The Application had been brought to the Planning Committee for consideration at the request of Councillor A. Bailes, Ward Councillor.
Officers drew Members’ attention to the Committee Update, whereby one objector had requested that their comments be withdrawn. One objector had added additional comments to their original response. Other comments made by Alvechurch Residents Association about the conduct of the Applicant, were not addressed as it was not a material planning consideration. Worcestershire County Council Highways had provided an update; and the planning officer’s response was also included.
A copy of the Committee Update was provided to Members and published on the Council’s website prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Officers presented the report and presentation slides, as detailed on pages 81 to 97 of the main agenda pack; and in doing so, highlighted that the application was for the refurbishment of the existing building and extension to accommodate new bed and breakfast accommodation (Use Class Sui Generis).
The Conservation Officer had confirmed that there would be neutral impact on the significance of the Conservation Area, and that the proposals would not harm the significance of the nearby listed buildings.
The proposed extension would measure approximately 6.4m high, 12m deep and 15.4m long. The extension would include 20 bedrooms with a connecting corridor into the main building. The proposed extension would include bedrooms at ground and first floor level.
The introduction of additional fenestration on the existing building alongside the alteration of existing openings was welcomed and an improvement to the overall design and appearance of the building. The proposed windows and frames to the existing building would be painted timber sash, with or without a restrictor. The proposed windows and frames of the proposed extension would be painted timber casement windows, with or without a restrictor, as detailed on the presentation slides on pages 91 and 92 of the main agenda pack.
The existing building was located approximately 2m from the boundary and approximately 18m from the rear of 1 Swan Street. The existing building was built at an angle to the gardens on Swan Street and therefore the distance between the boundary increased in a south-easterly direction to approximately 4m.
At present the site had 48 car parking spaces which would be reduced to 33 spaces (a reduction of 15 parking spaces) which was deemed to be acceptable to Worcestershire County Council (WCC) Highways as the development met the Streetscape Design Guide parking standards and was in a sustainable location.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Ms. L. Brown on behalf of Alvechurch Residents Association, who were in objection to the application addressed the Committee. Ms. C. McIntyre, the Applicant’s Planning Agent spoke in support of the application. Councillor T. Williams, representing Alvechurch Parish Council and Councillor C. Hotham (substituting Ward Councillor for Councillor A. Bailes) addressed the Committee in objection to the application.
Members then considered the application which officers had recommended be granted.
Members raised a number of questions with regards to the application being Sui Generis and not as they would expect - C1 (Hotel) Hotels, under the ‘Use Classes Order’.
Officers drew Members’ attention to the ‘Uses’ as detailed on page 67 of the main agenda pack which stated: -
‘The existing use of the site as a social club/public house is Sui Generis. The proposals would be ancillary to the main use. There is no proposed reception area shown on the proposed floor plans, the accommodation is only accessible through the members bar area, there are no other facilities used exclusively by paying guests of the accommodation and the general activity associated with the coming and going of customers staying at the premises would not be markedly different from the existing use. The inclusion of accommodation is a traditional function and accepted as an ancillary use.’
Some Members raised further concerns in respect of the proposed reduction in car parking spaces. The proposal was for 28-bedroom bed and breakfast accommodation with 33 car parking spaces being retained. Members questioned if this were sufficient, as there would also be 2 bars being visited by different people other than those using the bed and breakfast accommodation. If functions (parties) were held there 33 car parking spaces would not be enough. Anyone using the facilities would not want to park further away from the premises. There was a significant risk that the number of car parking spaces provided would be inadequate.
In response the WCC Highways officer commented that there was not another such premises for comparison, so C1 (Hotel) was appropriate for Highways to use. There would be 33 car parking spaces in total and a further 72 spaces available within 300m of the application site. There were double yellow lines around the proposed site and vicinity so there would be no displaced parking.
Members raised the question about staff using the car parking spaces and larger delivery vans accessing the site and parking. The WCC Highways officer confirmed that the staff car parking requirements were included within the car parking standards. Staff may live in the area or use public transport. With regards to delivery vans, this was not usually a recommendation or condition from Highways. There was no request from the applicant and no evidence that large vans would be using the site to park.
Members further questioned using C1 (Hotel) and asked if the application were for a pub, how would that be assessed?
The WCC Highways officer stated that the application had been assessed as C1 (Hotel) due to the bedroom numbers.
The Development Management Manager reiterated that the application had been assessed as C1 (Hotel) category which was the best fit.
Other Members commented that they agreed with the concerns raised by some of the Members with regard to insufficient car parking spaces, no accessible car parking provision and no EV Chargers being provided. Members further highlighted the comments made by the public speakers in objection to the application, and as detailed in the report a total of 134 objections had been also received. The site sat on a bend, and this could prove dangerous with delivery vans, or laundry vans backing into the site.
In response the officer referred to Condition 14 on page 78 of the main agenda report, which stated that: -
‘The Development hereby approved shall not be occupied until the parking and turning facilities have been provided as shown on drawing 1132-07G’.
The officer further explained that there would be 2 accessible car parking spaces, as detailed at Condition 17 on page 79 of the main agenda report. The provision of EV Chargers was now the remit of the Council’s Building Control department and was not a planning consideration.
It was noted and queried that Alvechurch Sports and Social Club was listed on the Councils’ Register of Assets of Community Value. Officers confirmed that as detailed in the report it was nominated and accepted onto the register as of 23rd September 2022. Officers drew Members’ attention to page 66 of the main agenda pack ‘Asset of Community Value’ (ACV).
The Chairman briefly explained that this was not a planning consideration and the Council’s Legal Officer stated that this did not stop a planning application from being submitted to the Local Authority, it enabled the local community to purchase the building should it come up for sale.
The Chairman then referred to the Recommendation, as detailed on pages 75 to 79 of the main agenda pack, with no proposer or seconder, and Members having expressed their concerns an Alternative Recommendation for refusal of the application was proposed and seconded.
The Charman took the opportunity to remind Committee Members to be mindful in providing concise and valid planning reasons for refusing the application.
Members then took the opportunity to further discuss and agree their main concerns and reasons for refusing the application.
On being put to the vote it was
RESOLVED that planning permission be refused for the following reasons: -
a) The proposed development would, by reason of insufficient car parking have a consequential displacement of vehicles to the public highway, resulting in a severe residual cumulative impact upon the surrounding road network; and
b) The existing building was at odds with the historic and architectural character of the Alvechurch Conservation Area. The proposed extension would, by reason its overall design, bulk, scale and massing, cause an unacceptable visual impact on the Alvechurch Conservation Area.
At this stage in the meeting the Chairman announced a short comfort break.
Accordingly, the meeting stood adjourned from 20:04 p.m. to 20:10 p.m.
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