Agenda item

Joint Countywide Flooding Scrutiny Report


The Chairman welcomed Mr. Jordan (Democratic Services Manager from Worcestershire County Council) to the meeting.  It was explained that unfortunately, the Task Group Chairman, Councillor M. T. King from Wychavon District Council, was unable to attend.


Members considered the Joint Countywide Report on Flooding in detail.  Several comments were made and questions were raised relating to a number of issues including: riparian ownership; enforcement and prosecution; recommendations coming out of the Pitt Review; flash flooding; drainage responsibility; flood defence measures; roles of County Council, District Council and Parish Councils; responsibilities of other agencies such as Severn Trent, Environment Agency and Highways Agency; inconsiderate motorists; emergency planning and sustainability; clearing and maintaining ditches and culverts; role of elected Members; and Gold Command.


The Chairman was particularly interested in the issues surrounding riparian ownership which ranged from householders being unaware they were riparian owners to certain locations where it seemed impossible to establish riparian ownership.  It was understood that this was an area which had been difficult for the Task Group to address.


It was explained that the Task Group was conscious not to duplicate the 90 recommendations coming out of the Pitt Review.  However, some had been identified and highlighted within the Scrutiny Report to provide a strategic overview and others were picked out to give a ‘local flavour’.


It was stated that approximately £7.5m had been spent on remedial work by the County Council but there was a concern that there were many people who were still unable to move back into their own homes following the floods in 2007.


Issues relating to establishing Gold Commands were mentioned.  It was understood that it was often difficult to predict the weather, however, it was agreed, that Gold Commands needed to be set up early as possible. 


There was a brief discussion on the future role of Councillors and it was suggested that ‘Gold’ representatives should include an elected Member to enable them to provide community leadership and to help cascade information to local residents.


It was stated that advice was sought from the District Council before ditches or watercourses were cleared.  However, it was pointed out that such work was not always necessarily the best solution as it could potentially cause flooding problems elsewhere.  Therefore, it was important to ensure such work was co?ordinated.  It was also confirmed that enforcement action could be taken by the District Council under the Local Government Act 2000.


Flood defence measures were discussed.  With regards to sandbags, it was confirmed that the District Council was not legally responsible to provide sandbags.  It was pointed out that sandbags slowed the flow of water rather than prevent water entering a building and there were also issues regarding the length of time sandbags could be used due to water contamination.  It was stated that the advice generally given was that is was vital for householders to prepare for such an occurrence (for example taking up carpets, ensuring power points are higher and so on). 


There was a concern regarding resource implications and officers stated that they were currently investigating sustainability in relation to drainage engineers in this Council and Redditch Borough Council. 


It was mentioned that a flood leaflet had been produced containing relevant information, including an out of hours emergency number, which could be circulated to Members.


In relation to the problem with flood barriers for Upton not being stored locally, it was reported that the Environment Agency was looking into a permanent solution.


It was pointed out that there was a need for effective communication between all agencies and it was stated that it was hoped Worcestershire would be better prepared in the future.  It was stated that the Task Group would reconvene for a review in 12 months time.



(a)    that the Executive Director – Partnerships and Projects be requested to consider the financial and other implications in relation to the recommendations and report back findings at the Scrutiny Board Meeting on 27th January 2009 and the Overview Board Meeting on 3rd February 2009;

(b)    that, subject to the outcome of (a) above, the Joint Countywide Report on flooding, including recommendations be approved in principle;

(c)     that the Executive Director – Partnerships and Projects be requested to circulate the leaflet produced relating to flooding; and

(d)    that during its review, the Task Group be requested to investigate the possibility of elected Members being appointed as ‘Gold’ representatives to assist them in providing Community Leadership.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet be requested to consider the following at its meeting due to be held on 4th February 2009:

§      the Joint Countywide Report on flooding;

§      the financial and other implications relating to the recommendations being put forward; and

§      that the views of the Overview Board and Scrutiny Board be taken into consideration, including (d) above.

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