Agenda item

Hybrid Leader and Cabinet Governance Model - Six-Month Review of Working Arrangements


The six-month review of working arrangements (hybrid Leader and Cabinet governance model)report reviewed how the Hybrid Leader and Cabinet model of governance had been working at Bromsgrove District Council for the last six months. 


A review of the Council’s governance model was undertaken by the Governance Systems Task Group in 2023. The group’s findings were reported at an extraordinary meeting of Council held on 20th September 2023 and the proposals detailed in the report were approved.


The key proposal detailed in the report was that the Council should have a Hybrid Leader and Cabinet model of governance moving forward. To enable this to be delivered, the recommendation was underpinned by six sub-proposals summarised as follows: -


1.     That the changes to the constitution detailed in the October 2023 report be implemented.

2.     That working protocols be introduced to embed more collegiate working.

3.     That Cabinet Advisory Panels be introduced.

4.     That action be taken to improve communications with Members.

5.     That a Memorandum of Understanding between all political group leaders to maintain these working arrangements for at least the next four years be introduced.

6.     That the arrangements be reviewed in six months’ time by the

Overview and Scrutiny Board.


Members were invited to consider the update provided and to note progress made.  The following discussions were held by Members:


·       There had been some good examples of opportunities for Member participation in the relevant meetings, however, some Members expressed the view that these were always constructive. 


·       The roles of Portfolio Holder surgeries.  It was clarified that surgeries were provided to offer Member engagement and to ensure residents’ voices could be heard. 


·       Member participation was very important during meetings. 


·       Officer participation was not considered a necessity for all meetings, therefore not adding additional strain on officer time and resources.


·       The relevant meetings were a good opportunity for all party Members to be involved, providing a wealth of knowledge during debates.


·       The role of Cabinet Advisory Groups (CAGs) was not to make decisions but to support Cabinet Members reviewing important strategic areas linked to the Council Plan.


·       There had been a positive outcome of the Governance Task Group with the recommendation of an additional Democratic Services Officer.  An officer had been recruited into this position in 2024 and Officers complimented her on the support she was providing to Members and the Board.



·       It was suggested that Member’s behaviour in meetings had improved since the review of the Council’s governance model was completed. Harmony was more evident in Full Council meetings since the review.


·       The intention of hybrid working was to encourage meetings to run more smoothly with backbenchers being provided with more information by Portfolio Holder to enhance the local democratic process.


During consideration of this item, a recommendation was proposed by Councillor R. Hunter.  This recommendation was:


“To consolidate Cabinet Advisory Group (CAG) and Cabinet Surgery meetings to reduce the number and frequency of meetings.”


The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Hunter and seconded by Councillor D. Nicholl.


In proposing the recommendation, Councillor Hunter raised concerns about the impact that the increase in meetings arising from the introduction of CAG meetings, Cabinet surgeries and more Member Briefings had had on the workloads of officers.  It was suggested that rationalisation of these meetings would help to reduce these pressures.


Members discussed the proposed recommendation.  In doing so, it was noted that officers were not required to attend all of these meetings, in particular, Cabinet Member surgeries were only attended by Members.  It was also noted that the meeting had been arranged as requested through the governance review but the frequency could be reviewed if required.


On being put to the vote the recommendation was lost.


An error was highlighted in the report which read “the chairman of the Council shall not be a member of a political group represented on the Council”.  It was agreed this was a typographical error and should read “the chairman of the Council shall not be a member of a political group represented on the Cabinet”.


RESOLVED that the six-month review of governance arrangements in place at Bromsgrove District Council be noted.




Supporting documents: