Issue - decisions

Forward Plan of Key Decisions

09/02/2009 - Forward Plan of Key Decisions

Forward Plan – February to May 2009


Consideration was given to the Forward Plan which included key and non-key decisions due to be taken by the Cabinet over the forthcoming months.


Further information was requested on item 4 (Housing Strategy 2006-2011 Mid Term Review), item 12 (Preferred Planning Guidance (PPG)17 - Outturn), item 13 (Sports Hub Provision) item 28 (West Midlands Biodiversity Pledge and Revised Biodiversity Action Plan) and item 35 (Place Survey Results).


With regards to item 19 (Customer First and Access Strategy) it was explained that the access strategy related to issues for vulnerable and minority groups accessing Council services and facilities.


It was believed that within the Medium Term Financial Plan, fixed penalty notices (FPN) had not been considered as a high priority and as a result it was thought the necessary funding for implementation had not been approved.  Therefore, the report referred to as item 32 on the Forward Plan would no longer be required.


In relation to item 35 (Place Survey), it was explained that the Assistant Chief Executive was waiting for the Place Survey results.  However, this information could be made available to the Overview Board when it was received.  It was stated that the Worcestershire Partnership Board might also have some information that could be useful to the Overview Board.


Supplementary list of Forward Plan items – 2009/10


Members considered the list of anticipated reports for the rest of 2009/10 which had been split into service areas.



(a)    that further information be provided to the Overview Board relating to the following:

§      Item 4 (Housing Strategy 2006-2011 Mid Term Review)

§      Item 12 (Preferred Planning Guidance (PPG)17 - Outturn)

§      Item 13 (Sports Hub Provision)

§      Item 28 (West Midlands Biodiversity Pledge and Revised Biodiversity Action Plan)

(b)    that the reason for the delay in relation to item 19 (Customer First and Access Strategy) be provided to Members of the Overview Board;

(c)     that confirmation be given as to whether or not funding was approved for the implementation of Fixed Penalty Notices (item 32);

(d)    that further information relating to item 35 (Place Survey) be requested from the Assistant Chief Executive, as soon as the results were available; and

(e)    that all other items on the Forward Plan be noted.