Officers drew Members’ attention to the Committee Update, which detailed the updated consultee responses from: -
· Worcestershire Highways
· North Worcestershire Water Management
· Waste Management
· Community Safety;
and the revised Recommendation, highlighting that the published report had referred to the application as ‘outline’ and that the application was a ‘full’ planning application, as detailed on pages 3 and 4 of the Committee Update. A copy of the Committee Update was provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Officers presented the report and in doing so highlighted that the application was for the demolition of a function room and the erection of 23 apartments with associated parking provision and landscaping.
Officers presented the presentation slides, as detailed on pages 32 to 40 of the main agenda pack.
Each residential unit would be dual aspect (east/west). With this orientation each apartment would benefit from sunlight in addition to daylight at different times of day. It would result in a satisfactory outlook for future residents and overlooking of outdoor areas from both the front and rear elevations to aid surveillance and security.
The report highlighted that Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) – Noise, having received the revised noise impact assessment (Walnut Acoustics Document Ref: WA/0520/NA-355 rev1); had commented that it appeared satisfactory and predicted that acceptable internal noise levels should achieved by the installation of glazing products that met the recommended specifications, as detailed at Table 14 of the assessment.
Full planning permission was being sought for the demolition of the existing function room located to the rear of Rubery Social Club and the construction of a 3-4 storey high block of 23 no. 1-bed units, plus accommodation in the roof space. Amended plans had been submitted to address identified deficiencies on the proposed bin store arrangements, with a separate bin store close to the existing entrance drive (positioned to the rear of the Social Club building).
The site was level ground and set within the Local Centre shopping area. It was bounded to the north by the A38 and Callow Brook and to the west by a residential garden, the photographs showed the trees in the gardens of neighbouring properties. An existing sycamore tree located close to the site entrance would be retained.
It was noted that there were no public speakers registered to speak.
Members then considered the application which officers had recommended be granted.
Councillor E. M. S. Gray stated that the application site was within her ward area, so she was very familiar with the building and layout, she had not received any complaints or concerns from residents. However, she asked if officers had considered the level of noise from the road for residents occupying the proposed dwellings; and entry for the fire and rescue service.
In response officers explained that access for the fire and rescue services would be considered as part of building regulations, it was not a planning consideration. With regards to potential noise, officers drew Members’ attention to the comments received from WRS – Noise, as detailed on pages 21 and 22 of the main agenda pack.
In response to questions from the Committee on the previous application which was approved for the development of up to 20 apartments on the site, officers clarified that the previous application was for outline planning permission. Members’ attention was drawn to the ‘Principle of the development’ which detailed the extant planning permission 20/00198/OUT for the development of up to 20 apartments on the site, and the loss of the function room, as detailed on pages 24 and 25 of the main agenda pack.
Following further questions on the provision of affordable housing and the applicant’s financial viability appraisal and the Council’s Viability Appraisal Consultant’s comments, officers explained that as detailed in the report (pages 27 and 28 of the main agenda pack), that the s106 Obligation attached to the outline planning permission 20/00198/OUT had included an allowance for vacant building credit. In this policy context, Housing Services had calculated a requirement for 3 no. affordable units, including 1no. First Homes. The applicant had had extensive discussions with local Registered Providers of affordable housing, and none had expressed a willingness to take up such units, explaining that this was due to the units being part of a single block of market apartments which was considered to lead to difficulties regarding future management arrangements. This had therefore resulted in the applicant requesting consideration of a financial contribution in lieu of on-site affordable housing provision. Housing Strategy had calculated this at £114,000.00. This matter was considered further, as detailed in the report. Following the applicant submitting a viability appraisal the applicant had confirmed their agreement to the s106 contributions, totalling £69,324.08, as detailed on page 28 of the main agenda pack.
The Council’s Viability Appraisal Consultant had concluded that the benchmark value of the site and also some of the costs that were overstated in the submitted viability appraisal. Taking this into account together with the £69,324.08 contributions the applicant had agreed to make, the Council’s Viability Appraisal Consultant had identified a potential shortfall of approximately £11,000 when assessing the viability of the scheme. However, they also advised that this was marginal and could likely be made up during the course of the build.
As a result of the viability assessment and its review, officers had accepted that there was insufficient value in the scheme to allow the requested affordable housing contribution of £114,000 and other requested contributions in full. The applicant had confirmed their commitment to honour the agreed contributions
totalling £69,324.08.
Worcestershire County Council (WCC) Highways contribution originally suggested at £1,587.00 towards community transport was not being recommended. This contribution was based on the assumption of the age of the potential residents, which was an unknown quantity.
Councillor A. Bailes suggested that an additional Condition be included that proposed residents received a ‘Residential Welcome Pack’ from the developer, which Members were in agreement with.
The Councl’s Legal Advisor further explained that any proposed amendments to the s106 contributions would be brought back for consideration by Planning Committee Members.
On being put to the vote it was
RESOLVED that planning permission be granted, subject to
a) delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure Services to determine the planning application following the receipt of a suitable and satisfactory legal mechanism in relation to a financial contribution of up to £69,324 to be allocated as follows: -
I. Integrated Care Board for a contribution of up to £9600 additional primary healthcare services;
II. Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust for a sum of up to £2,791.08;
III. Leisure Service - Open space/play/sports facilities contribution towards St Chad's Park and/or Callowbrook Park based on the sum of up to £55,346 (£48.97 per sqm);
IV. Monitoring fee (estimated at £2,173.83);
V. Waste and recycling (bins) – £3200:00;
b) that delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure to agree the final scope and detailed wording and numbering of conditions; and
c) that the developer provides a ‘Residential Welcome Pack,’ as detailed in the preamble above.
Supporting documents: