Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove. View directions
Contact: Rosemary Cole Karen Firth
No. | Item | ||||||
apologies Minutes: An apology for late arrival was received from Councillor Mrs. J. Dyer M.B.E. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor M. J. A. Webb declared a personal interest during the discussion on Agenda Item 9 (Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/2012 – 2013/2014). This was in relation to the former Lickey End Parish Council. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 5th January 2011 and 19th January 2011 were submitted.
RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record in each case. |
(a) To receive and note the minutes (b) To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Overview Board held on 4th January 2011 were submitted.
RESOLVED that the minutes be noted. |
Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board PDF 45 KB (a) To receive and note the minutes (b) To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 4th January 2011 were submitted.
RESOLVED that the minutes be noted. |
Performance Management Board PDF 50 KB (a) To receive and note the minutes (b) To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Performance Management Board held on 17th January 2011 were submitted.
RESOLVED that the minutes be noted. |
Shared Services Board (Part) PDF 12 KB (a) To receive and note the minutes (b) To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Shared Services Board held on 27th January 2011 relating to non confidential and non exempt items were submitted.
RESOLVED that the minutes be noted. |
Minutes: The Leader reported that he had attended a number of meetings of the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) together with a meeting of the LEP Steering Board and the City Region Board.
Councillor Mrs. M. A. Sherrey JP reported that she had attended a meeting of the Age Well Steering Group. |
Medium Term Financial Plan 2011/2012 - 2013/2014 PDF 13 KB Minutes: The Executive Director Finance and Corporate Resources gave a short presentation on the latest position regarding the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2011/2012 - 2013/2014. It was noted that the detailed report on the MTFP together with any recommendations from the Budget Jury and the Overview and Scrutiny Board, would be considered by the Cabinet and the Council on 23rd February 2011.
During the discussion, it was reported that the sum of £5,545 which had been forwarded to the Council by Lickey End Parish Council prior to the dissolution of the Parish Council had been raised by a precept. Members therefore considered the possibility of ring fencing that sum on the basis it will be utilised for the benefit of Lickey End residents.
Members also requested officers to consider the possible need for additional expenditure of £30,000 in relation to Economic Development. The Chief Executive noted the request for officers to investigate this matter further and in this regard reminded Members of the recently approved Shared Services Business Case for this service.
RESOLVED: (a) that officers be requested to continue to work on the MTFP on the basis that the current projected shortfall of £292,000 for 2011/2012 will be met from balances; (b) that officers continue to consider alternative methods of service provision, including bringing forward the timetable for the Shared Service and Transformation Programme, with a view to maximising efficiencies in order to address the projected shortfall within the MTFP for 2012/2013 and 2013/2014; (c) that the sum of £5,545 be ring fenced for use for the benefit of the residents of Lickey End ; (d) that officers be requested to investigate the inclusion of an additional budget bid of £30,000 in respect of Economic Development.
Integrated Performance and Finance Monitoring Report - Quarter 3 2010/2011 PDF 269 KB Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report on the Council’s performance and financial position as at 31st December 2010.
RESOLVED: (a) that it be noted that 52% of Performance Indicators were stable or improving; (b) that it be noted that 57% of Performance Indicators which had a target were meeting their target as at the month end and 76% were projected to meet there target at the year end; (c) that the performance figures for December 2010 as set out in Appendix 2 to the report be noted; (d) that the successes and areas for potential concern as set out in section 4.1.1 to the report be noted; (e) that the current financial position on both revenue and capital budgets as detailed in the report be noted and that officers be requested to consider actions to enable the predicted overspend to be mitigated as far as possible; (f) that the budget virements as set out in Appendix 6 to the report be approved; and (g) that the detailed information on complaints and compliments as set out in Appendix 4 to the report be noted. |
Enforcement and Fixed Penalty Notices for Environmental Services PDF 129 KB Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report on the possible introduction of Enforcement and Fixed Penalty notices for Environmental Services.
Members noted that it was felt there was an opportunity to improve Environmental Enforcement within the District and therefore to improve further the Council’s performance on street cleansing.
It was reported that the development and introduction of an Environmental Enforcement Strategy, in conjunction with the employment of an Environmental Enforcement Officer, would assist the Council to pursue action relating to environmental issues such as fly tipping, general littering, dog fouling and graffiti. It was anticipated that funding for the post could be met from savings proposed to be achieved through the deletion of an existing post within the Environmental Services Department.
RESOLVED: (a) that the option to utilise potential savings within the Environmental Services Department to fund the post of Environmental Enforcement Officer be approved in principle; (b) that the benefits of introducing a fully integrated Enforcement Strategy be noted and that officers be requested to submit such a Strategy to a future meeting of the Cabinet ; (c) that the need to adopt powers within the Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005 and the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 and for these to be included in the Strategy be noted; and (d) that the need to adopt a scheme of delegation to enable the issue and enforcement of fixed penalty notices be noted and that officers be requested to submit such a scheme to a future meeting of the Cabinet. |
Minutes: The Cabinet gave consideration to a report on the possible inclusion of the Council owned Recreation Road North Car Park in an area of land to be included in a marketing exercise to ascertain interest from developers and care operators.
It was reported that Town Centre Area Action Plan had identified Recreation Road as a potential site for regeneration as an Extra Care Village.
RESOLVED: (a) that the incorporation of the Recreation Road North Car Park within the Recreation Road Consortium’s proposed marketing exercise for development of the site be approved in principle; (b) that it be noted that the marketing is to be undertaken by a commercial property consultant engaged by the consortium, John Dillon; and (c) that authority to finalise and sign the agreement for the marketing exercise be delegated to the Regeneration Programme Manager.
Local Government Act 1972 "RESOLVED: that under Section 100 I of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act, as amended, the relevant paragraph of that part, in each case, being as set out below, and that it is in the public interest to do so:-
Minutes: RESOLVED that under Section 100 I of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the items of business the subject of the following minutes on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of “Exempt Information” as defined in part 1 of schedule 12A to the Act, as amended, the relevant part being as set out below and that it is in the public interest to do so.
Minute No. Paragraphs 143/10 1 and 4 144/10 3
Shared Services Board (Part) (a) To receive and note the minutes (b) To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes Minutes: The confidential minutes of the meeting of the Shared Services Board held on 27th January 2011 were submitted.
Following consideration of the minutes and of the details of the options available to the Authority in relation to Asset and Facility Management, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes be noted.
RECOMMENDED: (a) that following the full consideration undertaken at the Shared Services Board, this Council withdraw from the current arrangements whereby its Asset and Facility management is delivered by Worcestershire County Council; (b) that officers be requested to put in place the necessary arrangements to transfer the affected staff back to this Council in accordance with TUPE regulations; (c) that the cost of the transfer of £11,000 be paid to the County Council and that this be met from revenue balances for 2010/2011; and (d) that officers be requested to consider alternative management and staffing arrangements in order to deliver savings within the service in the future. |
Bromsgrove Museum Minutes: (The Leader agreed to the consideration of this item as a matter of urgency as a decision was required prior to the next meeting of the Cabinet).
The Leader referred to previous decisions on this matter and reported on discussions which had taken place with The Friends of the Museum (The Friends) regarding work it was necessary to undertake as part of the transfer of the Collection to The Friends. There had been a request for the Council to contribute towards the cost of this process in view of the terms of the original acquisition of the Collection by the Council.
It was reported that there was a current budget in respect of the Museum which could encompass a contribution to the work required. Following discussion it was
RESOLVED that officers be requested to use their best endeavours to negotiate suitable terms with The Friends to conclude this matter, subject to the final arrangements being agreed in conjunction with the Leader of the Council.