Agenda item

24/00416/S73 - Variation of Condition of 4 of planning permission 14/0408 (Residential development comprising the erection of 26 dwellings - Outline Application (including details of Access, Layout, Scale and Appearance)) to substitute plots 13-16 with alternative house types. Land Rear, Algoa House, Western Road, Hagley, Worcestershire. Mrs. R. Crann.


Officers presented the report and the presentation slides, as detailed on pages 60 to 65 of the main agenda pack.


Officers highlighted the proposed changes as part of the amendment to the approved scheme, as detailed on page 53 of the main agenda pack; and as follows: -


·       Proposing to swap the SL1 and SL2 dwelling types on plots 13-16 which are stepped units with a one storey bungalow appearance at the front which step down to the rear. To a more standard house type which does not require a stepped unit design for these dwellings.

·       Reconfigured access and parking arrangement for plots 13-16.

·       Minor changes to the elevational treatment.


Officers further explained that a section 106 Agreement (S106) was completed for the application. The legal agreement was worded such that, if a s73 consent was granted (such as this application), the obligations in the S106 legal agreement (such as affordable housing, education, off site open space, etc) shall relate to the new s73 consent. This was specified in Section 17 of the agreement. Therefore, a supplemental deed/new legal agreement was therefore not required in this case.


Officers drew Members’ attention to the Recommendation, as detailed on page 54 to 57 of the main agenda pack.


Members then considered the application which officers had recommended that planning permission be granted.


Officers responded to questions from the Committee and in doing so, clarified that there had been no changes to the layout of the trees. Conditions under the previous consent would be replicated and any adoption of the roads or maintenance of the trees would be up to the developer to submit. Highways, Worcestershire County Council (WCC) might not adopt the trees, but a Condition could be included to maintain the trees.


Councillor A. Bailes raised a query regarding a Condition that Highways, WCC, had included within their comments to Application 14/0408, as follows: -


‘Residential Welcome Pack


The Development hereby approved shall not be occupied until the applicant has submitted to and had approval in writing from the Local Planning Authority a residential welcome pack promoting sustainable forms of access to the development. The pack shall be provided to each resident at the point of occupation.


REASON: To reduce vehicle movements and promote sustainable access.’


Officers explained that this Condition had been omitted in error but could be incorporated into the application should Members be in agreement.

With Members agreeing to add an additional Condition (Condition 16), it was


RESOLVED that planning permission be granted, subject to Conditions 1 to 15, as detailed on pages 54 to 56 of the main agenda pack; and an additional Condition, as detailed in the preamble above.


·       Condition 16 – that the Development hereby approved shall not be occupied until the applicant has submitted to and had approval in writing from the Local Planning Authority a residential welcome pack promoting sustainable forms of access to the development. The pack shall be provided to each resident at the point of occupation.


Reason: To reduce vehicle movements and promote sustainable access.

Supporting documents: