Issue - decisions

To receive the minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet held on…

24/03/2010 - Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 3rd March 2010

The minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 3rd March 2010 were submitted for information.


With reference to the contents of Minute No. 161/09 (Performance Management Board – Annual Artrix Performance Report), Councillor P. M. McDonald referred to the current Council funding of £120,000 per year for the Artrix and sought an assurance that the Service Level Agreement (SLA) being negotiated would include a condition with regard to anti-social behaviour.   The Leader responded that the original agreement with the Artrix did not include any provision for an SLA but that the Council would guarantee to provide up to £120,000 each year to support the Artrix for ten years. An SLA had now been agreed with Artrix which just needed signing by the respective bodies but this did not include any provision with regard to ant-social behaviour, however, he was happy to talk to officers about including something along these lines.


With reference to the contents of Minute No. 165/09 (Bromsgrove Rovers/Victoria Ground Update), Councillor P. M. McDonald sought an assurance that the Victoria Ground would be kept for the reasons it was given to the Council and not handed over to developers. The Leader responded that he had given an assurance to the residents of Victoria Road that, whilst he was Leader, the ground would not be used for any other purpose than on the basis that it had been given to the Council. He was prepared to give a further assurance that the situation would not be changed to allow developers to use the ground, and if it was not used for football, the ground would revert to open space for use by local people.