Voting record

 Council, Wednesday 23rd February 2022 6.00 p.m.

Item: Recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 23rd February 2022 (to be tabled)

Alternative Budget from the Labour Group:

Motion status:Rejected

In accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, the alternative budget from the Labour Group was subject to a named vote.


Councillor A. Kent had left the meeting by the time the alternative vote was debated so did not take part in the vote.



ForP. M. McDonald and H. D. N. Rone-Clarke2
AgainstS. J. Baxter, A. J. B. Beaumont, S. R. Colella, R. J. Deeming, G. N. Denaro, S. P. Douglas, M. Glass, C.A. Hotham, R. J. Hunter, R. E. Jenkins, H. J. Jones, J. E. King, A. D. Kriss, R. J. Laight, K.J. May, M. Middleton, S. A. Robinson, M. A. Sherrey, C. J. Spencer, P.L. Thomas, M. Thompson, J. Till, K. J.  Van Der Plank and P. J. Whittaker24
Conflict Of InterestsNone0

Alternative Budget from the Independent East District, the Independent West and Central District and the Liberal Democrats:

Motion status:Rejected

In accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 the alternative budget from the Independent East District, the Bromsgrove Independent West and Central District and the Liberal Democrats was subject to a named vote.


Councillor A. Kent had left the meeting by the time that this alternative budget was debated and therefore did not take part in the vote.


ForS. J. Baxter, S. R. Colella, S. P. Douglas, C.A. Hotham, R. J. Hunter, R. E. Jenkins, J. E. King, S. A. Robinson and K. J.  Van Der Plank9
AgainstA. J. B. Beaumont, R. J. Deeming, G. N. Denaro, M. Glass, H. J. Jones, A. D. Kriss, R. J. Laight, K.J. May, P. M. McDonald, M. Middleton, H. D. N. Rone-Clarke, M. A. Sherrey, C. J. Spencer, P.L. Thomas, M. Thompson, J. Till and P. J. Whittaker17
Conflict Of InterestsNone0

2022/23 Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan 2022/23 to 2024/25:

Resolution status:Carried

In accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 the 2022/23 Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan 2022/23 to 2024/25 was subject to a named vote.


Councillor A. Kent had left the meeting prior to the debate in respect of the 2022/23 Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan 2022/23 to 2024/25 and therefore he was not present for the vote on this item.




ForS. J. Baxter, A. J. B. Beaumont, S. R. Colella, R. J. Deeming, G. N. Denaro, S. P. Douglas, M. Glass, C.A. Hotham, R. E. Jenkins, H. J. Jones, A. D. Kriss, R. J. Laight, K.J. May, M. Middleton, M. A. Sherrey, C. J. Spencer, P.L. Thomas, M. Thompson, J. Till and P. J. Whittaker20
AgainstR. J. Hunter, P. M. McDonald, S. A. Robinson, H. D. N. Rone-Clarke and K. J.  Van Der Plank5
AbstainJ. E. King1
Conflict Of InterestsNone0

Council Tax Resolutions 2022/23:

Resolution status:Carried

In accordance with the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 the Council Tax Resolutions 2022/23 was subject to a named vote.


Councillor A. Kent had left the meeting prior to the debate in respect of the Council Tax Resolutions 2022/2 and therefore he was not present for the vote.

ForS. J. Baxter, A. J. B. Beaumont, S. R. Colella, R. J. Deeming, G. N. Denaro, S. P. Douglas, M. Glass, C.A. Hotham, R. J. Hunter, R. E. Jenkins, H. J. Jones, J. E. King, A. D. Kriss, R. J. Laight, K.J. May, P. M. McDonald, M. Middleton, S. A. Robinson, H. D. N. Rone-Clarke, M. A. Sherrey, C. J. Spencer, P.L. Thomas, M. Thompson, J. Till, K. J.  Van Der Plank and P. J. Whittaker26
Conflict Of InterestsNone0