Agenda item

Petitions - Alvechurch Multi-Usage Games Area (MUGA)


The Board was presented with three petitions on the Multi-Usage Games Area (MUGA) at Swans Length, Alvechurch.  The Chairman explained that one role of the Board was to receive petitions, to determine whether to hold an inquiry and to make recommendations to the Cabinet.  He outlined the process for receiving petitions, whereby the petition organiser for each petition is allowed up to 5 minutes to present their petition. 


The first petition was presented by Mrs. Sarah Morgan.  The petition was entitled “I, the below, wish the MUGA, at Swans Length Alvechurch, be dismantled and removed”.  Mrs. Morgan explained that the petition was requesting removal of the MUGA facility and outlined the reasons for this.  These included the anti-social behaviour reported to take place in and around the MUGA.  The petition contained 90 signatures. 


The second petition was presented by Mr. Alex Cooke.  The petition was entitled “I sign this digital petition to register my support for saving the Alvechurch MUGA”.  Mr. Cooke explained that the petition was against demolition and removal of the MUGA facility and outlined the reasons for this.  These included that the MUGA was a valued and much used resource for children and families in the area.  The petition contained 108 signatures. 


The third petition was presented by Miss Emily Wightman.  The petition was entitled “Join if you want to keep the MUGA in Alvechurch”.  Miss Wightman explained that the petition was against demolition and removal of the MUGA facility and outlined the reasons for this.  These included that the MUGA was a facility valued by children and young people in the neighbourhood.  The petition contained 103 signatures. 


The Chairman thanked the petition organisers for presenting their petitions and asked the Head of Community Services to comment.  The Board were advised that there had been an increase in reported anti-social behaviour and complaints from residents who lived in the proximity of the MUGA.  Public engagement on the issue through a local resident focus group had been carried out to consider the issues and at a meeting of the resident focus group it had been decided that the removal of the MUGA was an option that the group would like the local authority to consider.  The matter had been presented to Cabinet on 2nd June 2010, as outlined in Appendix 2 of the report.  In the meantime, the petitions on the MUGA had been submitted and the Cabinet had referred consideration of the issue to the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board, in accordance with the Council Constitution. 


It was moved that an inquiry be carried out by the Board to consider the matter in detail and to interview key witnesses. 



(a)               that an inquiry be held into the future of the MUGA facility at Swans Length, Alvechurch and the matter be considered at an extra meeting of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board on 22nd July 2010; that key witnesses be invited to this meeting, and the Head of Community Services be asked to provide the key evidence identified in a written report;

(b)               that the terms of reference for the inquiry be:


To investigate the perceived crime and disorder issues and the future options for the Multi Use Games Area facility at Swans Length, Alvechurch. 


1.   To investigate the crime and disorder issues around the MUGA

2.   To consider the value of the MUGA to local residents

3.   To identify the possible options and associated costs and benefits for the MUGA.” 

(c)               that the following key witnesses be interviewed during the enquiries, together with any possible expert advisor on anti-social behaviour (e.g. from the County Council):

·        The relevant Portfolio Holder

·        The Head of Service

·        West Mercia Police

·        Ward Councillors

·        The Chairman of Alvechurch Parish Council

·        Bromsgrove District Council CCTV Manager

·        Alvechurch Youth Club,

·        Any Residents Associations

·        Any Neighbourhood Watch organisation in the neighbourhood

·        Young people in the neighbourhood.

(d)       that a site visit be carried out to inspect the MUGA and that this be       organised by the Scrutiny Officer;

(e)               that the following key information be provided by the Community Services Department:

·        anti social behaviour data for the neighbourhood before and after installation of the MUGA,

·        the cost of installation, the cost of removal, the cost of putting the MUGA into storage and

·        the evidence for the need of the MUGA facility when it was installed.

(f)                 that the following be identified as key questions to put to witnesses, together with any further questions that Members may wish to submit to the Scrutiny Officer:

Q      What work has been done elsewhere to deal with similar anti social behaviour problems around other MUGA facilities?

Q      What options have been explored for alteration of the structure, layout and seating of the MUGA facility to deter anti-social behaviour?

Q      What alternatives to removal of the MUGA have been identified? 

Q      Is there any way to assess the usage of the MUGA by children and families in the area? 

Q      Are the anti-social problems seasonal, i.e. higher at particular times of year? 

Q      Are there any options for surveillance of the MUGA to deter anti-social behaviour (e.g. police, CCTV, local residents etc). 

Q      Is there any data to compare anti-social behaviour at the Alvechurch MUGA with other MUGA facilities? 

Q      Is there any data to show the incidents of anti-social behaviour reported? 

Q      Where do people reportedly misusing the MUGA and consuming alcohol on the site buy the alcohol?  Is there a local off licence where alcohol might be being obtained and is this being investigated to see if they are selling alcohol to underage customers who are misusing the MUGA? 

Supporting documents: