Members were asked to consider an application from the County Councillor representing the Electoral Division for Beacon to introduce a Designated Public Places Order which would prevent, when requested, the consumption of alcohol in the Cofton Hackett area in an attempt to reduce anti-social behaviour and drinking in these public places.
The report provided updates and additional evidence from West Mercia Constabulary, Neighbourhood Watch, PACT Meetings and Birmingham City Council, as requested by the Committee at its meeting held on 23rd February 2009 when the matter had been previously considered.
The Principal Licensing Officer introduced the report which also detailed the published Home Office Guidance relating to Designated Public Places Orders (DPPOs) for Local Authorities in England and Wales. The Committee was informed that the document set out guidance for local authorities on the issue of evidence required to justify the making of a DPPO as follows:
“The evidence you will require for a DPPO is that there is an alcohol related nuisance or annoyance to the public in the proposed area/s. You should make an assessment as to the likelihood that the problem will continue unless these powers are adopted. In addition, you must have a belief that the problem could be remedied by the use of these powers. Evidence should be based not just on information you have obtained, but also from the police and members of the local community who have reported incidents of alcohol-related anti-social behavior or disorder. Evidence of alcohol-related nuisance could for example include litter related to the consumption of alcohol (e.g. bottles and cans) as well as police information and residents’ complaints.”
The Chairman invited Members to put any relevant questions to the Principal Licensing Officer. In response, the Principal Licensing Officer asked Members to note that no DPPO application had been granted without the agreement and support of the police and that no response had been received from Cofton Hackett Parish Council.
The Chairman invited Members to put any relevant questions to Inspector D. Shaw and PC J. Willetts, West Mercia Constabulary. In response, Inspector Shaw informed Members that, currently, there had been insufficient evidence and data to support the introduction of a DPPO and that not all anti-social behaviour reported in the area concerned was alcohol related. PC Willetts explained that Cofton Hackett Neighbourhood Watch had distributed 800 leaflets asking local residents for their views on a Designated Public Places Order for the Cofton Hackett area with 19 responses being received. PC Willetts also asked Members to note that the issue had remained as one of the top 3 PACT (Partners and Communities Together) priorities due to it being unresolved and no agreement being reached.
At the Chairman’s discretion, Councillor P. M. McDonald, County Councillor representing the Electoral Division for Beacon, addressed the Committee and spoke in favour of introducing a DPPO in this area. In doing so, he stated that it had been raised as a 'top issue' during PACT (Partners and Communities Together) meetings and, in addition, over four hundred people had been contacted, as stated during the Licensing Committee meeting held on 23rd February 2009.
Following further discussion and at the suggestion of Officers from West Mercia Constabulary it was agreed that the Local Policing Team conduct a ‘face-to-face’ survey in the area surrounding the proposed DPPO within the next 4 weeks and provide the results of the survey to the Principal Licensing Officer.
(a) that the request for the creation of a Designated Public Places Order in the Cofton Hackett area, Bromsgrove be deferred until the next meeting of the Licensing Committee; and
(b) that the Principal Licensing Officer be tasked to issue a report on the results of the West Mercia Constabulary ‘Face to Face’ survey to the next meeting of the Licensing Committee.
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