Issue - decisions

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

07/04/2009 - Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Consideration was given to the Forward Plan which included key and non-key decisions due to be taken by the Cabinet over the forthcoming months.


Questions were raised regarding item number 10 which related to the commissioning of a countywide Home Improvement Agency (HIA) and the rollout of the Kick Start Equity Release scheme for home improvements to Worcestershire. 


With regards to publicity, it was explained that there was a Countywide Project Management Group overseeing the work and there was a Service Design Sub-Group which would focus on issues of service and publicity.  It was reported that the District Council would have a role to play in publicising the services and targeting those most in need of assistance.  It was stated that this was likely to include publicity leaflets distributed across the County and information and appropriate links on the Council’s website.


There was a brief discussion relating to the waiting times for home adaptations and it was explained that using EU procurement legislation, the process had been streamlined and the tendering phase had been removed.  This had helped to halve the waiting time and it was continuing to decrease, however, it was accepted that waiting times needed to improve further.  It was confirmed that there was a mechanism in place to try and ensure quality of work and value for money and the pre-qualification process for contractors was based on a scoring system with 60% based on price and 40% based on quality.


It was explained that consistency across the County would aim to make application for services as simple as possible.  However, in relation to Kick Start, as this was an equity release scheme, it was essential that a lengthy and in depth explanation was given to the client to ensure they fully understood the implications and had sufficient time and opportunity to consider all alternatives available to them.



(a)    that, in relation to the Home Improvement Agency (item number 10), the Executive Director – Partnerships and Projects, be requested to inform the Board of the target waiting time from application referral to adaptation installation; and

(b)    that all items on the Forward Plan be noted.