Agenda item

23/00869/REM - Resubmission of Reserved Matters Application of Phase 1 (21/01626/REM), 149 residential units on land abutting Stourbridge Road/Perryfields Road, which is in line with the Outline Planning Permission for 1,300 dwellings (application reference 16/0335) allowed at appeal under reference APP/ P1805/W/20/3265948. The Reserved Matters application seeks consent in line with condition 1 for detailed matters of appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale. Land At, Perryfields Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd


The Chairman reminded the Committee that as detailed in the Officer’s report, that the application before them was a resubmission of the Reserved Matters Application; and that this was an allocated development site and that outline planning permission with the Reserved Matters of Access had been allowed on appeal in 2021.


Therefore, for consideration by Members at tonight’s meeting was the Reserved Matters Application which sought consent in line with Condition 1 for detailed matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.


Officers drew Members’ attention to the Committee Update, which detailed additional comments submitted by The Bromsgrove Society and the technical comments submitted by the applicants Highway Consultant in response to the issues raised by The Bromsgrove Society. Additional information in respect of minor drainage detail matters, and that North Worcestershire Water Management were satisfied with the details submitted. The applicant had submitted a briefing note which was distributed to all Planning Committee Members on 27th October 2023.


Officers presented the report and the presentation slides, as detailed on pages 36 to 66 of the main agenda report.


Officers reiterated that the current planning application was a resubmission of planning application 21/01626/REM. The Phase 1 development would take access from the proposed signalised junction with Stourbridge Road connecting via a new proposed spine road.


The section of the spine road relevant to this planning application had been designed in accordance with the principles agreed as part of the outline planning consent set by the Planning Inspectorate; and that the required 20mph design speed had been achieved through appropriate horizontal alignment, as referred to in the Transport Statement (TS) submitted for application 23/00869/REM.


Members were reminded that planning application 21/01626/REM was considered by the Planning Committee on 3rd July 2023 and that the application was refused, for the reasons as detailed on pages 23 and 24 of the main agenda report.


It was noted that Worcestershire County Council, had recalled the concerns raised by Planning Committee Members in respect of the previous application (21/01626/REM). WCC Highway Authority had now acknowledged that the supporting TS submitted by the applicant, for application 23/00869/REM, had provided an overview of transport matters and had sought to address the specific issues raised by Planning Committee Members during the meeting held on 3rd July 2023; as detailed on pages 28 and 29 of the main agenda report.


Officers referred to the ‘Active Route Corridor’ and the comments received from Active Travel England (ATE), as detailed on pages 30 and 16 respectively; and that ATE had recommended approval of the application (23/00869/REM).

Members were further reminded that a total of 149 dwellings were proposed in this phase generally comprising of 2 storey dwellings, however, 6 No. bungalows were proposed and 10 No, dwellings would be 2½ storeys incorporating dormers.


Officers drew Members’ attention to the Relevant Planning History, as detailed on pages 22 to 23 of the main agenda report.


The outline planning permission was allowed on appeal subject to a condition that the Reserved Matters would be in accordance with the indicative development area parameter plans. The plans approved as part of the outline application included detailed plans for the access arrangements/improvements for Stourbridge Road, Kidderminster Road and other nearby roads indicated for highway improvements.


The approved plans also included parameter plans that showed indicative details of the access and movement of the potential development. The Access and Movement Plan showed a ‘main movement route corridor’; as shown on pages 38 to 40 of the main agenda report.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. J. Gerner on behalf of The Bromsgrove Society addressed the Committee in objection to the application. Ms. G. Johnson, the applicant’s Planning Agent and Mr. M. Axon, the applicant’s Highway Consultant, addressed the Committee on behalf of the applicant.


Members then considered the Reserved Matters application, which officers had recommended be approved.


Officers responded to questions from Members with regard to the comment received from ATE in respect of separate footpath provision and cycleway with equal widths preferably wider than 1.75 m for each route. Officers clarified, that as detailed on page 15 of the main agenda report that, the designer had accepted the findings and that a 3.5 metre wide shared use path would be provided.


Members raised some questions on highways issues, the 20mph limit and the Access and Movement Plan, with regard to traffic on Perryfields Road, Stourbridge Road and Kidderminster Road.


At this stage in the meeting, the Chairman took the opportunity to remind the Committee that as she had stated at the beginning of the report; Members were being asked to consider the Reserved Matters application which sought consent for detailed matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale; and reiterated that the outline planning permission was allowed at appeal by the Planning Inspectorate.


It was noted that as detailed on page 15 of the main agenda report Mott MacDonald had reviewed the evidence presented in the revised Reserved Matters application for Phase 1 of the Perryfields development; and that this was undertaken to consider the highway related reasons for refusal of the previous application, by Planning Committee Members at the Planning Committee meeting held on 3rd July 2023.


The Worcestershire County Council, Highway Officer and the Development Management Manager (BDC / RBC) commented that the outline planning permission was subject to significant scrutiny by the Planning Inspectorate at appeal; this had included consideration of traffic movement and highway safety and that the Planning Inspectorate had deemed it acceptable and that there would be no traffic impact on Bromsgrove or impact on the highway.


In response to the concern raised by Mr. Gerner on behalf of The Bromsgrove Society about the spine road not being suitable for buses and HGV’s; officers confirmed that the road was suitable for both.


Officers further commented that the section of the spine road relevant to this planning application had been designed in accordance with the principles agreed by the Planning Inspectorate; and that the slight curvature of the road would make the development more attractive, giving the houses a better outlook.


Officers further responded to questions from the Committee with regards to the shortfall of 2 affordable dwellings on Phase 1 of the scheme. Officers reassured Members that, as stated on page 27 of the main agenda report, the developers had clarified that the shortfall would be made up in the next phase of the development.


RESOLVED that the Reserved Matters application be approved subject to: -


a)    delegated powers be granted to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure Services to agree the final scope and detailed wording and numbering of Conditions, as set out on page 33 of the main agenda report.

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