Agenda item

To receive and consider a report from the Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing, Health and Wellbeing

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item; no longer than 10 minutes for  presentation of the report and then up to 3 minutes for each question to be put and answered.




Councillor S. Webb, Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing, Health and Wellbeing, presented her report to the Council and thanked Council officers for their hard work and contributions.


Members of the Council asked questions about the report and the following were the main items raised:


·       Whether councillors could be involved in events which supported social prescribing; the Portfolio Holder undertook to ask the relevant team to notify all members when such events were taking place so that they could support them if they wished

·       In response to a question, Councillor Webb confirmed that the Primary Care Network (PCN) funded the social prescribing activities

·       In response to a request from Councillor B. M. McEldowney the Portfolio Holder would supply him with a list of the agencies which could refer to social prescribing activity

·       A member pointed out that the Bromsgrove PCN did not cover the whole District and asked which organisations were responsible for the remainder of the area.  Councillor Webb responded that the Bromsgrove PCN covered 77,000 of the total population of 99,600.  Currently, whilst it was understood that social prescribing activity took place throughout the District, data was not yet available beyond the Bromsgrove PCN.  The Portfolio Holder and Leader of the Council, who also held the Wellbeing portfolio for Worcestershire County Council, were pursuing obtaining all relevant data

·       When homes at the Burcot Lane development would be occupied.  The Portfolio Holder reported that the final stages of the legal process were being carried out and the homes should be occupied in a couple of months’ time.  In response to a further question, Councillor Webb reported that the properties were being marketed by Oulsnam Estate Agents and that two had been sold so far.  Where rent was payable, this would be set by Spadesbourne Homes

·       Another member asked whether there had been any issues with the houses being built at Burcot Lane; the Portfolio Holder responded that any issues should be picked up during the build, but there was also a 12 month window for snagging issues

·       Councillor R.J. Hunter asked whether details could be provided by type of the accommodation brought onstream as a result of Section 106 agreements.  Councillor Webb undertook to provide this detail separately to him

·       Councillor Hunter also asked whether the Council could learn from details about the current housing waiting list to refine its housing offer.  The Portfolio Holder responded that the current housing waiting list was 3,707 and she would provide a breakdown by category to Councillor Hunter outside the meeting

·       A member referred to the property prices in Bromsgrove and sought the Portfolio Holder’s views about the current 40% affordable housing target for greenfield and 30% target for brownfield sites.  Councillor Webb responded that the targets were national policy

·       In response to a question, the Portfolio Holder undertook to arrange a visit for Councillors to the Lifeline Service

·       Councillor Webb also undertook to ask the Starting Well Service to circulate details of the various events and initiatives undertaken by it to all members, so that they could get involved as appropriate

·       The Homes for Ukraine project had been well received but a member expressed concern that as it seemed very likely the conflict in Ukraine would continue and current visas and BRP cards (Biometric Residence Permit) were due to expire at the end of the year, this could cause difficulties for the continued provision of housing.  It was suggested that the Home Office as the responsible Government Department should be approached to address this issue

·       In response to a query from Councillor S. R. Peters, Councillor Webb would send him the latest homelessness and Council housing waiting list data once it was available.


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