Agenda item

To receive and consider a report from the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Partnerships

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item; no longer than 10 minutes for  presentation of the report and then up to 3 minutes for each question to be put and answered.




Councillor K. J. May presented the report for part of her portfolio, Strategic Partnerships.  Council was advised that governance, which was another issue within the remit of the Leader, had not been addressed in this report as this had been the subject of a Portfolio Holder Annual Report to Council from a former Cabinet Member presented earlier in the calendar year.


In presenting the report, Councillor May clarified that the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP), the Bromsgrove Partnership, was a non-statutory and non-executive partnership comprising a membership representing local organisations.  The operation of the partnership was based on good will and recognised that many organisations could not deliver on their priorities without the co-operation and support of other bodies based in the District.  There was no specific funding attached to the work of the partnership, which comprised both a board and theme groups.


During the Covid-19 pandemic, it had been anticipated that the partnership groups would not need to meet.  However, in reality, the partnership had continued to meet throughout the pandemic, in a virtual setting.  This had provided partner organisations with an opportunity to discuss how to handle various challenges that arose in that context.  In addition, the partnership had been invaluable in collating information required by Worcestershire County Council for the countywide Here to Help service.


In the Corporate Peer Challenge that had been undertaken at Bromsgrove District Council in 2023, Bromsgrove Partnership and partnership working had been highlighted as an outstanding feature of the Council’s work.


There were lots of officers and partner organisations that had contributed constructive work in a strategic partnership environment and thanks were extended to all parties who worked with the Council in respect of this matter.  Particular thanks were extended to the Bromsgrove and Redditch Partnerships Managers and the Bromsgrove and Redditch Partnerships Officer for their hard work.  In addition, the current Chairman of the Bromsgrove Partnership, the Chief Executive of Bromsgrove District Housing Trust (BDHT) and the Vice Chairman, a representative of Act On Energy, were thanked for their hard work.  Council was advised that Councillor May was a member of the Bromsgrove Partnership Board, representing Bromsgrove District Council and Councillor S. Webb was also a member of the Board, representing Worcestershire County Council.


Minutes of meetings of the Bromsgrove Partnership Board were being passed on to group leaders for dissemination amongst Members of their groups for consideration.  Discussions were held at Bromsgrove Partnership Board meetings about important matters impacting on the District, with an example highlighted of a recent discussion about the Government’s proposals in respect of Winter Fuel Allowance payments and how information could be disseminated to local residents.  Digital connectivity had also been discussed at a recent meeting with wifi connectivity challenges, particularly in rural parts of the District, having been highlighted.  Members were advised that mobile vans monitoring the wifi in rural areas had subsequently been operating in the District.


Once the report had been presented, the following points were raised during the consideration of questions from Members:


·             The approach from Aston University to the partnership in respect of Poverty Alleviation Research and how ward Councillors and Parish Councils could contribute and be consulted on this work.  Members were advised that this research was at an early stage, with further work to be undertaken, but Councillor May undertook to feed this request into that preparatory work for consideration as it was recognised that ward Councillors and Parish Councils could make a valuable contribution.

·             The impact that difficulties with digital connectivity could have on the ability of residents to book appointments with their GP Practices online and the further challenges encountered by residents who were not familiar with ICT. Council was advised that Age UK had picked this up as an issue to address and it was recognised that there were difficulties.

·             The issues with take up of pension credit and the opportunity for the Financial Inclusion Team to help promote this to eligible residents who were not currently claiming this support.  Members were informed that there was a need for signposting to support eligible residents.  Council was also informed that both Age UK and the local Social Prescribers worked hard to raise awareness and elected Members could help further in the context of their roles as community representatives.

·             The fact that the Worcestershire Health and Wellbeing Board recognised the Bromsgrove Partnership’s work as a strong example of partnership working.

·             The Health Bus that would be travelling around the District in due course and which would be in a position to help signpost residents to appropriate support in the community.

·             The source of the funding for the monitoring that was being undertaken in respect of digital connectivity in the District.  It was clarified that Worcestershire County Council would be funding the project, using grant funding.

·             The areas of deprivation within the District and the action that was being taken to address this.  Council was informed that the number of locations classified as areas of deprivation had decreased from three to one and the partnership was focusing on supporting people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) in that area.  The suggestion was made that UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF) could help to address this issue, in terms of funding initiatives that would assist with upskilling residents in that area.

·             The work that partner organisations could undertake in wards to help residents, including fire risk assessments undertaken by the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Fire and Rescue Service and the support NewStarts could provide to families moving into new homes.

·             The £750 support received by the Alvechurch Larder.

·             The data available in respect of the mental health of young people in the District and the extent to which Worcestershire Public Health was proactive in relation to this matter.  Members were advised that Mental Health services were under challenge.  The Public Health team monitored data and the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee could review the issue.  The Orange Button Scheme and the training available through this scheme was highlighted for Members’ consideration as part of this process.

·             The work of NHS 111 in respect of accepting mental health related calls.  This was recognised as an important step to increase accessibility to mental health services.

·             The contribution of Bromsgrove and Redditch CALC, which was represented on the Bromsgrove Partnership, and which found the work of the partnership to be really useful.

·             The e-newsletters that were regularly issued by the Bromsgrove and Redditch Partnership Manager to Members and the useful information about initiatives in the District that were highlighted in these communications.  Members were urged to take advantage of the opportunities promoted in these publications.



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