Councillor K. May presented the recommendations from the Joint Appointments Committee report for Members’ consideration. In doing so it was outlined that the recruitment process to appoint a new Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and new Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer had been undertaken.
Following a tender exercise, GatenbySanderson were commissioned as the external recruitment agency to assist with a national search and the recruitment process for both positions.
The introduction of a Joint Appointments Committee was approved by Bromsgrove District Council’s Full Council and subsequently the Committee agreed to appoint Members from both authorities to serve on a Joint Appointments Sub-Committee. The role of the Joint Appointments Sub-Committee was to act as the recruitment panel for both positions.
The Joint Appointments Sub-Committee undertook the final interviews for the positions of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer on 16th and 18th December 2024 respectively. The Joint Appointments Sub-Committee received professional support from the current Chief Executive, the Human Resources and Organisational Development Manager and an external Recruitment Advisor from GatenbySanderson.
A further meeting of the Joint Appointments Committee took place on Wednesday 8th January 2025. During this meeting, Members considered recommendations made by the Joint Appointments Sub-Committee concerning their nominations for the positions of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer respectively.
The respective appointments to both the Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer roles were conditional, and subject to the approval at both Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch Borough Council Full Council meetings and following successful completion of all necessary employment checks. These checks were a standard part of the Councils’ recruitment processes and conducted to ensure compliance with Council policies and legal requirements.
The required checks included:
Only if all these checks were successfully completed and met Council standards would a formal, unconditional offer be made.
During the presentation of the report, Councillor K. May took the opportunity to thank the current Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive for their commitment to the Council over the previous months.
Some Members expressed their concerns in respect of the financial implications of recruiting to two senior positions given the current proposals regarding the change in structure for Local Government. These concerns were raised in particular as it was likely that Bromsgrove District Council would cease to exist in just over two years’ time. Members reported that they had not been given the opportunity, despite requesting the information, to look at the financial cost to the Council for recruiting to these positions for the next two years. The Chief Executive explained, that after having sought legal advice on this matter, it was not appropriate to provide Members with this kind of financial information as it would require divulging personal information of candidates that had not yet received formal offers for the roles.
It was acknowledged that the timing was not ideal given the current situation. However, it was noted that the Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service along with the Section 151 Officer were statutory positions within the Council and therefore had to be in place. Furthermore, given the time of uncertainty ahead it was necessary to have a strong leadership team in place to implement the changes going forward.
Members stated that they had been disappointed that the report did not address some areas of interest including notice periods and what the ‘track record’ of the preferred candidates had been. Members were informed that generally in senior management positions the notice period was three months. However, this would be something that the incoming officers would negotiate once the offers had been accepted. It was also reported that the current Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive would remain in position until such time as the new successful candidates entered the roles.
There was uncertainty for all Council employees and, although no guarantees could be made at this current time, after seeking legal advice it seemed that current employees would be subject to the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (TUPE) on ‘vesting day’ for the new unitary authority.
The recommendations were proposed by Councillor K. May and seconded by Councillor P. McDonald.
On being put to the vote it was
1) To note the Joint Appointments Committee had completed a rigorous selection process to recruit a new Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and a new Deputy Chief Executive and Section151 Officer.
2) Subject to Redditch Borough Council as employer agreeing to the appointment at their Council meeting due to take place on 27th January 2025, and subject to satisfactory reference and eligibility checks, John Leach be appointed as Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service.
3) To note that the salary agreed for the Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service was within the range approved by Redditch Borough Council’s Pay Policy as the employing authority.
4) To approve the appointment of Robert Watson as Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer, to fulfil the purposes of Section 151 of the Local Government 1972, subject to satisfactory reference and eligibility checks.
5) Subject thereto, Robert Watson to be made available under the shared services arrangements with Redditch Borough Council to perform such duties as were required in his capacity as Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer for Redditch Borough Council.
6) To note that the salary agreed for the Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer was within the range approved by Bromsgrove District Council’s Pay Policy as the employing authority, and
7) The current Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer to remain in post until John Leach and Robert Watson have commenced employment with the authorities.
[Councillor S. Peters asked for his vote against the recommendations above to be specifically recorded in the minutes].
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