Agenda item

Affordable Housing Briefing


The Strategic Housing Services Manager addressed the Board.  The briefing note had been prepared for the Overview & Scrutiny Board on the delivery of affordable housing in the District and covered the definition of affordable housing, number and size of the affordable housing delivered, housing register information and affordable housing need and future delivery.


Following the detailed report members thanked the Strategic Housing Services Manager.  Having reviewed the report members made the following comments:


·       Had provisions for independent living been considered for younger children and the disabled?  Members were advised that Worcestershire County Council and Bromsgrove District Council both funded supported housing for young people through the Foyer scheme run by St Basils.  It was also explained that the Council were working with registered providers to have homes adapted to enable people to remain in their homes.


A further point was raised concerning young people leaving care provision.  Members had previously raised the potential of having care provision included at the new Burcot Lane site.  The Strategic Housing Services Manager undertook to review the matter further.


During discussions the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing and Strategic Housing offered to organise a visit to St Basils if Members were interested.


The Chairman requested a further explanation of the Foyer scheme.  Members were advised that the scheme was a twenty-four hour support service for young people, run through St Basils, and provided interim accommodation and support services for young people.  Staff provided the skills necessary for young people to live independently, such as learning how to manage their own home and to provide aid with employment opportunities. 


Members sought further details on the utilisation of Spadesbourne Homes to deliver private rented and affordable homes, helping to balance the housing market on Council owned land.  It was advised Spadesbourne Homes was a Council owned housing company leasing privately rented properties.


Discussions continued with a query raised regarding residential development of 200 dwellings being liable for a minimum 40% Affordable Housing contribution.  Members queried why that in the Local Plan it stated “up to”.  Members suggested it should read “minimum”.  It was explained that issues with site viability sometimes hindered this suggestion.


A point was also raised concerning Bromsgrove Council owning 30% equity in 109 Low-Cost Housing units. The owner could either purchase the 30% off the Council or sell on the open market at 100% of open market value and repay the Council the 30% share.  Members queried why the Council did not maintain the 30% and sell the 70% at market value to be used for affordable housing provisions.  Members also asked what the Council used the 30% equity for?  It was explained a report went to Cabinet which set out the scheme and included in the report the that a 30% equity be ring fenced for affordable housing.  Members were also advised that within the Service Plan, provision would be sought to provide grants to registered providers.


Discussions continued concerning the number of social stock owned by different providers in the area.  Members expressed their view that if a provider only owned a small amount of stock, that the level of support and service may be considerably less compared to Bromsgrove District Housing Trust (BDHT), who owned a considerably larger proportion of stock.  The Chairman felt there was no substantial evidence of this suggestion.  The Strategic Housing Services Manager added that the Housing Department had not received any complaints concerning this.  Members were also reassured that all housing stock companies were monitored and regulated through the Regulator of Social Housing and the Housing Ombudsman.  It was suggested that the Council contact providers in order to potentially discuss  stock rationalisation.


Some Members felt that since reviewing the report fully, it did seem to suggest that the Council were not narrowing the gap for the provision of affordable housing, adding concerns that the average cost of a home in Bromsgrove was unaffordable.  Members agreed affordable housing did need to be reviewed and was a substantial issue.


RESOLVED that the briefing on Affordable Housing be noted.


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