Having reconvened, Officers drew Members’ attention to the Committee Update, which detailed further comments from North Worcestershire Water Management, with the plans as listed, being removed from Condition 1.
A copy of the Committee Update was provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Officers presented the report and presentation slides, as detailed on pages 113 to 129 of the main agenda pack; and in doing so, highlighted that the application was for reserved matters approval, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. For the construction of 241 dwellings and associated works and infrastructure, pursuant to the outline planning permissions 19/00976/HYB and 19/00977/HYB (Cross boundary application with Redditch BC 24/00083/REM). Phase 5 Development Brockhill East, Hewell Road, Redditch, Worcestershire.
Officers highlighted that the consideration of the impacts of a development proposal was not altered by political boundaries and could not be considered in isolation. Members needed to consider the application as a whole, (not just that part of the development within its own administrative boundary) and come to a decision based upon that consideration. However, Members would only be determining the application in so far as it related to the administrative boundary of Bromsgrove. For reference, this related to land extending from the approved phase 6 north towards the area for phase 4. The proposed housing and green infrastructure areas were split between both authorities.
Hybrid applications 19/00976/HYB and 19/00977/HYB for up to 960 dwellings consisted of a full application for 128 dwellings accessed off Weights Lane, new public open space, drainage system, engineering operations associated works and an outline application (with all matters reserved with the exception of access) for the construction of the remaining dwellings.
Officers drew Members; attention to the ‘Proposal Description’ as detailed on page 103 of the main agenda pack.
The application sought a total of 142 market homes to be provided across the site to provide 30 (21%), two-bedroom dwelling, 51 (36%), 3-bedroom dwellings and 61 (43%) four bed dwellings. The proposals included the provision of 99 affordable housing units, which equated to 41% of the total dwellings proposed. As part of the proposal, mostly 2 storey dwellings were proposed. However, there were also some 2.5 dwellings incorporating dormers.
Officers further drew Members’ attention to the ‘Reserved Matters’ to be considered under this application, as fully detailed on page 103 of the main agenda pack. It was reiterated that the issue of external access had already been determined and approved.
The proposed layout of the Phase 5 proposals had directly incorporated the ideas of the Framework Plan and Design and Access Statement (DAS) into the layout by mirroring the suggested built form and incorporating areas of green open space along the ridgeline and SuDS basins.
Phase 5 had an average density of 42 dwellings per hectare, allowing for efficient use while being sensitive to the site's landscape and topography. This density is slightly higher than Phases 4 and 6. However, this density was not inappropriate, as Phase 6 was primarily larger, detached units. This density helped to assimilate Phase 5 into the wider site while maintaining its character.
Officers referred to the ‘Affordable Housing Provision’ and ‘Proposed Affordable Housing Mix – Phase 5’, as detailed on page 105 of the main agenda pack.
It was highlighted that the majority of Phase 5 was located within Bromsgrove and complied with the s106 Agreement criteria by providing 40.2% affordable housing (78 units). The developer had included a higher provision of affordable housing into this phase to address an under provision in Redditch approved under Phase 6.
With regards to ‘Housing Mix,’ the DAS required that building heights be primarily two storeys. This was reflected in the proposals, where primarily 2-storey dwellings mimicked local character and occasional 2.5- storey dwellings provided interest and focal points along the street scene.
Officers further drew Members’ attention to ‘Highways and Parking, as detailed on page 108 of the main agenda pack. The Highway Authority had been consulted, and several revisions were made to the plans to ensure the development was acceptable. As a result of these changes, WCC as the Highway Authority, had advised that it had no objection, subject to conditions.
As detailed in ‘Impact on Residential Amenity’ page 109 of the main agenda report. In relation to the construction phase of this phase of development, under condition 39 of the hybrid permission, a Construction Environment Management would be required prior to the commencement of the 5th phase.
In conclusion, officers explained that this was an allocated development site. The four reserved matters under consideration were found to comply with the relevant conditions imposed as part of the hybrid permission and to adhere to the masterplan, the principles of the Design and Access Statement, the District Plan and the NPPF. In the planning balance and taking account of material planning considerations, the development was acceptable and, subject to the conditions as set out on pages 110 to 112 of the main agenda pack. The Reserved Matters application was recommended for approval.
Members then considered the Reserved Matters application.
Members were curious if a current update was available on the number of dwellings constructed and the build out rate.
Officers commented that they were happy to take this question away in order to provide more detailed information. However, at the end of June there were 73 occupations on the hybrid phase and the Weights Lane work was now completed.
Members further referenced the original Conditions included within Outline Planning Applications 19/00976/HYB and 19/00977/HYB and sought reassurance from officers that these Conditions would be adhered to.
In response to the specific concerns raised by Councillor A. Bailes, officers took the opportunity to reassure Councillor A. Bailes and the Committee that the initial Conditions applied to applications 19/00976/HYB and 19/00977/HYB, were still robust Conditions and that the Planning Authority and WCC Highways would ensure that the Conditions were adhered to and completed with; and that officers would be monitoring this. It was not appropriate at tonight’s meeting, to replicate or reinforce Conditions that were already in place. Officers further agreed to provide Councillor A. Bailes with further information in respect of his questions about Conditions 35 and 38.
In response to further questions from the Committee, officers provided brief details on the affordable housing split between Bromsgrove and Redditch, site constraints for Redditch and overprovision in future phases. Officers further clarified that there was a joint s106 agreement between Bromsgrove and Redditch, which required joint signatories. This ensured joint working and to mitigate the requirements of the hybrid applications.
On being put to the vote it was
RESOLVED that the Reserved Matters application for layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping, be approved, subject to the Conditions as detailed on pages 110 to 112 of the main agenda pack.
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