Issue - decisions

Presentation on Medium Term Financial Plan 2009/2010

09/01/2009 - Medium Term Financial Plan 2009/2010 - 2011/2012

Consideration was given to a report on the Medium Term Financial Plan 2009/10 – 2011/12.  The Portfolio Holder for Financial Services gave his thanks to the Head of Financial Services, officers and the Budget Jury for their work in producing a comprehensive report.  He then gave a presentation on the current position in relation to the Medium Term Financial Plan (revenue and capital budgets) for 2009/2010 – 2011/2012.  Further discussion took place with the following amendments being proposed and agreed.  The Head of Financial Services undertook to ensure that the amendments were incorporated into the Medium Term Financial Plan to be submitted to the forthcoming meeting of the Council.

  • Key deliverable bids for Local Neighbourhood Partnerships.  Members agreed that the trial had proved successful and that the budget pressures identified as high be amended to reflect the revised funding.  Local Neighbourhood Partnerships to be funded according to the number of district councillors: Hagley and Rural - £20,000  commencing 2009/10, Charford - £10,000 commencing 2009/10.  An additional £30,000 to be included in the budget pressures 2010/11 and 2011/12, to enable two Local Neighbourhood Partnerships to be rolled out each year. 


  • The car parking charges to remain static in 2009/10.  Members agreed that due to the significant costs associated with the implementation of the VAT reduction in relation to car parking charges, an additional  “free parking” period be given to compensate customers for not receiving a reduced charge during 2009/10.


  • Proposed Capital Programme, Street Scene and Community, £290,000, 2009/2010, upgrade of the CCTV Control Room, to be removed.  Officers were instructed to request funding from West Mercia Police to enable the project to be undertaken.  In addition Members requested further investigation of the Worcestershire Countywide Telecare Strategy and evaluation of the impact of the impact of these proposals on the CCTV service.



(a)               that the budget pressures identified as high in Appendix A of the report be included within the Medium Term Financial Plan as follows:

                              2009/10          £505,000

                              2010/11          £423,000

                              2011/12          £459,000


(b)               that the budget pressures identified as unavoidable in Appendix B of the report be included within the Medium Term Financial Plan as follows:

                              2009/10          £577,000

                              2010/11          £580,000

                              2011/12          £550,000


(c)               that the recommended savings as identified in Appendix C of the report be included within the Medium Term Financial Plan as follows:

                                    2009/10          £566,000

                                    2010/11          £1,035,000

                                    2011/12          £1,196,000


(d)               that the revised Capital Programme as detailed in Appendix D of the report be included within the Medium Term Financial Plan as follows:

                                    2009/10          £3,389,000

                                    2010/11          £2,161,000

                                    2011/12          £1,510,000


(e)               that the release of balances of up to £198,000 to fund the costs associated with redundancy and early retirement for those staff not redeployed within the Council, be approved.