Agenda item

Recommendations from the Constitution Review Working Group

Due to the length of the full Constitution Review Working Group report, the covering report only has been included in the main agenda pack. The full length report, including appendices, can be accessed in the Supplementary Papers 1 pack.



Councillor C. Hotham presented the report of the Constitution Review Working Group, which covered 5 areas: Planning reform, Audit, Standards and Governance Committee; Policy Framework; Councillor non-attendance and Questions on Notice.


Councillor Hotham suggested that since the recommendation relating to the Audit, Standards and Governance Committee about reducing the quorum for its meeting was compiled in the previous Municipal year, Council might seek the advice of the current Chairman of the Committee as to whether the proposed change to the quorum was necessary. Councillor Nichol agreed that the quorum should remain at 5, and it was agreed by the proposer and seconder that the recommendation to change it would be withdrawn.


During discussion of this item, Councillors thanked officers from the Planning and Democratic Services teams for their hard work in supporting the Planning Committee generally and during the external review carried out by the Planning Advisory Service (PAS). 





1)    Meetings of the Planning Committee should be live streamed;


2)    White nameplates should be used at meetings of the Planning Committee for Councillors;


3)    The Chairman should introduce all the officers present at the start of Planning Committee meetings;


4)    A review should be carried out of the content of officer reports to ensure that they are proportionate to the size and complexity of the proposal being determined;


5)    Members of the Planning Committee should continue to be offered the choice to either access agenda packs for meetings electronically or in paper form;


6)    A greater number of spare copies of the supplementary packs containing the update reports should be made available for the consideration of the public at meetings of the Planning Committee, with clarification provided to the public that copies will be made available on a first come first served basis to residents attending meetings in person;


7)    Where possible, members of the Planning Committee should provide Officers with prior notice of any technical questions relating to applications on the agenda;


8)    Refresher training should be provided on the roles and responsibilities of Planning Committee members;


9)    Appeal decisions and planning application performance should be reported to and discussed by the Planning Committee;


10) the Code of Practice – Planning Services, at Part 25 of the Constitution, be amended to require all Members to leave the room when they have spoken as a Ward Councillor on a Planning Matter, draft wording of the amendments proposed was contained within Appendix 1.  These amendments should be incorporated into the Constitution for ratification at Full Council;


11) the content of the Policy Framework be updated as detailed in Appendix 5 to the report;


12) the Chief Executive be delegated authority, as Proper Officer, to declare the office of Councillor vacant immediately after a person has ceased to be a Councillor where they have not attended a Council or Committee meeting for six months or more; and


13) the Council should undertake a trial allowing Members to ask supplementary questions at Council meetings during consideration of Questions on Notice.





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