Committee details

Standards Committee (this Committee has now been combined wit the Audit, Standrds and Governance Committee and no longer meets)

Purpose of committee

About the Standards Committee


This Committee deals with matters relating to the conduct of Bromsgrove District Council Members and the members of the 19 Parish Councils in the District, together with auditing and overseeing complaints made to the Ombudsman against the Council.


Annual Report


Standards Committee Annual Report 2008/2009

Standards Committee Annual Report 2007/2008


What it Does

·         Handles matters connected to the Members' Code of Conduct

·         Overview of the whistle blowing policy

·         Overview of complaints handling and Ombudsman investigations

·         Oversight of the Council's constitution

·         Overview of Internal and External Audit


Standards Committee - Decisions


Press Notices published by the Standards Committee



Further information about the Committee is available within the Council's Constitution -


Contact information

Support officer: Debbie Parker-Jones.

Postal address:
The Council House
Burcot Lane
B60 1AA

Phone: 01527 881411

Fax: 01527 881414


Web site: