Issue - decisions

Performance Management Strategy

22/01/2009 - Performance Management Strategy

Consideration was given to a report on a proposed Performance Management Strategy for the Authority. The report included the details of the existing Performance Management Framework and defined the linkages between the various key strategic planning documents such as the Corporate Plan and Business Plans. The Assistant Chief Executive and the Portfolio Holder for Customer Care and Service responded to questions and comments on the report.


It was reported that the purpose of the Performance Management Strategy was to guide the Council towards further improvements in performance, particularly in relation to the new Comprehensive Area Assessment regime which was due to come into effect on 1st April 2009. 



(a)       that the Performance Management Strategy, together with the implementation action plan attached as Appendix 2 to the Strategy, be noted;

(b)       that it be noted that progress made on the implementation action plan  will be reported to the Board on an annual basis.