It was noted that Councillor A. Bailes returned to the meeting room for this application.
As detailed in the report on pages 99 and 117 of the main agenda pack. the application sought the variation of approved plans (Condition 4) for the full element of the hybrid permission, which related to the set of approved plans. The applicant was seeking to substitute consented HQI 73 House Type (2 bedroom semi-detached) with HQI 50 House Type (4 one bedroom maisonettes) on Plots 80-83 and to reorientate Plots 84-85, in order to address gradient constraints on the site.
Officers presented the report and presentation slides, as detailed on pages 120 to 124 of the main agenda pack.
Members were informed that the number of approved dwellings would remain at 128 for the full element of the hybrid. The 44 affordable dwellings (split between shared ownership and affordable homes for rent) would not change as a result of this application being approved.
The changes in the house types were considered acceptable. The elevational and layout changes to facilitate the dwellings were satisfactory. The height, scale and massing of the development did not alter substantially from the approval.
The comments received from the consultee, including the change in the size of the affordable housing had been noted. Overall, the changes in terms of affordable housing and design were acceptable. The proposed development was in accordance with the BDP7, BDP8, BDP19, the Bromsgrove High Quality Design SPD and the NPPF.
The Highway Authority noted that HQI 73 House Type was a 2-bedroom dwelling, whilst the HQI 50 House Type was a 1-bedroom dwelling. The submitted scheme proposals layout drawing showed the previous two car parking spaces per dwelling, at Plots 80-83, being amended to provide one car parking space per new dwellings. This parking provision was still in line with the requirements set out in the WCC Streetscape Design Guide. The proposed changes, including the reorientation of Plots 84/85, would have no significant impact on the local highway network.
Members were further informed that a section 106 agreement (s106) had been completed for the hybrid application. However, the legal agreement did not include wording that if a s73 consent was granted then the obligations in the s106 legal agreement (such as affordable housing, education, off site open space, etc) should relate to the new s73 consent.
Therefore, if approved a supplemental deed to the legal agreement would be required in this case to ensure that the obligations still applied.
Technical matters regarding flood risk and drainage were acceptable. Other matters relating to ecology and biodiversity, air quality, noise, and contaminated land were assessed in detail on the previous applications and were considered acceptable (subject to relevant conditions). Officers consider that the proposed condition change under this application would not result in any material change to these matters, subject to relevant conditions under 19/00976/HYB being imposed.
Officers conclude that, the proposed changes were considered to comply with Bromsgrove District Plan policies, the Bromsgrove High Quality Design SPD and the provisions of the NPPF. Therefore, the application was recommended for approval, subject to conditions. Under section 73 applications, conditions attached to the original consent would be carried across to the new section 73 application where those conditions continued to have effect. The recommendations, as detailed on page 118 of the main agenda pack, reflected this.
Members then considered the application.
Officers responded to questions from the Committee and in doing so explained that following further survey works to address the gradients on site, the 2 bedroom semi-detached dwellings were not suitable. However, the number of dwellings and the number of affordable dwellings would still be retained. Officers reiterated that the variation of the approved plans, which included a reduction in the number of car parking spaces per dwelling, as detailed in the report , was considered acceptable by the Highway Authority.
Officers further commented that a large amount of open space was still being provided under the approved hybrid application.
On being put to the vote, it was
RESOLVED that Hybrid Planning Permission be granted, subject to
a) delegated powers be granted to the Assistant Director for Planning and Leisure Services to determine the planning application following the receipt of a suitable and satisfactory legal mechanism; and
b) delegated powers be granted to the Assistant Director for Planning and Leisure Services to update the conditions relating to 19/00976/HYB and to agree the final scope, detailed wording and numbering of conditions.
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