Venue: The Council House, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove
Contact: Rosemary Cole Karen Firth
No. | Item |
apologies for absence Minutes: No apologies for absence were received. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No Declarations of interest were received. |
Referral from the Council - CCTV Motion At its meeting on 18th January 2012, the Council agreed:
That the following motion submitted by Councillor P. M. McDonald be referred to the Cabinet for consideration as part of the budget process so that relevant facts and figures could be reported and taken into account.
“That this Council no longer monitors CCTV coverage outside of Bromsgrove and Redditch and gives due notice of this to those it may concern.”
(There will be a report from officers on this matter to follow).
Minutes: It was noted that this item had been deferred and would now be considered at the Cabinet meeting on 22nd February 2012.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 4th January 2012 were submitted.
RESOLVED that the minutes be confirmed as a correct record. |
Overview and Scrutiny Board PDF 54 KB (a) To receive and note the minutes (b) To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 3rd January and 23rd January 2012 were submitted.
Members were reminded that the recommendations set out in minute 77/11 of the Overview and Scrutiny Board meeting held on 3rd January 2012, relating to the Medium Term Financial Plan 2012/13 – 2014/15, had already been considered as part of the Cabinet discussion on 4th January 2012. It was
RESOLVED that the remainder of the minutes be noted.
Minutes: The Leader reported that he had recently attended a meeting of the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership. |
Medium Term Financial Plan 2012/13 - 2014/15 PDF 13 KB Minutes: The Accountancy Services Manager gave a brief presentation on the latest position regarding the Medium Term Financial Plan 2012/13 – 2014/15. It was reported that in relation to the Revenue Budget 2012/13 the current gap was £113,000.
It was noted that a further Report would be considered by the Cabinet at its next meeting on 22nd February 2012
RESOLVED that the current position be noted.
Bromsgrove Town Centre Townscape Heritage Initiative - Draft Second Round Submission PDF 60 KB Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report on the Draft Second Round Submission in relation to the Bromsgrove Town Centre Heritage Initiative.
Members were reminded that the Council had been provisionally awarded £1.2 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund to operate a Townscape Heritage Initiative in Bromsgrove Town Centre Conservation Area. The submission and accompanying documents were now required in order to release the funding. These provided much greater detail on issues relating to the Conservation Area, how these issues would be addressed and how the funding would be utilised in order to achieve lasting improvements and add historic value to the area.
It was reported that an essential element of the Townscape Heritage Initiative was to ensure that there was support and “buy in” from the Local Community. It was therefore proposed that the draft bid document together with accompanying Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan be published as part of a process of public consultation with the results thereof to be included within the final bid due to be submitted in April 2012.
It was reported that the consultation process would include displays in Bromsgrove Library and the Customer Service Centre together with the inclusion of notices in the local press and the publication of full details on the Council’s website. In addition specific consultation would be undertaken with key stakeholders.
Members expressed thanks to officers for the work they had undertaken to produce the Draft Submission.
RESOLVED that the Bromsgrove Town Centre Townscape Heritage Initiative Draft Second Round Submission, together with the Bromsgrove Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan, be published for the purposes of public consultation for a period of six weeks commencing on 2nd February 2012.
Minutes: Members considered a report on existing homelessness prevention schemes which had been funded during 2011/12, together with proposals for the award of grant expenditure to specific schemes in 2012/13. It was reported that the proposals had been considered and recommended by the Homelessness Strategy Steering Group.
Following discussion on the proposals and the possible impact of proposed Welfare reforms it was
RESOLVED: (a) that the update on the Homelessness Prevention and Support Schemes funded through Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) during 2011/12 be noted; (b) that, subject to the Council on 22nd February 2012 agreeing to the allocation of Homelessness Grant for 2012/13 being fully utilised for homelessness projects, the submissions for the funding of schemes during 2012/13 recommended by the Homelessness Strategy Steering Group totalling £92,100 as set out in section 3.9 of the report be approved; (c) that, in accordance with the additional recommendation of the Homelessness Strategy Steering Group, £21,000 of the DCLG Homelessness Grant be utilised to fund an additional resource to deliver the Step Up Private Tenancy Scheme as set out in section 3.11 of the report; and (d) that the Head of Community Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing, be granted delegated authority to (i) allocate any under spend, or make further adjustments necessary, to ensure full utilisation of the grant allocation for 2012/13 in support of existing or new schemes; and (ii) to approve expenditure of the Non Tenure Specific Economic Recovery Fund.
Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy PDF 72 KB Minutes: The Cabinet considered a report on the introduction of a Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy. It was noted that Authorities were now required to produce and publish such an Enforcement Policy to demonstrate how national regulation in relation to Private Sector Housing would be enforced at a local level.
It was noted that set out within the Enforcement Policy were the legal responsibilities, policies, principles and priorities which the Private Sector Housing Service would follow when enforcing legislation.
It was also noted that the proposed charges referred to in Section 11 of the Policy would be imposed only when it was not possible for issues to be successfully resolved by way of informal discussions, or to recover costs when works had been carried out by the Authority to protect public health or the environment.
RESOLVED that the Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy as set out in appendix 1 to the report be approved, subject to the proposed charges included in Section 11 of the Policy being considered as part of a separate Cabinet Report on Fees and Charges for 2012/13.
Revision of Licence Standards and Conditions for Mobile Homes and Caravan Sites PDF 123 KB Minutes: Members considered a report which gave an update on the introduction of the Model Standard Licence Conditions for Caravan and Mobile Home Sites which were previously approved for phased implementation by the Cabinet.
The report referred to discussions which had subsequently taken place with site owners and residents together with the Fire Officer and suggested a way forward to address the issues raised. Following discussion it was
RESOLVED: (a) that the 2008 Mobile Home Site Licence Conditions be revised to include Transitional Arrangements (subject to a risk assessment ) for existing residents as set out at appendix 1 to the report; (b) that the phased approach to the implementation of the 2008 Model Standards be limited to the licensing of new sites and sites which have been substantially redeveloped; and (c) that cases of non compliance with either the 1989 or 2008 Site Condition Standards be considered on a case by case, risk assessed basis and that enforcement action be undertaken where the level of risk is considered sufficient to necessitate the taking of such action.