Group of the Local Strategic Partnership with a request that they work in conjunction with the Steering Group on this matter.  


Monthly Performance Report - Period 7 (October 2007) pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report on the Council’s performance as at 31st October 2007 (period 7).



(a)       that it be noted that 56% of indicators were improving or stable compared to 59% in period 5 ;

(b)       that it be noted that 71% of indicators were achieving their targets compared to 76% in period 5;

(c)        that the successes outlined in section 4.4 of the report be noted and celebrated ;

(d)       that that the potential areas of concern set out in section 4.5 of the report, together with the corrective action being taken be noted;

(e)       that the reasons as set out in the report for comparison with period 5 rather than period 6 be noted;

(f)         that with regard to the indicator BV12 relating to the level of sickness absence, the outcome of the proposed the Performance Clinic and discussions at Corporate Management Team be incorporated into this report for discussion at the next meeting;

(g)       that with regard to indicators BV127a and BV127b relating to violent crimes and robberies, Chief Inspector Tony Love be invited to attend the next meeting together with the Community Services Manager.         



New Improvement Plan Exception Report - Period 7 (October 2007) pdf icon PDF 248 KB


Consideration was given to the Improvement Plan Exception report for October 2007, together with the corrective action being taken as set out in the appendix to the report.



(a)       that the revisions to the Improvement Plan Exception report , together with the corrective action being taken, be noted;

(b)       that it be noted that for the 167 actions highlighted for October within the plan, 85% of the Improvement Plan was on target (green), 9.6% was one month behind (amber) and 2.4% was over one month behind (red). 3.6% of actions had been rescheduled or suspended with approval;

(c)        that in relation to the Customer Service Centre, additional information be sought regarding the operation and duration of the recorded message facility;

(d)       that the action plan drawn up to address issues raised through the Employee Survey be considered by the Board in February.      


2007-08 Predicted Outturn for Best Value Performance Indicators pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report on the projected outturn position on all Best Value Performance Indicators. The report also illustrated how that projected position would translate into a spread across quartiles, which was a key indicator of overall improvement as assessed by the Audit Commission.


RESOLVED  that the likely improvement in quartile position as set out in section 4.7 of the report be noted, subject to the qualifications contained in section 4.8 of the report.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 116 KB


Consideration was given to a report setting out the Board’s work programme for 2007-2008.


RESOLVED  that subject to (i) the inclusion of consideration of the Value for Money Strategy in January 2008, (ii) consideration of the Spatial Strategy and the Data Quality Strategy in February 2008; and (iii) consideration of the Customer First Strategy Review in March 2008, the report be approved.


Licensing Review


(The Chairman agreed to the consideration of this item as a matter of urgency as a decision was required thereon before the next meeting of the Board)


It was requested that the issue of Value for Money in relation to staffing resources within the Licensing section be considered at a future meeting of the Board.


RESOLVED  that the Assistant Chief Executive be requested to report on this issue to a future meeting of the Board.