Issue - decisions

Forthcoming Cabinet Decisions (verbal updates)

09/06/2009 - Forthcoming Cabinet Decisions

The Executive Director - Services addressed the Board and updated Members on the following matters:-


(a)       Arts Services Strategy


Mr. Beirne informed the Board that the current Arts Services Strategy would operate until the end of this year.  He added that the Arts and Events Strategy for 2010/11 to 2013/14 was anticipated to be considered by Cabinet in December 2009 and would provide an overarching strategy for the future focussing on community events alongside those promoted by the Council.


(b)       Contract and Procedure Rules


Mr. Beirne reported that the current Contract and Procedure Rules had been agreed by Council and were formally incorporated within the Council's Constitution.  He stated that the update to the Contract and Procedure Rules which would be considered by Cabinet in April 2010 would take into account the work undertaken within the Financial Services Department during the financial year and would be updated to reflect the need for increased competition, sustainability and equality and diversity considerations.


(c)        Council House Accommodation


Mr. Beirne informed the Board that preparatory work was on-going in advance of the decision to be made on any new Council House accommodation.  He explained that whilst a new site had not yet been identified, an audit of requirements and facilities had already been conducted, together with determining the amount of office and storage space that would be required.


However, he added that it was still too early to give definite details due to the timescales involved, changes in working practices and potential sharing arrangements with partners and other agencies.