Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Executive Cabinet

Meeting: 24/07/2019 - Council (Item 31)

31 Recommendations from the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 59 KB

To consider the recommendations from the meeting(s) of the Cabinet held on 10th July 2019.


The Chairman advised Members that in respect of the background papers to these recommendations, pages 29 to 33 were attached in error and were not for consideration at this evening’s meeting, this was an error on the part of Democratic Services and Members were asked to disregard these pages.


Councillor M. Thompson requested that in respect of the recommendations for the Finance Monitoring Outturn 2018/19 that recommendation (h) be taken separately.


Active Kitchen Report


Councillor S. Webb, Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing and Health and Wellbeing proposed the recommendations in respect of the Active Kitchen report.  These were seconded by Councillor K. May.


In proposing the recommendations Councillor Webb commented that she was happy to put forward these recommendations and hoped that Members would be supportive of the project.


Councillor P. McDonald expressed his disappointment at the incorrect spelling of Rubery within the recommendation and the Leader apologised for this error.


Members discussed a number of areas within the report in more detail, including:


·         The fact that such projects were needed.

·         An understanding of those areas where the project will be piloted and why they have been chosen and whether it would be rolled out more widely.

·         Appreciation that the need had been recognised in the Drakes Cross area.

·         Support for the project.

·         Whether reviewing the project in July 2020 would be too late for the summer holidays and the date brought forward.  Councillor Webb explained that by using that date it would allow for sufficient data to be gathered to ensure that a proper evaluation of the scheme was carried out.

·         Clarification as to the format of that evaluation.  




(a)       that Officers continue to pilot the Active Kitchen service in Sidemoor, Charford, Catshill, Rubery and Drakes Cross in 11 weeks of the school holidays and that approval be given for an estimated £34,000 to be drawn down from balances 2019/20 to find the service’s operational delivery, marketing, research and development be approved; and


(b)       that Officers return to Cabinet in July 2020 to review the pilot and recommend the next steps for the project.


BDC Low Emissions Strategy


Councillor M. Sherrey, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services proposed the recommendations in respect of the Low Emissions Strategy.  These were seconded by Councillor A. Kent.


In proposing the recommendations Councillor Sherrey advised Members that work on this had commenced some time ago and that it was now important it got started in order that the benefits to the District could begin.


Members discussed the following in more detail:


·         An important step towards becoming carbon neutral and the need for the Council to set an example for its residents.  Councillor Sherrey confirmed that the strategy looked at the wider use of vehicles and that the Council was considering this when replacing the smaller vehicles at the depot.

·         The importance of infrastructure to be in place and for there to be suitable charging points for other vehicles available and to promote the greater benefit to the community.

·         The need  ...  view the full minutes text for item 31