Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday 5th December 2007 6.00 p.m.

Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions

Contact: Rosemary Cole  Debbie Parker-Jones

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Dr. D. W. P. Booth JP.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Mrs. J. Dyer M.B.E. declared a personal interest in agenda item 15 (Medium Term Financial Plan 2008-2009 to 2010-2011), as a member of the Amphlett Hall Management Committee.   


Councillor Mrs. J. M. L. A Griffiths declared a personal interest in agenda items 13 and 15 (September (Quarter 2) Performance Monitoring and Medium Term Financial Plan 2008-2009 to 2010-2011 respectively), as a member of the Operating Trust of Bromsgrove Arts Centre and member of the Amphlett Hall Management Committee.   


Councillor Mrs. M. A. Sherrey JP declared a personal interest in agenda item 13 (September (Quarter 2) Performance Monitoring), as a member of the Operating Trust of Bromsgrove Arts Centre.


Councillor R. D. Smith declared a personal interest in agenda items 8, 9, 10 and 13 (Hamilton House, North Worcestershire Housing Related Support Scheme for Younger People, Homelessness Strategy for Worcestershire 2007-2011 and September (Quarter 2) Performance Monitoring respectively), as an employee of a housing association and a member of the Operating Trust of Bromsgrove Arts Centre.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 117 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 7th November 2007 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Scrutiny Steering Board pdf icon PDF 96 KB


The minutes of the Scrutiny Steering Board held on 6th November 2007 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes be noted.


Performance Management Board pdf icon PDF 41 KB


The minutes of the Performance Management Board held on 20th November 2007 were submitted.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting be noted and the recommendation approved.


Deed of Grant - Aston Road, Bromsgrove pdf icon PDF 306 KB


The Cabinet considered the issue of a Deed of Grant for Aston Road, Bromsgrove, to secure formal right of access to Bromsgrove Technology Park.


Officers advised of the necessity to make an alteration to the wording of the Deed of Grant Particulars PxP Site definition to assist the units which might be purchased and removed from the Land Registry titles prior to completion of the Deed of Grant.



(a)       that, subject to the amendment of the Deed of Grant Particulars PxP Site definition to read "The freehold property comprised or formerly comprised in title number(s) WR80623 and WR106076", the signing of the Deed of Grant with Advantage West Midlands with respect to Aston Road, Bromsgrove, be approved;

(b)       that the Council's responsibility to maintain the Road in reasonable condition be accepted; and

(c)        that Members instruct officers to work with the County Council to secure the adoption of the Road at the earliest possible date.


Flooding Matters pdf icon PDF 95 KB


Consideration was given to a letter received from Tewkesbury Borough Council seeking support for motions agreed by that authority with regard to flood defence funding and its call for the Government to create a single organisation with overarching responsibility for flooding.


Officers advised that at the meeting of the Scrutiny Steering Board the previous evening it had been suggested that the Cabinet might wish to defer consideration of the motions until the outcomes of the joint countywide scrutiny exercise on flooding, for which agreement in principle had been reached at the informal meeting of Scrutiny Members from each authority on 26th November 2007, were known.  



(a)       that the Cabinet defer consideration of the motions agreed by Tewkesbury Borough Council until the outcomes of the joint countywide scrutiny exercise on flooding were known; and

(b)       that officers write to Tewkesbury Borough Council to advise them as to the position.


Hamilton House - Sidemoor, Bromsgrove pdf icon PDF 141 KB


Further to the meeting of the Cabinet on 1st August 2007, consideration was given to an update report on progress made towards the closure of the supported housing scheme and rehousing of the residents at Hamilton House, Sidemoor, together with the response from Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) to the proposal to cross subsidise a 'flats over shops' scheme.  The report also sought Member agreement to a different course of action in meeting the aims and objectives of the August report by the sale of the property to an RSL.



(a)       that the Council owned premises known as 15, 15a, 17 and 17a York Road be sold to Bromsgrove District Housing Trust for the purposes of providing affordable housing for rent on the basis of the financial appraisal referred to in section 5 of the report;

(b)       that the Head of Planning and Environment and the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing and the Corporate Property Officer, be granted delegated authority to sell and convey the dwellings for a capital receipt that represents market, below market or zero value; and

(c)        that the capital receipt from the sale of the Council owned premises known as 15, 15a, 17 and 17a York Road be ring fenced for the provision of affordable housing.


North Worcestershire Housing Related Support Scheme for Younger People pdf icon PDF 326 KB


The Cabinet considered a report which introduced proposals for a Housing Support Scheme for younger people across North Worcestershire.  The proposed Scheme provided three levels of support for younger homeless people and was to be funded through the Housing Corporation and Supporting People Grant.  Also outlined in the report was the 'in principle' potential for the Council owned Burcot Lodge Hostel to be converted into self contained supported flats to assist with meeting the needs of clients under the third level of the Scheme.



(a)       that the proposals to develop a North Worcestershire Housing Related Support Scheme for Younger People be supported;

(b)       that the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing be nominated as a representative on the proposed Officer/Member Steering Group for the project; and

(c)        that the longer term more detailed consideration being given to the conversion of Burcot Hostel into self contained flats with support for younger homeless people with chaotic lifestyles be agreed in principle.


Homelessness Strategy for Worcestershire 2007-2011 pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Worcestershire Homelessness Strategy for 2007-2011.


RESOLVED that the objectives within the Worcestershire Homelessness Strategy 2007-2011 and the targets set out within the county and local action be approved.


External Customer Standards and Customer First Update pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered a report on proposed corporate and departmental external customer standards and which also provided an update on Customer First.


It was agreed that a customer standard be included for voicemail messages, with one working day discussed for this, the exact standard for which would be agreed between the Assistant Chief Executive and Portfolio Holder for Customer Care and Customer Service, and Revenue Generation.


RESOLVED that, subject to the addition of a corporate standard in relation to voicemail messages, the corporate and departmental external customer standards be approved.


Improvement Plan Exception Report (September 2007) pdf icon PDF 203 KB


The Cabinet considered the updated Improvement Plan Exception Report for September 2007, together with the corrective action being taken.   



(a)       that the revisions to the Improvement Plan Exception Report, together with the corrective action being taken, be noted and approved;

(b)       that it be noted that, for the 167 actions highlighted within the Plan for September, 89.2% of the Plan was on target (green), 6.6% was one month behind (amber) and 2.4% was over one month behind (red).  1.8% of actions had been re-scheduled or suspended, with approval; and

(c)        that it be noted that the original action relating to Ref 8.1.2, the presentation of a Cultural Offer report to Corporate Management Team, had been suspended due to this activity being covered elsewhere as part of the business planning and budget round process.


September (Quarter 2) Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 381 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report setting out the Council's performance as at 30th September 2007 (period 6, Quarter 2).  


The Cabinet noted the various achievements detailed in the report and expressed its thanks to officers for the hard work involved in raising performance, with officers managing financial and operational performance to deliver the Council objectives. 



(a)       that it be noted that 83% of Performance Indicators (PIs) were Improving or Stable, compared to 67% at Quarter 1;

(b)       that it be noted that 72% of PI's were achieving their Year To Date target, compared to 65% at Quarter 1;

(c)        that it be noted that 79% of PI's were predicted to meet their target at year end, compared to 90% at Quarter 1; and

(d)       that the financial position for both revenue and capital funding for the first quarter of £244k underspend and £342 respectively be noted.


Council Tax Base Calculation 2008-2009 pdf icon PDF 86 KB


The Cabinet considered the Council's Tax Base Calculation for the financial year 2008-2009.


RESOLVED that in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 1992, the Council's Tax Base for 2008-2009, assuming a collection rate of 99%, be calculated at 36,214.70 for the area as a whole, with individual parishes as shown at Appendix 1 of the report. 


Medium Term Financial Plan 2008-2009 to 2010-2011 pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report on the current position on the Medium Term Financial Plan (revenue budgets) for 2008-2009 to 2010-2011, including proposed pressures and savings.



(a)       that the unavoidable and high pressures identified in Appendix A of the report, together with those categorised as medium and low as shown at Appendix B of the report, be noted;

(b)       that officers continue to review the pressures and savings with the aim of balancing the budget for 2008-2009 and 2010-2011; and

(c)        that officers investigate all options to mitigate the potential impact of redundancies across the Council.