Agenda item

WRS Revenue Monitoring April - March 2024 and the Annual Return


The Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Resources Finance, Bromsgrove District Council (BDC) and Redditch Borough Council (RBC), introduced the report and in doing so drew Members’ attention to the Recommendations as detailed on page 23 of the main agenda pack.


The report covered the period April to March 2024.


Members were informed that the detailed revenue monitoring report, as attached at Appendix 1 to the report; showed a projected outturn deficit 0f £1.2k, this represented 0.03% of the actual budget and was mainly due to the slight extension of agency staff for food law enforcement work following engagement with the Food Standards Agency.


Other items for Members to note were: -  


·       Agency staff costs were being incurred due to backfilling of staff working on other contractual work e.g., food recovery programme, contaminated land and work for other local authorities, these costs were covered by vacant posts and income generation.


·       The bereavements 2023/24 outturn figure to be funded by partners was £44,685 as per below:                                


                     Bromsgrove District Council         £10,187

                    Malvern Hills District Council        £3,007         

                      Redditch Borough Council           £17,203   

                    Worcester City Council                 £13,794

                    Wychavon District Council           £495


·       The pest control 2023/24 outturn figure to be funded by partners was £14,795, as per below: -


Redditch Borough Council           £7,215

Wychavon District Council            £7,580 


·       Appendix 4 to the report, detailed the income received 2023/2024, and included the Worcester City Council, taxi unmet demand surveys.


·       Appendix 5 to the report, included the Pay Award for 2023/24 and the stray dog van total.


Members were informed that for several years, the Board had agreed to reserve a portion of the service’s underspend to enable the service to purchase three replacement Dog Warden vans. However, due to the time elapsed and the fact that the purchase was made directly, there was a small shortfall on this reserve of £3,325 still to be funded. It was therefore requested that this shortfall be funded from the Worcestershire Regulatory Services general reserve, as detailed in the Recommendations on page 23 of the main agenda pack.


In response to questions from Members with regards to the costs of the Technical Officer for Gull Control, Worcester City Council, the Technical Services Manager, WRS; explained that the Technical Officer was employed part time and part of the costs included a Gull Control Strategy for the City Council’s area. Gull control management included an extensive programme of nest, egg, and chick removal in the city centre, supported by deterrent hawking, disturbance tactics and gull proofing measures. This Gull Control Strategy was now a nationally renowned strategy. All work had to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the licences issued by Natural England, who would only issue such licences where relevant evidence on issues created by these protected species could be provided.


RESOLVED that the Board


1.1           notes the final financial position for the period April – Marrch 2024,


1.2           approves the 2023/24 deficit of £1,198 to be funded from the Worcestershire Regulatory Services general reserves, and


1.3           approves the additional spend of £3,325 on dog vans to be funded from the Worcestershire Regulatory Services general reserves.

Supporting documents: