Agenda item

Recommendations from the Cabinet

To consider the recommendations from the meeting(s) of the Cabinet held on 10th July 2019.


The Chairman advised Members that in respect of the background papers to these recommendations, pages 29 to 33 were attached in error and were not for consideration at this evening’s meeting, this was an error on the part of Democratic Services and Members were asked to disregard these pages.


Councillor M. Thompson requested that in respect of the recommendations for the Finance Monitoring Outturn 2018/19 that recommendation (h) be taken separately.


Active Kitchen Report


Councillor S. Webb, Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing and Health and Wellbeing proposed the recommendations in respect of the Active Kitchen report.  These were seconded by Councillor K. May.


In proposing the recommendations Councillor Webb commented that she was happy to put forward these recommendations and hoped that Members would be supportive of the project.


Councillor P. McDonald expressed his disappointment at the incorrect spelling of Rubery within the recommendation and the Leader apologised for this error.


Members discussed a number of areas within the report in more detail, including:


·         The fact that such projects were needed.

·         An understanding of those areas where the project will be piloted and why they have been chosen and whether it would be rolled out more widely.

·         Appreciation that the need had been recognised in the Drakes Cross area.

·         Support for the project.

·         Whether reviewing the project in July 2020 would be too late for the summer holidays and the date brought forward.  Councillor Webb explained that by using that date it would allow for sufficient data to be gathered to ensure that a proper evaluation of the scheme was carried out.

·         Clarification as to the format of that evaluation.  




(a)       that Officers continue to pilot the Active Kitchen service in Sidemoor, Charford, Catshill, Rubery and Drakes Cross in 11 weeks of the school holidays and that approval be given for an estimated £34,000 to be drawn down from balances 2019/20 to find the service’s operational delivery, marketing, research and development be approved; and


(b)       that Officers return to Cabinet in July 2020 to review the pilot and recommend the next steps for the project.


BDC Low Emissions Strategy


Councillor M. Sherrey, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services proposed the recommendations in respect of the Low Emissions Strategy.  These were seconded by Councillor A. Kent.


In proposing the recommendations Councillor Sherrey advised Members that work on this had commenced some time ago and that it was now important it got started in order that the benefits to the District could begin.


Members discussed the following in more detail:


·         An important step towards becoming carbon neutral and the need for the Council to set an example for its residents.  Councillor Sherrey confirmed that the strategy looked at the wider use of vehicles and that the Council was considering this when replacing the smaller vehicles at the depot.

·         The importance of infrastructure to be in place and for there to be suitable charging points for other vehicles available and to promote the greater benefit to the community.

·         The need to be conscious of the costs – Worcestershire County Council were considering the matter of electric buses and this was the start of a journey into the future, with a balanced approach needed.  It was important that whatever steps the Council took it did them well and they were well thought through.

·         The responsibility of Councillors on committees such as Planning to ensure that charging points were included in applications where possible.

·         The speed at which technology was changing and bringing with it new opportunities.


In summing up Councillor Sherrey thanked Members for their comments and advised that all the suggestions would be considered.




(a)       that the ULEV strategy and associated Action Plan attached at Appendix 1 be adopted;


(b)       that the Head of Environmental Services and Head of Community Services have delegated power to act following consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to administer the (OLEV) Ultra-Low Emission Taxi Infrastructure Scheme funding including site selection be approved;


(c)       that an increase to the Capital Programme 2019/20 of £300k for the (OLEV) Ultra-Low Emission Taxi Infrastructure Scheme Funding be approved;


(d)       that the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) Ultra-Low Emission Taxi Infrastructure Scheme funding be used in procuring the installation of a dedicated electric taxi charging network which supports Bromsgrove Taxi drivers and operators in:

·                Transitioning to electric vehicles

·                Their ability to travel into Birmingham’s Clean Air Zone; and


(e)       that the Head of Environmental Services and Head of Community Services have delegated power to act following consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to apply for, accept, and administer (including in partnership with other local authorities) future funding in line with this strategy be approved.


Finance Monitoring Outturn 2018/19


As indicated at the beginning of this item, it was agreed that recommendation (a) – (g) would be taken en bloc with recommendation being considered separately.


Councillor G. Denaro, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling proposed the recommendations in respect of the Finance Monitoring Outturn 2018/19 report.  These were seconded by Councillor K. May.


In proposing the recommendations Councillor Denaro highlighted a number of pertinent areas within the report:

·         An overall Budget Surplus on Revenue of £186K against a revised Budget of £11.1m amounted to a 1.6% surplus which was well within guidelines. He believed this was evidence of better budget control which the Auditors had been asking the Council to address. Where Commercial Income was concerned, there was no proposed ceiling as all new income fed straight through to protecting services to residents.

·         There had been some difficulties in Environmental Services last summer and evidence of that was shown in their overspend position and Council had addressed the problem by approving Business Cases which were now in place and being recruited.  Bouts of sudden sickness would never be eradicated, but there was now increased flexibility to deal with such operational occurrences. 

·         Commercial Income within Environmental Services had risen considerably, and the result was an overspend of 10.1% which was a better outcome than anticipated. The guidelines would be reviewed as the new finance system came on stream, which would enable more detailed and earlier monitoring of performance.

·         Savings continued to be made and exceeded the target by £237k.  Further savings would be identified as officers continued to make efficiencies and increased income streams where appropriate.

·         Overall the Council’s revenue position was encouraging but it still faced challenging financial times ahead with uncertainties remaining in relation to the negative grant and New Homes Bonus funding.  However, with £5.7m in earmarked reserves plus £4.9m in balances we can approach the difficult years ahead with concern rather than dread.

·         Looking at the Council’s Capital position it was obvious that it must do better at pushing projects through. The delay in the Dolphin project was due to the review of the sports hall position. Comparing budgeted spend to actuals the Council had a gap of approximately £5m in its planned borrowing which in turn delivered an unexpected saving in the associated revenue costs. This was an area officers would be focusing on in the coming year to ensure the programme was managed more effectively.

·         With the increased Disabled Facilities Grants coming through Councillor Denaro wanted to increase the Council’s ability to process them more quickly, as he believed that a quick response kept residents in their own homes and reduced demand on health providers.

·         The Council must be clearer on the Capital spend on its projects including the Burcot Lane redevelopment and potential investment opportunities to maximise invest to save opportunities in the future.

Councillor Denaro congratulated Council’s officers for the financial
performance of the Council in what were increasingly difficult and
uncertain financial times. The Council had, in effect, generated a surplus and he expressed the view that, in this day and age, it
was a minor triumph to deliver a surplus in local government with no
reduction in services and with no use of money from balances.

Councillor Denaro concluded by thanking the Executive Director of
Finance and Corporate Resources and the Council’s Finance Team for
all their excellent work.


Following presentation of the report Councillor Thompson commented that he had briefly spoken to the Portfolio Holder in respect of the Capital Programme but raised concerns in respect of the CCTV item which it had been requested to carry forward.  Councillor Thompson’s concern was that the increase in anti-social behaviour and the need for an improved CCTV system this had not been moved forward.  He also questioned whether the Portfolio Holder was prepared to be accountable for the delays which had occurred in this and a number of other projects, for example the Burcot Lane site.


Councillor Denaro responded that there were various reasons for the delays which have occurred, it had been Council’s decision to reconsider the options for the Dolphin Centre which had caused the delay with that project and in respect of Burcot Lane there had been delays with Homes England, but it was hoped that this would be signed off by the end of July and the Council would continue to press on with Capital Programme.


Members also questioned the inclusion of Section 106 monies within the Capital Programme, as this was not “the Council’s” money, but money allocated to be spent within the community.  It was agreed it would be useful to see this as a separate item with some sort of audit trail to show where the monies came from and when they had been spent.  The Leader assured Members that this was in fact monitored and detailed records kept, but was not currently reported on.  This would be considered for future reference.


Councillor P. McDonald proposed an amendment to recommendation (h) as he raised concerns that the recommendation was approving an outside organisation to carry out work on behalf of the Council.  It was the Council’s responsibility and therefore it should administer how these funds were spent.  He appreciated that voluntary organisations, such as Keep Bromsgrove Beautiful provided support in the community but the administering of the funds needed to remain within the Council’s control.  The amendment was for the words “to administer the grant and any future monies which have similar requirements to this grant” to replace the reference to BARN.


Councillor Denaro and the Leader explained how this funding was allocated and that it was for specific projects which would be co-ordinated by BARN, who were given clear guidance from the Council and therefore they saw no issued with BARN administering the funds.


Members commented that this was a good example of partnership working with the voluntary sector and BARN carried out good work in the District.  Councillor Thompson confirmed that he did not have a problem with BARN carrying out the work, but it was not necessary for them to administer the funds which had been given to this Council. 


It was confirmed that there was a detailed schedule of work which was to be carried out by BARN, which covered such areas as litter picking in the village centres.


On being put to the vote the amendment was lost.




(a)       that the transfer to balances of £186k is actioned as a result of revenue outturn savings 2018/19 be approved;


(b)       that the movement of £60k in existing reserves as included in Appendix 1 be approved;


(c)       that the addition of new reserves of £2,777k included in Appendix 1 be approved;


(d)       that the carry forward to the 2019/20 capital programme of £4,984k as detailed in Appendix 3 be approved;


(e)       that an increase in the 2019/20 Capital Programme of £163k for Disabled Facilities Grants. This is due to the budget allocations having now been announced by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). This will increase the available budget to £913k be approved;


(f)        that an increase to the capital programme 2019/20 of £44k s106 monies for re-landscaping the recreation ground, Bromsgrove be approved;


(g)       that an increase to the Capital programme 2019/20 of £41k for a Bromsgrove combined Footpath and Cycle Way Network funded from a grant from Worcestershire County Council. (£390k already approved at quarter 3) be approved; and


(h)      that an increase to the Revenue budget 2019/20 of £7k due to grant being received from Communities and Local Government towards High Street clean up and future community environmental enhancements and approval for BARN to administer the grant and any future monies received which have similar requirements to this grant, as per paragraph 3.4 be approved.


Statement of Accounts Delegation


Councillor G. Denaro, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Enabling proposed the recommendation in respect of the Statement of Accounts Delegation.  This was seconded by Councillor K. May.


In proposing the recommendation Councillor Denaro explained that this was a practical way of dealing with this, and confirmed what had been happening for some time.  The Audit, Standards and Governance Committee had been dealing with ensuring that all the mechanisms were in place to enable the accounts to be produced.  It was therefore sensible for them to complete this last piece of work, which was something which many other authorities had also delegated to this Committee.


RESOLVED that the consideration and approval of the Council’s Annual Statement of Accounts be delegated to the Audit, Standards and Governance Committee.


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