Issue - decisions

Civil Parking Enforcement (?????)

09/06/2009 - Civil Parking Enforcement

The Head of Street Scene and Community addressed the meeting and informed Members that he would be submitting a report to Cabinet at the meeting to be held on 29th July 2009 which would deal with issues relating to Civil Parking Enforcement.


Mr. Bell explained that there was a detailed and complicated process which had to be followed before Civil Parking Enforcement could be implemented, but added that the new system was anticipated to be introduced in conjunction with the regeneration proposals for Bromsgrove Town Centre.  He stated that there were a number of issues which needed to be clarified with Worcestershire County Council which would, in turn, be reported to Members during the preparation and implementation processes.


Members of the Board expressed their concerns with the reasons for the Council having to introduce Civil Parking Enforcement but acknowledged that, in due course, there were benefits in terms of the parking pricing policy, the income which could be generated and the effects on car parking in general within the town centre.


RESOLVED that a draft copy of the report to be considered by Cabinet at its meeting to be held on 29th July 2009 be submitted to the next meeting of the Board on 7th July 2009 in order that:


(a)       Members can be informed further about the Civil Parking Enforcement requirements and the proposals to be considered; and

(b)       the comments of the Board on the draft report be forwarded to the Cabinet prior to making a decision.