Agenda item - Report and Presentation on Housing and Homelessness

Agenda item

Report and Presentation on Housing and Homelessness


The Board considered a report from the Strategic Housing Manager on the Homelessness and Housing Register.  A presentation was also given by Amanda Glennie, the Strategic Housing Officer and Clare Garner, Housing Manager (Needs and Money Advice) Bromsgrove District Housing Trust (bdht).


The presentation covered the following areas, which were discussed by Members:


  • Bdht’s role and the service level agreement they have with the Council.
  • The Council’s statutory responsibilities
  • Homelessness and Housing Options
  • The work of the Bromsgrove Homelessness Steering Group
  • Homeless acceptances and households in temporary accommodation
  • Home ownership, lender forbearance and mortgage rescue.
  • The work of the Step Up Private Tenancy Scheme
  • The Home Choice Plus Scheme, the banding system, properties advertised and the increase in demand for properties and future issues.
  • Current position and the risks attached to cutting preventative work and services.


The Board also discussed in detail the Homelessness Grant and the wide range of initiatives that this funded, including a Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) owner occupation debt advisor, NewStarts Furniture Project and Homelessness Prevention Floating Support.  By providing successful prevention schemes and reducing the use of temporary accommodation the Council had influenced an increase in the Homelessness Grant funding to Bromsgrove from £32,000 in 2003 to £81,050 for the current year.   The Council understood that it was the Government’s intention to continue to award Homelessness Grants at the same level as in previous years but in an un-ring fenced form that was likely to become part of the Area Based Grant.  The Strategic Housing Manager advised Members that it was crucial that the homelessness prevention services continued in order to avoid increased use of temporary accommodation and the potential expense to the Council of having to provide Bed and Breakfast accommodation. 


The Strategic Housing Officer confirmed to Members that there had recently been a satisfaction survey for the Home Choice Plus Scheme and agreed to pass the results of this to officers for circulation to Members when available. 


Members also raised a concern in respect of Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs), with particular reference to those who had accessed the grants and the level of satisfaction with the quality of the work undertaken.  The Strategic Housing Manager agreed to provide further information on this via officers.


After further discussion it was



(a)                 that the Homelessness Grant funding be ring fenced in order for the preventative measures to continue to be carried out; and

(b)                 that the relevant Portfolio Holder is made aware of and investigates further, what is the likely impact and anticipated increase in homelessness and whether it is being appropriately prepared for.



(a)               that the Board notes the performance of the range of homelessness prevention initiatives and success of the Housing Options service in significantly reducing homelessness acceptances;

(b)               that trends indicating a potential increase in demand from homeless or potentially homeless clients following a period of economic downturn and the implications of proposed welfare benefit changes on the demand for homelessness services in the future be noted; and

(c)               that the importance of maintaining continued investment in good housing advice and homelessness prevention services and the cost effectiveness of these services in currently avoiding and reducing future risk to the Council of having to meet excessive bed and breakfast costs be noted.

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