Officers presented the report and in doing so highlighted that the application was for the demolition of an existing workshop/garage and the redevelopment of the site for mixed use, comprising of the construction of 9 dwellings and an office building with associated access and landscaping works.
Officers presented the presentation slides, as detailed on pages 27 to 48 of the main agenda pack.
The proposed site plan detailed on page 31 of the main agenda pack, was presented to Members and the following elements were identified.
The Access to the site as shown on page 44 of the main agenda pack was detailed to Members. Officers clarified that there would be marking on the adjacent highway to help mitigate congestion caused by vehicular access to the site. Officers further clarified that the main agenda pack detailed the marking to be yellow box hatching, however, following further consultation with Worcester County Council (WCC) Highways, it was agreed to change this to “keep clear” markings.
Officers informed Members that the acoustic fence and orientation of the proposed office blocks were used to mitigate the noise pollution to the proposed residential properties, the efficiency of the proposed acoustic measures were detailed on page 45 of the main agenda pack. The measures would reduce the noise reaching the residential properties to acceptable levels. Officers further explained that the acoustic boundary treatment measures would be behind the existing retaining wall, a CGI image highlighting this was shown on page 48 of the main agenda pack.
The Committee then considered the Application.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. S. Stojsavljevic, the planning agent, was invited to speak in support of the application.
Members queried the lack of Section 106 contributions for NHS Hereford and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and WCC Community Transport. Officers informed Members that for contributions to be requested it had to be demonstrated that they were both specific and justified in relation to the development proposed, and that for this proposal, that requirement could not be satisfied.
The following points were clarified after questions from Members:
Members sought clarity on the Section 106 requests made by WCC Highways for community transport. Karen Hanchett, WCC Highways, replied that a contribution towards community transport would assist the elderly/vulnerable including transport to medical appointments.
Members further discussed the transport links with the site and stated that the only bus service (number 202) did not travel past the community hospital, therefore, the contribution requested for Community Transport would be justifiable and Members requested that the contribution be accepted for the application.
RESOVED that delegated powersbe granted to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure to determine the full planning application following:
(a) The expiry of the consultation period on 18 September 2023 and in the event that representations were received, that delegated powersbe granted to the Head of Planning, Regeneration and Leisure, in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning Committee, to assess whether new material considerations had been raised, and to issue a decision after the expiry of the statutory publicity period accordingly;
(b) Subject to the Conditions as outlined on pages 20-25 of the main agenda pack, with the revisions as detailed on page 3 and 4 of the Committee Update Report; and
(c) The provision of an appropriate legal mechanism to secure a contribution of £2070 towards Community Transport.
Supporting documents: