Agenda and minutes

Performance Management Board - Tuesday 23rd October 2007 6.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Andy Jessop  Debbie Parker-Jones

No. Item


Apologies for absence


No apologies for absence were received.


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 90 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Performance Management Board held on 18th September 2007, were submitted.


RESOLVED that, subject to the recommendation to Minute No. 36/07 (Customer Panel Survey) being amended to read “Resolved”, the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Tracker Report - Referrals to Cabinet pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:


A report summarising the progress of recommendations made by the Board to Cabinet from April 2007 to date, was submitted.




(a)       that the report be noted;

(b)       that similar update reports be considered by the Board on a quarterly basis; and

(c)        that the Assistant Chief Executive be requested to liaise with the Customer Services Centre Manager to arrange a visit to the Centre by members of the Board.



Satisfaction Survey - Street Scene and Waste Management Services pdf icon PDF 265 KB


In accordance with the request made under Minute No. 33/07 of the last meeting, a report was submitted setting out (i) the reasons why Best Value indicators for both Street Cleanliness and Waste Collection were worse than the national trend, and (ii) the criteria of the Green Apple Environmental Best Practice Awards 2007.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.


RECOMMENDED that Cabinet be requested to instruct the relevant Portfolio holder to work with both the Chief Executive and the Head of Street Scene and Waste Management in seeking dates and times from the County Council of  their highway verges mowing programme, in order to better co-ordinate litter-picking operations.


Employee Survey Results 2007 pdf icon PDF 235 KB


A report setting out a summary of the findings of the latest staff survey, together with an overview of the next steps to be undertaken, was submitted. During the discussion on this item, reference was made to a Stress Audit which was currently available for members of staff to complete. Accordingly, it was



(a)       that the report be noted; and

(b)       that, when complete, the Stress Audit be built into the future work programme and brought before the Board.


Monthly Performance Report - Period 5 (August 2007) pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Additional documents:


A report setting out the Council’s performance as at 31st August 2007 (Period 5), was submitted.


RESOLVED: that the Board notes

(a)       that 59% of indicators were improving or stable at the period end, compared to 68% in the previous period;

(b)       that 76% of indicators were achieving their targets at the period end compared to 71% in the previous period;

(c)        celebrates the successes as outlined in section 4.4 of the report;

(d)       the potential areas for concern as set out in section 4.5 of the report, together with the corrective action being taken; and

(e)       that the Board examine the predicted outturn of all BVPI’s at Period 6, and thereafter at six-monthly intervals.


New Improvement Plan Exception Report - Period 5 (August 2007) pdf icon PDF 226 KB


Consideration was given to the Improvement Plan Exception report for August 2007, together with the corrective action being taken, as set out in the appendix to the report.



(a)       that the revisions to the Improvement Plan Exception Report, together with the corrective action being taken, be noted; and

(b)       that it be noted that, for the 142 actions highlighted for August within the plan, 88.7% was on target (green), 9.2% was one month behind (amber), and 0.7% was over one month behind (red). 1.4% of actions had been re-scheduled or suspended, with approval.



(a)       that Cabinet be informed that it is the view of this Board that Members (and the occupants) should be consulted on the proposed changes to the usage of Council-owned buildings as a matter of course; and

(b)       that, similarly, Cabinet be informed that full consultations should take place as a matter of course with Members, local residents and businesses on the wider issues involved with the regeneration of the town centre.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 36 KB


Consideration was given to a report setting out the Board’s work programme for 2007-08.


RESOLVED that, having been advised that the November 2007 item on the Spatial Project was a report and not a presentation, and having noted the inclusion in the work programme of the two issues referred to earlier in the meeting (i.e. Stress Audit and six monthly outturn of BVPI’s), the report be  approved, as amended.