Agenda item

Quarter 3 Integrated Finance & Performance Report


The Board considered the report on the Council’s performance and financial position at 31st December 2009.  It was noted that the predicted overspend had been significantly reduced to £77,000 and that officers were continuing to reduce the potential impact of this on the Council.


Members were advised that the significant increase in printing charges was being addressed and this should be reflected in the next quarterly report.  The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the investment interest received from the Debt Management Office at a current level of 0.28% was being reviewed and it was anticipated that this would also be reflected in the next quarterly report.


The Board discussed in detail the Bonfire Event and the cost of this to the Council.  The Head of Leisure and Cultural Services gave a brief breakdown of the cost of this event and advised Members that an Overview & Scrutiny Proposal Form had been submitted to the Scrutiny Board in respect of this, which would be considered at the Scrutiny Board meeting to be held on 25th February 2010. 


Members enquired whether it was possible to split the funding that was provided for the Christmas Light Switch On into each area.  The Arts Development & Special Events Officer responded that that price was not currently sub-divided in this way.


The Board was advised that there was potential to recover some of the loss in respect of the Burcot Room when the Worcestershire Enhanced Two Tier programme was up and running.


Members also discussed the following items in some detail:

  • Sickness level which continued to be better than target, as a result of the focus by the Board.
  • Dolphin Centre and fitness suite membership/usage.
  • Transfer of management of the Dolphin Centre.



(a)               that it be noted that 47% of performance indicators for which data is available are improving or stable;

(b)               that it be noted that 61% of performance indicators for which data is available are achieving their year to date target;

(c)               that it be noted that 78% of performance indications for which data is available are predicated to meet their target at the year end;

(d)               that the successes and areas of potential concern as set out in the Council summary be noted;

(e)               that the current financial position on Revenue and Capital as detailed in the report be noted;

(f)                 that the release of previously approved earmarked reserves of £687k, as set out in Appendix 5 be noted;

(g)               that the budget virements listed in Appendix 6 be noted;

(h)               that it be noted that Cabinet had  requested at the full Council to approve the addition of £150k to the Capital Programme for the CCTV improvement as agreed as part of the Shared Services arrangements on 16th September 2009; and

(i)                 that it be noted that although complaints increase by 12% compared to quarter 2, the number of complaints is nonetheless a 30% decrease compared to quarter 3 last year.  In addition it be noted that compliments increased in quarter 3 compared to quarter 2 and are more than 50% up on the same quarter last year, as set out in Appendix 7.

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