Agenda item

To receive and consider a report from the Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Climate Change

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item; no longer than 10 minutes for  presentation of the report and then up to 3 minutes for each question to be put and answered.




Councillor S.J. Colella, the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Climate Change, introduced his report.  In doing so he referred to the Leisure and Cultural strategies that had seen a strong set of deliverables throughout the District and had built strong bonds within communities.  The launch of the Cultural Compact’s first major participation campaign, ‘ReNEW’ in the North East of the District was a particular highlight.  The culture and heritage days had also been very successful.  He thanked all the officers for their hard work and commitment in supporting such activities.


Since the Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and adopted the climate change strategy in 2022, officers had been working to support achievement of the Council’s carbon reduction targets.  The Council worked in partnership with other organisations, residents and businesses on this.  Councillor Colella referred to the carbon literacy training for Members being arranged for January 2024 and urged as many members as possible to attend. Additional finance had been obtained for the Council via grants which helped to support initiatives.


The following were the main items raised during this item:


·       Further information was requested about the health intervention activity, especially relating to multiple sclerosis support, and an update was requested about cross departmental working supporting the launch of the youth service.  The Cabinet member undertook to respond to Councillor Rone-Clarke outside the meeting on these queries.

·       Whether carbon reduction could become a strategic purpose and reference to ‘adapting’ could be changed to be more robust.

·       Whilst the improvement on the government’s net zero target of 2050 by including 2040 was welcomed, it was suggested this should be set at 2030 to support achieving carbon neutrality.  The Cabinet member responded that the situation was fluid but this was a clear corporate target.

·       When the Climate change working party last met and whether this was the most appropriate vehicle for reviewing implementation of the Council’s Carbon Reduction action plan.  The Cabinet member responded that it last met prior to the elections in May 2023; he considered the issue would be better embedded by holding Cabinet member drop-in sessions open to all to provide opportunities to broaden members’ knowledge.

·       When the play audit was due to be brought to Councillors and whether there would be any commitment in the budget for improvements. The Cabinet Member responded that the position set out at the previous Council meeting under discussion of a Motion on Notice still remained and a report would be brought forward to members in February 2024.

·       When the improvements at the park at the junction of New Road and Ford House Road would be completed.  The Cabinet Member responded that the length of the project would be dependent on contract arrangements and the weather conditions.

·       A member asked for details of membership of the Ryland Centre Advisory Group.  The Cabinet Member advised that representatives from Bromsgrove School, Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire, the Chair of the Wellbeing Theme Group and relevant District Council officers attended this.

·       A member sought clarity about the playing pitch strategy and how it was compiled.  The Cabinet member reported that the assessment was carried out on both Council owned and other pitches, such as those run by Parish Councils, to identify any gaps in provision.    Where a lack of facilities was identified then these could be addressed through planning applications as appropriate.

·       The Cabinet member undertook to give details outside the meeting to Councillor D. Hopkins about how the £35k Arts Council grant to support the Cultural Compact in North East Worcestershire would be allocated.

·       The view was expressed that focus and drive needed to be applied to the Carbon Reduction Implementation Plan and if the Climate Change Panel did not continue there was a risk this would be lost.   The Cabinet Member commented that any changes to governance would need to be considered by the Constitution Working Group initially.  When the new Climate Change Officer had been appointed the Cabinet Member would pick up the current strategic targets and any additional targets brought forward with officers.

·       Whether there were any plans to hold roadshows for residents to demonstrate how they could contribute to carbon reduction.  The Cabinet Member responded that the Council had used Act on Energy to give advice in the past but agreed to pursue the suggestion as a way of engaging the community.

·       Whether the Sanders Park Lights Trail could be held earlier in the year to avoid the busier festive period.  The Cabinet member responded that this possibility could be explored.

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