Agenda item

Statutory Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2023

A background paper for this item,  the polling district review guidance 2023, has been published in a separate Background Papers pack for this meeting.



The Committee considered a report which set out the results of the consultation and the findings of the Electoral Services team to the formal review of Polling Districts and Polling Places. The consultation had run between 2nd October to 13th November and all submissions and summaries had been recorded in the appendix to the report. 


Members had previously supported a light touch approach to the review, since there would be a need for a further exercise following the County Council electoral boundaries review, which was due to be finalised in the summer of 2024, and again after the review of the District Council electoral boundaries. 


Most of the submissions received had expressed satisfaction with the current polling districts and the polling stations within those. It would not be necessary to republish the electoral register unless the Committee considered there should be changes to the polling districts.  If there were any changes, these would be in place for the PCC elections on 2nd May 2024 and before that if there was a by election.  It was noted that the ARO was asked to comment in response to the consultation and the interim ARO, Mrs Hanley, had supported the suggestions from the committee and officers.


Details were set out in the report of the 3 areas where requests for change were received:


Polling District COA Cofton Hackett

Proposals had been received to move from the ‘old’ to the new village hall because of access issues.  Following a visit to the new hall, officers supported this proposal and the Committee endorsed the change.


Polling District ALB Beoley

A complaint had been received about election posters being displayed at a property adjacent to the village hall on polling day.  This was not relating to the polling place, so no change was proposed and the Committee agreed to this.


Polling Districts ASA (Aston Fields North), ASB (Aston Fields South), SSA (Slideslow South) and SSB (Slideslow North) – St Godwald’s Church Hall A submission had been received objecting to the use of St Godwald’s church hall as the polling place for two District Wards.


The Committee had previously agreed to trial an alternative polling place from Finstall First School.  Due to Covid the first opportunity to use St Godwald’s Church Hall as a polling place for Aston Fields and Slideslow was in May 2023. At the election, polling staff handed a short questionnaire to voters at random regarding the polling place and future options for polling. Of the 146 responses received, 87% were happy with the polling place and over 49% would use it in the future, although some issues were raised about parking. Over a third (37%) would like to see the polling place return to Finstall First School.


A member expressed the view that the polling station should move back to Finstall First school because of the parking issues at St Godwald’s.  He pointed out that whilst the use of school premises at short notice could cause issues, the dates for the majority of elections were known in advance so officers could plan with the school in good time to minimise disruption.  Officers reported that whilst concerns had been raised about the use of the First School as a polling station, Government policy was that schools could be used as they were publicly funded community facilities.  However, the District and County Councils tried to avoid the use of schools as far as possible because of potential disruption. Officers were investigating the Salvation Army Hall as an alternative polling venue in Aston Fields for electors in that area, which could relieve some of the pressure on parking at St Godwald’s.  They would report back at a future meeting once they had more details.


Whilst noting the concerns expressed about the use of St Godwald’s and the parking issues, members generally considered the accommodation was suitable and the suggestion to revert to Finstall First School was not supported by the Committee. 


A member asked whether health and safety checks of polling stations were carried out routinely.  The Electoral Services Manager responded that these were being carried out prompted by actions taken during the Covid pandemic, to review how the polling stations worked, and following the Elections Act 2022 which required accessibility to all polling stations to be reviewed.  Health and Safety officers were working through all the polling stations.  This was supplemented by forms completed by polling station staff and Inspectors at each election.  


In response to a query from a member, Officers would check accessibility at the Hopwood Polling station and report back to the next meeting.


A member queried the fire egress risk referred to in relation to the portable building at King George’s Close, how this was being addressed and any implications for future use of this facility.  Arising from this, the Committee asked the Electoral Services Manager to check whether the risk was site specific or related to the use of portable buildings generally and what risk assessment/mitigation measures could be put in place.


A member referred to Lowes Hill ward and how some electors in All Saints Place had to go to Barnsley Hall to vote whilst others went to All Saints Church.  The Electoral Services Manager suggested that this could be addressed when the ward boundaries stage of the District electoral boundaries review was carried out and this approach was supported by the Committee.




a)    that the final proposals in respect of Polling Districts and Polling Places, as contained in Appendix 1 (as amended), be approved; and 


b)    that the decisions of the Committee in respect of a) above take effect from the date of poll any election/referendum held or on publication of the revised Register of Electors.

Supporting documents: