Issue - decisions

Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Free Zones Report (Task Group Chairman: Councillor C. B. Taylor)

09/02/2009 - Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Free Zones Report

Councillor C. B. Taylor, Task Group Chairman, presented the Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Free Zones Report to the Board and also briefly outlined the background to the establishment of the Task Group. 


There were a number of questions regarding the Task Group’s findings and recommendations.  In particular, there was some discussion on alcohol free zones (legally referred to as Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs)) in terms of its definition and Police enforcement of such areas. 


RESOLVED that the Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Free Zones Report be approved.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet be requested to approve the Anti-Social Behaviour and Alcohol Free Zones Report, including the recommendations contained within it.