Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Plan Tranche 1 2024/5 to 2026/7 (following consultation)


The Interim Section 151 Officer presented the MTFP 2024/25 to 2026/27 Tranche 1 report for Members’ consideration.


Cabinet was reminded that this report had been considered in draft form in November 2023.  The report had then been subject to consultation, although no feedback had been received from the public.  Following publication of the report for the consideration of Cabinet, the need to make adjustments to the fees and charges for WRS had been identified.  These fees would therefore be updated and issued in a supplementary pack for consideration at the Council meeting.  However, it was proposed that the majority of fees and charges in other service areas should be increased by 7 per cent.


The Local Government settlement had been confirmed by the Government in late December 2023.  District Councils were due to receive a 4 per cent settlement and the Government was assuming that lower-tier authorities would increase Council Tax by 3 per cent.  Clarification had also been provided that planning income could increase by 25 to 30 per cent.  The full implications of the Government settlement would be addressed in the MTFP 2024/25 to 2026/27 Tranche 2 report.




1            Council endorse the inputs into the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan as at the start of October 2023, and the associated risks and opportunities.

2            Council note that these inputs have been used, along with the 2023/24-25/26 Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) agreed by Council in February 2023, to project an initial “gap” to be closed.

3            An initial Tranche of savings proposals, as set out in Section 3.12 - 3.25 and the associated Savings Proposal Document in Appendix A, as published on the 14th November 2023, and considered by Cabinet in January 2024, be approved at Council on the 24th January 2024.

4            Fees and charges are increased by 7% as part of this process.

5            Commercial fees and charges, as set out in Appendix F are approved.

6            Council note that Tranche 2 of this process will add further information such as the Local Government Settlement to give a final financial position for the Council.


RESOLVED to note that Council already approved in December the Play capital works for 2023/4 and their addition to the Capital Programme.



Supporting documents: